mophoradite shit


Active Member
hey im pretty sure now that i got a poofter plant growing. hermopheridite. or wat ever. its the only tree in grow room so i dont care about it pollinating other trees. Its about 5 weeks into flowering, was just wondering if it will still grow big and heavy? i know form out door grows that they are a stronger smoke. I got the clone off of a mate who is experienced so i think it is something ive done wrong. heat stress i think. Some of the leaves have small splits in them and orange spots round some of the leaves. ive lifted the lights from 20cm to 40 now. 400watt hps


Well-Known Member
hey im pretty sure now that i got a poofter plant growing. hermopheridite. or wat ever. its the only tree in grow room so i dont care about it pollinating other trees. Its about 5 weeks into flowering, was just wondering if it will still grow big and heavy? i know form out door grows that they are a stronger smoke. I got the clone off of a mate who is experienced so i think it is something ive done wrong. heat stress i think. Some of the leaves have small splits in them and orange spots round some of the leaves. ive lifted the lights from 20cm to 40 now. 400watt hps
Are you really from the USA ?:mrgreen:

The buds gonna be seeded if it's a hermie man- it's not gonna be the best harvest ever and you probably won't get the yield you want but you will get some.Good luck.


Active Member
nah im an aussie. so ill have to bsh the seed out. whats the chance in the seed being any good? they should be poof to?


Well-Known Member
I believe seeds that are self fertilized by a hermi will end up being feminized and all the seeds will be female. So you could let it self pollinate and sell a bunch of female seeds.


Well-Known Member
also if you get seedy buds it is ok just clean it up and what you cant clean make hash and keefe.......thats what I did. It was awesome.