mosquito dunks in soil Q?


Well-Known Member
just picked up a few packs to try and control these fuckingnats i hate these motherfuckers!
ok .... so how exactly are they used and when should they not be used. Like i said i'm growing in soil. I've heard of people inserting the actual (crushed) dunks in the soil. I have a half dunk in a 5 gallon bucket. The ph hasn't changed at all so it's clear it's not acidic. Just curious how others use these, if they use these in their soil...


Well-Known Member
I've used Mosquito dunks before and they definitely work. The dunks will kill the fungus gnats in the larval stage, but will have no effect on the adult flying gnats. This is because Mosquito Dunks are a biological insecticide utilizing the Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) bacteria to infect and kill the larvae. This breaks the life cycle of the fungus gnat, and eventually the adults die off, and it'll be bye, bye fungus gnats.

Here's how I do it:
1) Crush up one mosquito dunk
2) Dissolve in a five gallon bucket of water for at least overnight.
3) Place the problem plant into the bucket (pot and all)
4) Let it soak for 10-15 minutes.
5) Remove.

This should start killing the fungus gnat larvae relatively quickly. If you want to get rid of the adult flying fungus gnats, get some yellow sticky traps. Another thing worthy of mentioning is to make sure that you don't over-water because an overly moist soil is the preferred environment for fungus gnats, since they only lay their eggs in wet soil. If you let your soil dry out a little in between waterings, this problem won't ever occur.

Builder's/Play sand spread over the top of the soil in a 1" layer will discourage fungus gnats from laying their eggs.


Well-Known Member
I've used Mosquito dunks before and they definitely work. The dunks will kill the fungus gnats in the larval stage, but will have no effect on the adult flying gnats. This is because Mosquito Dunks are a biological insecticide utilizing the Bacillus Thuringiensis (BT) bacteria to infect and kill the larvae. This breaks the life cycle of the fungus gnat, and eventually the adults die off, and it'll be bye, bye fungus gnats.

Here's how I do it:
1) Crush up one mosquito dunk
2) Dissolve in a five gallon bucket of water for at least overnight.
3) Place the problem plant into the bucket (pot and all)
4) Let it soak for 10-15 minutes.
5) Remove.

This should start killing the fungus gnat larvae relatively quickly. If you want to get rid of the adult flying fungus gnats, get some yellow sticky traps. Another thing worthy of mentioning is to make sure that you don't over-water because an overly moist soil is the preferred environment for fungus gnats, since they only lay their eggs in wet soil. If you let your soil dry out a little in between waterings, this problem won't ever occur.

Builder's/Play sand spread over the top of the soil in a 1" layer will discourage fungus gnats from laying their eggs.
thanks man! same advice i've read about. My problem is the adults ...i've been putting off going to homedepot to grab the sand.
thanks for the tip though .....I did exactly what you described last night.. It just seemed to make sense to dunk the whole pot in the bucket. I have yet to see results since i have so many adult gnats and they're gonna be next to impossible to get rid of em all due to my location. but thanks again.
One thing i notice about my gnats is .... I notice one of their favorite places besides the soil is in the crevices and cracks of my milk crates they my plants are elevated on. I've been attacking these bastards for days ......

thanks again for the advice ...rep my man


Well-Known Member
The dunks only control the larve somewhat . I for one tryed them and they are not an effective solution alone . You still have to kill the adults . Set traps and clean clean clean your room . A neem oil soil drench works better and quicker than dunks .


Well-Known Member
I like the bits put a half cup in 5 gal throw in a airstone and your nutrients and kill those babies, use alcohol and spray all the flyers first , its a instant kill. Then lastly cover pots with yellow sticky cards. I also use bmc microbe lift and the dunks all 3 together fuckin hammers them 10 drops a gal for bmc and a crushed dunk in a 5 gallon bucket if that donk work do dwc.


Well-Known Member
Yea fuck gnats, gnatrol is by far stronger than any of those but that shit is mad money but if u can get it its 32 percent bti dunks are 11 and bmc is 8 like the bits i think. But its good to use the different formulations. Also a top layer of perlite or dry rice hulls from organic mechanics.