Morning Glories?

My friends and I were looking to trip on some morning glory seeds. We have about 400 seeds and we are trying to decide the best way to prepare them and a good number for how many seeds we each need for a good trip.


Well-Known Member
LSA isn't a good trip. Read some reports on morning glory seeds at erowid.
If you insist on it about 400 seeds seems to be a reasonable dose. If you're unsure if your seeds have anything on them be safe and rinse the seeds under running water for like 10-15 seconds, then pat them dry with a paper towel. Then grind them up in a coffee chopper. Then use about a glass of ice water and soak them for a few minutes. Then filter them and try to get back as much of the liquid as you can. Drink, realize it was a crappy experience and seek out some real psychedelics rather than a stupid thing for dumb teenagers to learn a lesson from.


Well-Known Member
I think thats a poor extraction method. I have never done this myself, i have heard bad things, and good things. The good things come from people that know extraction methods that I dont understand. One thing Ii read was that you should have a degree in chemistry before trying this. The bad things Ii hear come from the water extraction. Horrible feeling, muscles ache, nausea, head ache.


Well-Known Member
Don't do it. Been there, way too many times when I did not know about the alternatives.

Track down/grow some shrooms (google is your friend, read for a bit before asking any stupid questions (yes, there ARE stupid questions, I've asked lots of them).)

Or order some mimosa and pull some DMT, well worth it.

Either can be done never talking to a strange drug dealer who probably does not have your best interest at heart. You could have DMT in 2 days if you make the decision now. Shrooms in about 6 weeks.


Well-Known Member
LSA isn't a good trip. Read some reports on morning glory seeds at erowid.
If you insist on it about 400 seeds seems to be a reasonable dose. If you're unsure if your seeds have anything on them be safe and rinse the seeds under running water for like 10-15 seconds, then pat them dry with a paper towel. Then grind them up in a coffee chopper. Then use about a glass of ice water and soak them for a few minutes. Then filter them and try to get back as much of the liquid as you can. Drink, realize it was a crappy experience and seek out some real psychedelics rather than a stupid thing for dumb teenagers to learn a lesson from.
my experience with HBWS was very pleasant, it helped my mind clear and allowed me to meditate.. that was just my experience though ...


Well-Known Member
I think thats a poor extraction method. I have never done this myself, i have heard bad things, and good things. The good things come from people that know extraction methods that I dont understand. One thing Ii read was that you should have a degree in chemistry before trying this. The bad things Ii hear come from the water extraction. Horrible feeling, muscles ache, nausea, head ache.
As someone who has a degree in chemistry I beg to differ. The only reason to extract LSA is to hydrolyze it and react it with diethylamine via a peptide coupler or making an acid chloride. The pharmacology of LSA is quite different from from the alkylated amides.
LSA is not a teen-aged drug that sucks. The day after is quite horrid, that I can agree to, however the trip itself is fantastic assuming you have the correct mindset going into the trip. I did heavenly blues three different times, and only one trip went bad for a short time. I really enjoyed the effects myself. Some examples are as follows: I had some die-cast cars tacked to the wall which flailed and flapped wildly, because i had my fan aimed at them.(very cool) Early CEVs consisted mainly of a warp-speed tunnel i was flying through which had spinning neon-colored geometric shapes(2D and 3D) Peak CEVs were full blown hallucinations, and most things looked very cartooney open-eyed. All in all worthwhile despite the hangover.


Well-Known Member
There's much better drugs without the nasty side effects. Yes it can be trippy but most people dislike the pronounced sedative effects.
I promise i'm not trying to argue brother. I was just inputing. I will also note that less than 400 PER person seems pretty ineffective.. My best dose was about 650 seeds. My worst dose was about 1200 seeds, which was the bad trip.. My mom showed up at my house 6 in the morning(I took the 1200 at about 8pm) and she didn't like that I was tripping. Well, turns out she turned into a hideous demon-type monster, got all stout and muscly and grew big ole' scary twisting horns with bull nostrils. i'd recommend 600 for a good time, and 800 for introspection.