More stoned dogs: The unexpected consequences that will come from pot legalization


Well-Known Member
Mine love eating fresh leaf for some reason. They aren’t really a fan of dry flowers at all. Which is fine, unless a dog likes the effects I think it’s wrong to feed it to em just to “get your dog high.”

I mean I fed it to my old dog when he was in pain a few times, but it made him jumpy. He used to steal quarter sized nugs from the trim pile and then hold it between his paws and chew on it slowely lol. Loved the flavors just hated the high. I miss that dog...

My girl now got a fat half a 100mg sucker one time I had sat down. She didn’t seem to enjoy that much, lol.

My buddies dog was legit retarded, seizures and everything. That dog loooooved getting high. I went to his house and spent the last of my cash on a g to smoke on, sat it on the table and that fucker are it. I was sooo mad. Still was one of my favorite dogs that wasn’t mine.
He's more excited to get into the grow tent than I am....


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