moral speedbump....i guess

I have had the honor of caregiving for some loved ones before they left this world and I have a few more patients as well who will not be with me much longer due to aging and disease . It has been a very spiritual journey here seeing others find relief while changing there lives and my own for the better part but with this honor comes much heartbreak too . Loosing patients and being there in the last moments is really heavy on the soul .

I too have had my moments when I felt like a dealer with some folks but those people are easy to read and I adjust my mind set with them while I play mr dope dealer as I refuse to be taken for any ride by anyone . I prefer to be in control of the wheel if you know what I mean . There are no drug dealers out there who put the love and devotion into there meds and I refuse to have my meds put into a drug bracket so to say as even my head highs help those with mental illness nine out of ten times when it appears to be recreational .

Keep the meds flowing and sooner or later you ll find the connection and path you quest .. Best of wishes .........PotSnob

Well said and thank you for what you do for patients on a daily........

Mr B...... make sure when you meet with perspective patients always remember to be honest with them and yourself. Ask them to do the same and eventually you will find your fit.......... Good luck and good health my friend.......
Longtime toker here. I go through 1 oz a week and I smoke more than anyone else I know. If they are each going through 5 a month then they are selling some of it.
Anyone has or knows of someone that has cancer, type 2 diabetes, severe arthritis, should watch The Beautiful Truth:

Cancer is a DISEASE, not a virus and can be beaten, eradicated, and overcome if you are truly determined to live. Chemical dependence on the mass produced foods you eat from MSG, Maltodextrin, enriched bleached white flour, and GMO products are slowly eating away at the population.

Poison has two stings. Once on the way in of your body, and again on the way out.
Anyone has or knows of someone that has cancer, type 2 diabetes, severe arthritis, should watch The Beautiful Truth:

Cancer is a DISEASE, not a virus and can be beaten, eradicated, and overcome if you are truly determined to live. Chemical dependence on the mass produced foods you eat from MSG, Maltodextrin, enriched bleached white flour, and GMO products are slowly eating away at the population.

Poison has two stings. Once on the way in of your body, and again on the way out.
our sugar is brown(raw unbleached) our flour is brown and our salt is pink. all natural unbleached. vegies are from our garden eggs are from the coop in the yard and, our beef is grass fed and our milk is unpasteurized. we've drastically changed what and how we eat in our home over the last few years. look at the ingredient list on just about everything now. if you can't pronounce it, it's probably bad for you
and by the way i have no plans to stop helping but i may reserve a slot or two for the very truly needy only. thanks guys(gals) for all the encouraging words and would love to one day hang with y'all out side the interweb