good question , i personally think its a shortage of sunlight that delayed the process a bit , but i know that sativas do take more or less that time , depending on how much sun it gets
ya dude i definitely agree, that plant is not getting enough direct sunlight, okay we all know that cannabis is a sun loving plant, and sativas especially since they originate from tropical regions. I guess the all i can say is keep her going, what else can you do really, i mean you have no where else to put the plant so your just gonna have to do what you can. I myself would really like to know if your gonna get any results from that plant.
I'm guessing the OP is done growing this plant, it's been three months since first posted (when it had already been flowering for 16 weeks), so it would be at 28 weeks right now. I sure would be interested in knowing the outcome of this little grow.