More confusion


Well-Known Member
When I was watching that Zoomer video yesterday, I thought I heard Alan Young say that plants couldn't be patented so pharmaceutical companies can't make money etc etc.

I was rereading the Statement of Defence and the gov states

36. There has been no application to HC to approve dried marihuana as a drug for sale under the FDA. As such, dried marihuana has never been approved for sale as a therapeutic drug in Canada and the safety and efficacy standards applied to other drugs for therapeutic use have not been met.

I understood that there was no reason to try because it couldn't be patented and therefor no profit.

They make it sound like they are being forced to poison us, yet they will allow us to use it. Doesn't that contradict their blither about keeping Canadians safe?

My mind is going 110 right now with questions...

Princess of Pot

Well-Known Member
It's also excluded from the food and drugs act
2. Marihuana is exempt from the application of the Food and Drug Regulations if it is

  • (a) produced by a licensed producer in accordance with the Marihuana for Medical Purposes Regulations; or
    (b) imported or exported by a licensed producer in accordance with an import or export permit issued under those Regulations.