dont eat it its a waste and dont kick in quickBest is a vap or eating.I don't see how you could get more thc with a bong.Smoke passes through water(obviously filters a bit).Smokin js gets more thc then a bong.smoke passes through the bud straight into youre mouth.I don't care what has been shown or done to prove otherwise.Hell a glass/metal pipe or even a cig bat gets more then a bong.I like bongs,but theyre not worth it imo.I hit out of some of the best out theyre.But I will never pay that fuckin much for a bong for pigs to take away if I ever happend to get caught.
interesting..............for most ppl it's the opposite.bongs dont work for me and i hate wen my throat starts burning to the point where i wana cry
but thats cuz i only pak with mids
i always roll dank in blunts!!!
exactly...Best is a vap or eating.I don't see how you could get more thc with a bong.Smoke passes through water(obviously filters a bit).Smokin js gets more thc then a bong.smoke passes through the bud straight into youre mouth.I don't care what has been shown or done to prove otherwise.Hell a glass/metal pipe or even a cig bat gets more then a bong.I like bongs,but theyre not worth it imo.I hit out of some of the best out theyre.But I will never pay that fuckin much for a bong for pigs to take away if I ever happend to get caught.
im just a bitch wen it comes to burning sensationsinteresting..............for most ppl it's the opposite.
just smoke dank in bong and u shouldn't have a burning sensationim just a bitch wen it comes to burning sensations
how do u figure eating weed is a waste when u get 100% of the thc in the bud, but when u smoke outta a bong u don't get even close to that much, sure it takes longer to kick in, and u have to eat more, but the high is much more intense and much longer.hands down bong gets u fuckin ripped out of anything... ive hit personal vaporizers... 300 dollar ones.... doesnt do anything... prolly cuz it was a personal hand held... blunts/joints do waste weed... same with eating.... pipes/bubblers are ok.
but you cant compare anything to a buck shot from a nice foot long glass bong.
no, do rising sunshines instead, set up the gb on da floor, milk it, rip it, then stand up as quick as u can, repeat until desired effects are achieved.My burnout friend showed me this one. it gets you fucking ripped. the tequnice works better with bongs and heavy shit, but you can use whatever. take a fatty hit, and then suck in a little bit. then, put ur hands on top of your head, and, still holding it in, stand up. then breathe in a lot. it gets you fucking blazed and lightheaded. when my friends do it they ususally fall back down on the![]()
word! that or make an apple pipe for shits and giggles, god I love those every now and then.most effective way to get high with out wasting alot of weed....... thats easy....fake ciggarette one hitter, you get a green toke every hit =) hold hit as long as possible. list man. Rite now i think bongs are the best but a bong i made was hittn so smooth i was breathin in an extreme amount of smoke. fucked with my heart last night lol. i wanna try baked goods and im sure if i did it wuld be my new favorite ive heared good things about itEating Buds: I've eaten a gram straight before when I was already high and it may have added a little bit on top but I wouldn't do it again.
: Rolling a few pinner joints (.3 grams of bud) usually works for me and doesn't waste to much. The only down fall is that if no one is hitting it smoke is drifting off into the air so the fatter the joint the more that is wasted.
Blunts: I love to smoke a good dank blunt but like joints if it isn't being hit then it is being wasted. Also I don't smoke tobacco so when I take a sharp hit coughing my balls off isn't fun.
Bowls: Probably the most common way I smoke it doesn't waste as much as joints but it still wastes a little when it is burning and no one is hitting it, covering the bowl can solve this if you have something to cover it. Usually gets me high but can also be harsh if you have a shitty pipe.
Vaporizers: I like vapes because once you vaporize your pot you can still cook with it or smoke whatever is left and it gets me off my ass. But like it was said before it is a different type of high.
Bongs (): My personal favorite way of smoking. Most people aren't going to agree but I like home made bongs and I don't really understand what people have against them. I have made 30+ bongs out of bottles, cans, hair dryers, computer parts, toy light sabers, etc. and they all hit smoothly and got me bakes. Obviously it is nice to have a glass bong and they work better usually but they break and then you are out money and that just sucks.
Eating Baked Goods: I have to think this is the best way to get stoned because all of the thc is absorbed into the butter and the butter is in your stomach and the thc gets released and taken in by your blood stream. I know I have had some pretty strong cookies that left me baked for atleast 6 hours.
Smoke however you want I prefer to smoke whatever I am in the mood to smoke and being relaxed definitely helps enhance your high so sit back turn on some nice jams and pass it.![]()
Thanks! list man. Rite now i think bongs are the best but a bong i made was hittn so smooth i was breathin in an extreme amount of smoke. fucked with my heart last night lol. i wanna try baked goods and im sure if i did it wuld be my new favorite ive heared good things about it