More smaller plants vs. Less larger plants...


Well-Known Member
Let's say you have a limited space of 4'x4'x8', and you fill up this space with 16 plants, you veg for a month under a 400 watt hps...a grower is doing great if he/she is able to pull a gram/watt, right? And you have achieved this with your setup...

But if you wanted to achieve this with a smaller number of larger plants(let's say, 8 plants), you would have to veg them for a while longer, correct?

So, you would have the same results, but it would take longer from seed/clone to harvest with the smaller number of plants...

So, what makes planting less, larger plants, better than planting more, smaller plants??? (Other than it being more difficult to care for a lager number of plants...) Sorry, I'm stoned and thinking...



Well-Known Member
For me the reason i grow very few large plants is cause im not in a medical state and less plants = less charges.

Kodank Moment

Well-Known Member
How can something be "more smaller"? Or "less larger"? Haha. Giving you shit. I don't know the difference other then some people can only have say 6 plants so they need to be huge to be productive. People with a higher limitation can grow smaller plants. Bigger plants don't get the same light on lower buds like smaller ones do. Because of the canopy. There are a lot of pros and cons to each. Each serve a purpose as matter what though your getting good herb.


Active Member
Kodank said it best.
I just wanted wanted to chime in and tell ya that you crack me the hell up.

Between your avatar, the fact that you live in Guam, and your friendly, stoney way of shootin' the shit, I kinda picture you to be like Bob Marly.
Not to mention my husband's name is Bob. He was given a t-shirt one time that said "It's a BOB thing"

Hehe...heh....he doesn't wear it but...I guess it's funny if you're me and stoned, lol.


Well-Known Member
If you veg the plants longer, the plants have a bigger size. The bigger size filling the same canopy of light means less plants per canopy resulting in the same yield. 36 autoflowers or 4 big monsters in 5 gallon pots, its your call. As long as the canopy and the strain is identical, your 100% correct on scaling the plants veg time for amount you use. I'm at 9 pots per 1000w lamp now. Did 5 pots per 1000w lamp last grow and at 4oz per plant with a 1 month veg I still had holes in the canopy. 9 per and a 2 1/2 week veg seems appropriate for me now.


Well-Known Member
How can something be "more smaller"? Or "less larger"? Haha. Giving you shit. I don't know the difference other then some people can only have say 6 plants so they need to be huge to be productive. People with a higher limitation can grow smaller plants. Bigger plants don't get the same light on lower buds like smaller ones do. Because of the canopy. There are a lot of pros and cons to each. Each serve a purpose as matter what though your getting good herb.
"More" and "less" as in quantity, and "smaller" &"larger" as in size...haha...that last line is absolutely correct!!!
I just noticed your sig btw, funny as shit! They are a very wise pair of tits...keep it bouncin' homie!!!



Well-Known Member
Kodank said it best.
I just wanted wanted to chime in and tell ya that you crack me the hell up.

Between your avatar, the fact that you live in Guam, and your friendly, stoney way of shootin' the shit, I kinda picture you to be like Bob Marly.
Not to mention my husband's name is Bob. He was given a t-shirt one time that said "It's a BOB thing"

Hehe...heh....he doesn't wear it but...I guess it's funny if you're me and stoned, lol.
haha...idk, Bob is one of my biggest idols and inspirations for what I do!!! Thanks!



Well-Known Member
If you veg the plants longer, the plants have a bigger size. The bigger size filling the same canopy of light means less plants per canopy resulting in the same yield. 36 autoflowers or 4 big monsters in 5 gallon pots, its your call. As long as the canopy and the strain is identical, your 100% correct on scaling the plants veg time for amount you use. I'm at 9 pots per 1000w lamp now. Did 5 pots per 1000w lamp last grow and at 4oz per plant with a 1 month veg I still had holes in the canopy. 9 per and a 2 1/2 week veg seems appropriate for me now.
Exactly my point!
