most efficient/strongest way to smoke?

As soon as you take an open flame to marijuana you have immediately wasted some cannabinoids, no matter how you do it.

Most efficient? a GOOD vap. With a good vap the only cannabinoids that are lost are the ones that get "stuck" in the bag or the whip and yet these can mostly be recovered through scraping.
A lot of people do not believe vaporizers to be most efficient but that is usually because they are using it wrong or do not know that you can "re-vape" your greens once and even twice depending on how hard you vape it the first time.
I am a very regular, long-time toker and I know how long a typical bag lasts me and the duration has doubled since I switched from a bong to a vape. It has been quite some time since I took a flame to weed, and I don't miss a damn thing about it. After suffering a punctured lung due to emphysema(from smoking) it was my only choice to switch to a vap and it has not only saved my poor lungs but has saved me mucho $$$.

Strongest way to smoke? Bubblehash, honey oil or Budder in a vaporizer with a bag attachment (such as the Volcano or Extreme vaporizer).
1. "Fill bowl"
2. Heat vap to 200 degrees Celsius (aprox. 400 F)
3. Fill bag at lowest fan speed stirring your herbs in 15 second intervals (or so)
4. Take big ass hit
5. Hold it till you turn blue
6. Enjoy being fucked:blsmoke:

If you are using a near pure substance(good budder is 99+%) you should end up with no visible remnants when you are done.

P.S. I see some people seem to think it is not harmful to inhale "burnt" butane because of the simplicity of the molecule. This is highly incorrect. Inhaling any form of combusted carbon based molecules is harmful, no matter how you spin it. Just thought i would clear that one up.


Active Member
As soon as you take an open flame to marijuana you have immediately wasted some cannabinoids, no matter how you do it.

Most efficient? a GOOD vap. With a good vap the only cannabinoids that are lost are the ones that get "stuck" in the bag or the whip and yet these can mostly be recovered through scraping.
A lot of people do not believe vaporizers to be most efficient but that is usually because they are using it wrong or do not know that you can "re-vape" your greens once and even twice depending on how hard you vape it the first time.
I am a very regular, long-time toker and I know how long a typical bag lasts me and the duration has doubled since I switched from a bong to a vape. It has been quite some time since I took a flame to weed, and I don't miss a damn thing about it. After suffering a punctured lung due to emphysema(from smoking) it was my only choice to switch to a vap and it has not only saved my poor lungs but has saved me mucho $$$.

Strongest way to smoke? Bubblehash, honey oil or Budder in a vaporizer with a bag attachment (such as the Volcano or Extreme vaporizer).
1. "Fill bowl"
2. Heat vap to 200 degrees Celsius (aprox. 400 F)
3. Fill bag at lowest fan speed stirring your herbs in 15 second intervals (or so)
4. Take big ass hit
5. Hold it till you turn blue
6. Enjoy being fucked:blsmoke:

If you are using a near pure substance(good budder is 99+%) you should end up with no visible remnants when you are done.

P.S. I see some people seem to think it is not harmful to inhale "burnt" butane because of the simplicity of the molecule. This is highly incorrect. Inhaling any form of combusted carbon based molecules is harmful, no matter how you spin it. Just thought i would clear that one up.
I agree completely except I take my vaporized weed and burn it again through my bong. Its like recycling but then again im not using the vap for health reasons. Just to simply get fucked up. :mrgreen:
Yeah until I started a thread about it I thought I was the one that thought that shit up LOLbongsmilie
great minds think alike :blsmoke:


stoned minds think alike :blsmoke:


I agree completely except I take my vaporized weed and burn it again through my bong. Its like recycling but then again im not using the vap for health reasons. Just to simply get fucked up. :mrgreen:
This is what really surprised me with my vap. Not only was I using a healthier alternative to smoking but I was getting as fucked up as i was when I was just a young chap. I remember the first vape hit i ever had. I was so fucking stoned I had to call up one of my original toke buddys' and tell him about it. He said he hadn't heard me so medicated since back in the day.

And I'm telling you, as someone who suffers from multiple lung problems, a vap is the way to go. Just don't be cheap and buy some chinese crap knockoff or the outdated BC vaporizer.


Well-Known Member
Glass Knives with hash! Def the most effecient way. .01 and your toasted.

But i enjoy smoking blunts the most..
God yeah bluntttss.

I just kicked that habbit, I have been on em hard over a year and couldnt get stoned on anything else (maybe it was partly cuz of the shitty weed i was buying) but this week I started on my new bong and Im off blunts for good. I dont wanna use tobacco shit with my premo weed.

This is my new bong, got the ice chamber on it, haven't tried ice yet.bongsmilie


id have to say a gravity bong is my fav, first time use a gravity bong was with 8th northern lights and 8th ak47 great and easy ha, iv made da waterfall bong before on accident lol screwing around N firgured it could work


by far the best, most efficient way to get high is with oils and a skillet/swing set up on a bong or hash bowl on a bong with using a herb iron or hemp wick

Medical Grade

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how is it always people with one post resurrect the OLDEST threads possible? how do they even find them? it's like they enroll on our web site, and the goto the forums, and think to themselves "might as well start from the begining! "