Most likely a easy question to my answer.


Active Member
So my baby is about 2 weeks old. Do u think its just smarter to transplant her into the final pot. I mean b4 I transplanted 2-3 times. But I think it would be less stressful for the plant and less hassle for me. Thanks again.

Sorry the thread should read most likely a easy question 2 answer
Absolutely, if a transplant is even necessary.
What is your final size your going for as far as plant height, and how big are your pots now?
My babies are still pretty young about 15 days old :) they are in small pots just to start out about 5-6 inches big, but I wanna transplant them into maybe 1-2 gallon pots. Less stress for the plant less hassle for me :) n I was gonna let them veg for a month or so see how big they are then flip to 12/12 but will maybe let them veg a little longer
So my baby is about 2 weeks old. Do u think its just smarter to transplant her into the final pot. I mean b4 I transplanted 2-3 times. But I think it would be less stressful for the plant and less hassle for me. Thanks again.

Sorry the thread should read most likely a easy question 2 answer
...if you pot seedlings up into large pots you will be asking for trouble, at 2 weeks old they don't have much of a root system to speak of so when you water even a 1 gallon pot it will stay wet too long and likely cause stress similar to overwatering.

...believe me son, you are not the first to look for a way around the hassle of potting plants multiple times but you set yourself up for failure if you look for ways to cut corners, as a noob you don't know enough to know which corners are safe to cut.

...i'm assuming you are growing in soil and not some soilless medium like coco and if that's the case then i wouldn't be looking to up pot my seedlings for at least another week, you want them strong before you move them. need to do some more research bro, there is an assload of data on this point if you go looking for it.

peace, bozo
So my baby is about 2 weeks old. Do u think its just smarter to transplant her into the final pot. I mean b4 I transplanted 2-3 times. But I think it would be less stressful for the plant and less hassle for me. Thanks again.

Sorry the thread should read most likely a easy question 2 answer

I plant my seedlings directly into 5 gallon pots and have no issues. Starting in tiny pots or cups is pointless (don't believe the hype!).
...i thought i'd share some pics. ...first i grow in coco so it's a little different than soil.

...anyway, here is my clone/seed start box and up top you can see cups with temporary 'humidity' domes taped above, those hats come off as soon as the seed emerges from the coco.


...and here is a shot that shows a few clones to the left and some newly popped babies to the right.

justanotherbozo-526247-albums-cabs-picture2822555-dsci0037.jpg it's mostly the babies.


...and time for up potting.


peace, bozo
Thank boZo. That's exactly why I asked the question. I have read around and looked all over and asked a whole bunch of ppl and some say its ok and some say its not. I was worried that it might be to young to transplant so I will deff wait another week or so :)
I plant my seedlings directly into 5 gallon pots and have no issues. Starting in tiny pots or cups is pointless (don't believe the hype!).

Lol that's what I mean I've heard a lot of ppl doing the same as you with little to zero problems. But I'm still a beginner so ill wait a bit longer till the root system is stronger then transplant. But when I do transplant it will be deff into something way bigger so I won't have to transplant again :)
Lol that's what I mean I've heard a lot of ppl doing the same as you with little to zero problems. But I'm still a beginner so ill wait a bit longer till the root system is stronger then transplant. But when I do transplant it will be deff into something way bigger so I won't have to transplant again :)

It's all good, just to me it seems a lot more stress on plants when you keep repotting them. I start in rapid rooters and as soon as they are an inch or two tall, into the 5 gallons they go. Good luck on your grow and I hope it's all dank!
In my opinion there is no reason not to transplant into a larger pot now. If the plants are outgrowing their present pot, and have a decent root system there really is no reason not to. Use the same soil type in the larger pot, let your small pot almost dry out so the plant doesn't loose all the soil during transplant. You do not water the new pot until the entire pot is wet, just water around the plant itself until it is large enough to deal with a full watering of the pot. I make 1 transplant for the reason you stated, shock to the plant, and I like as much unrestricted root growth as possible. I have always done it this way, with no issues. Peace
IMHO, planting in the final pot will slow down the growth for the first 2 weeks, but once it gets roots established it's back on schedule

I started the seedling in rockwool then as soon as the roots showed i put it into a 11 litre hempy bucket , it grew to be a decent size


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IMHO, planting in the final pot will slow down the growth for the first 2 weeks, but once it gets roots established it's back on schedule

I started the seedling in rockwool then as soon as the roots showed i put it into a 11 litre hempy bucket , it grew to be a decent size

How much did u yield of that chick? Lol