Morning Glory Seeds Anyone?


Active Member
When I was in thailand, my mate ed used to go to JJ market and buy morning glory seeds. He would grind em up, then stick em in a vodka mix, then mix until dissolved.

After he drank the shit hed be tripping for hours n think hes flying. I remember watching him n he was pretty spaced out.

The thing is though, I have never heard of these seeds anywhere else. And when my mate got them, they were completely legal. IN THAILAND.

So just wondering, is this what the seeds are called? Or do they go by something else.


Well-Known Member
Yep they're called Morning Glory seeds (you can also get Hawaiian baby woodrose which are bigger an u have to take alot less of). You have to get like 200 MG seeds for a dose. The active ingredient in them is LSA, a mild version of LSD.


Well-Known Member
Yeah they are legal in the US if thats where you are thinking about.

You can buy a ton from for cheaper than stores. DO NOT take the ones you can buy in the store. They have a chemical coating that is sprayed on it to prevent people like us from ingesting them.


Well-Known Member
yeah their legal but you best have a strong stomache if your not going to extract them. I've done it about 6 times never extracted them and threw up a bunch load each time even when I hadn't eatten anything I threw up what looked like my piss. Though use Hawiian Baby Woodrose they have 3.0% of LSA while Morning Glorys have only about 0.3%. Each time I took them I took about 10 grinded Hawiian Baby Woodrose seeds and tripped for about 3 to 4 hours. No hallucengenic effects but a big body buzz and once I heard seagulls when I was in my math class. Though don't go to the stores here in the states don't know about Canada or any where else but a lot of companys have toxic coating on the Morning Glory seeds to stop people from eatting them, though the coating can be removed by soaking the seeds in warm water for afew hours. You can swallow the seed dust whole if you like you don't need to put it in liquid. If your interested in doing LSA (Morning Glory seeds/ Hawiian Baby Wood Rose) you can order some HBWR off of best place I could find money wise and the seeds worked just fine for me. Though you really need an iron stomache to down these.... even thinking about swallowing them makes me spas out.

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
i have them growing all over my yard,the plant is like a vine and grows up a chain link fence like nothing else.we save the seeds for growing next year

i have like a half gallon of them in two years,i have never used them for getting high though