Mosaic Virus

Yeah so, I'm pretty sure..almost positive my plants have this nasty little disease. I'm pretty bummed considering my plants are starting their 3rd week of flower. I had some thripes in the garden so I'm almost positive it's what they got them from. Also my house seems to have some Pirate bugs that have gotten hungry. We've been experiencing bites from them because they have eaten all the thripes. It's weird to think the garden created an ecosystem/environment of it's own for insects. I don't believe in eagle 20 or anything that causes harmful effects to people, so for now I have to deal with this deadly plant disease. Here's a pic of one of my leaves,

EDIT: Well before this turns into a huge argument thread, Could it be a Cal/Mag definency? I would much prefer that, I use GH 3 step cause Lucas formula fails(with green bottle it has a 6 K level, idk why people don't use it to measure out a good NPK) I use molasses, Bud XL, Vinegar and Baking soda for PH up and down and I use Clearex for flushes.)

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I thought I was paranoid, but my plants LOOK very healthy. A lot of these people also look like their plants have deficiency's, that's where mine differs. It also scares me I've seen thripes, I even have one stuck to my fly trap, do you really think I'm paranoid? Even with the blistering on the leaf.