More problems -.-


Well my biggest plant started doing some weird shit today. I just left them in the dark for 24hrs to kick start the flowering period. I turn the light back on and everything seems fine ,other than a few needing some water, but within an hour or 2 my big one started getting blackish grey spots and twisting and folding, leaves feel like paper too and its mostly top leaves the branches bellow and new growth look alright.. I did a little research and my guess is P but this is their first day into flowering. Cant be over watering cause I let them dry out good and its been a few days since I watered last.. and a few other plants getting worse as well. There is one for sure female and she just started yellowing at all the new growth sites.. haven't fed in a while due to ph levels being off and some started to burn.

This one's my female

Another one having some issues. Yellowing/burning edges

Po boy

Well-Known Member
if you hadn't mentioned it's been a while since it was fertilized, that's what i was going to say it is. hope someone can help out. GL
Looks like potassium deficiency and boron deficiency.. Boron is not absorbed well without enough potassium and nitrogen, or if there isn't enough moisture. You plant may also exhibit signs of a boron deficiency if the pH is too high or low. Flush your system with clean, pH'd water that contains about half the nutrients needed for the plant and watch to make sure that the problem clears up for new growth.


Ph differs between pots.. I'm having trouble keeping the ph stable.. The female with the yellow new grown has a ph of close to 7 but the bigger ones are down around 4.5-5.. How do I keep the soil ph balanced? Ph'd water just isn't doing it.
I think maybe buying a potassium supplement would work... adding it to the water every time you feed it .. and the ph would return to a stable point soon..