most invetive smoking devices you ever made


Well-Known Member
What is the coolest crazyest most creative smoking device you ever made or imagined mines was a glass jar with a special case that has liquid around a a a hallow center where the jar fits you freeze the case put the jar (with bowl and tubes fitted in the lid) in the center of the case the frozen liquid will cool the glass or water (if you choose to put some in the jar) as you light an hit and the best part of it is it's easy and your lungs will be a little happier with you


Active Member
Mine would be the knife hit mouth piece I made from a 2 liter, cut away the lid and the bottom quarter, put ice in the bottom and cut pores into it then pin the top half quarter back on and it makes a filter for your knife hit smoke which otherwise would be devastating.


Well-Known Member
Mine was while in the military I took my issued pen and used one half of the pen as the pipe and the silver seperater and pen spring as a bowl and screen. Was a great one hitter :hump:


Well-Known Member
i made an excellent home made bong out of a bong slide, a bottle, a piece of 6 in pvc pipe and a glass steamroller, shit was dope.

the steam roller ended up being the bubble piece in a 5 gallon grav bong

the craziest invention i still own is a sick gas mask bong, but it eats a whole bowl pack in one rip


Active Member
mine was kinda lame but im not really a bong engineer so it was a simple bong made from a sobe bottle i learned how to make it from youtube i still have it and it works better than any other piece i own :P