morning glory


Well-Known Member
i been told dont eat these because they got a poison on them. my friend and me baught some from home depotmnet but he said there "fertilized" which means they don't poison it. we tripped for bout 3 days (kept taking them). he threw up one time and im fine. u think this is bad? or we got lucky


i been told dont eat these because they got a poison on them. my friend and me baught some from home depotmnet but he said there "fertilized" which means they don't poison it. we tripped for bout 3 days (kept taking them). he threw up one time and im fine. u think this is bad? or we got lucky

you tripped for 3 days and your brain is still intact? sounds like you got lucky :P


Well-Known Member
you should probably wash the seeds (rinse in a strainer or something) before you eat them if they come from home depot or something, could be coated with chemicals that will make you sick (sicker than the side effects of eating straight seeds).


Well-Known Member
what the hell is morning glory?
source wikipedia

The seeds of many species of morning glory contain ergot alkaloids such as the hallucinogenic ergonovine and ergine (LSA). Seeds of I. tricolor and T. corymbosa (syn. R. corymbosa) are used as psychedelics. The seeds can produce a similar effect to LSD when taken in the tens (around 20). Though the chemical LSA is not legal in some countries , the seeds are found in many gardening stores; however, the seeds from commercial sources are often coated in some form of pesticide or methylmercury to deliberately prevent people from eating them. [3] - these coatings are especially dangerous if one has a history of liver disorders and may also cause neurological damage.[4][5][6]