Moonshine anyone?


Well-Known Member
started making beer, then started looking into shine, and it's way easy. Anyone else ever dabble in the shine?


Well-Known Member
my family used to so it. there is a fair market up here in northern BC. good shine comes from Corn and the Beer is made in glass. Its distilled from a Stainless steel pot through copper tubing and a proper condenser (made from a 45 gallon drum and ALOT of copper pipe...)

their shine used to be 180~ proof. i only seen it over the last year or 2 it was up and running.


It's decently easy to make. I'll see if I can dig up a recipe for mash for you and there are plenty of plans online for stills. People will argue over stainless or copper being better, from my experence they are about the same, copper is much easier for construction but harder to clean. Oh and ONLY use "lead free solder" you'll be drinking this after all :mrgreen:

Ive got a double valve reflux still plan if you would like to check it out.


Active Member
I distill every once in a while, I have a stainless steel reflux/pot still I use. Never made moonshine exactly, but have made neutrals for absinthe and rum out of it. If it didn't take so long to make a run (mine runs about 15 gallon capacity and slow as hell) I'd probably run it more. I have some beer for whiskey that's been fermenting for weeks, only thing that stops me from running it though is that I still have rum aging in the barrel.


Well-Known Member
What's the illegal part about shine? I've heard its legal to have in your possession, but not to sell?


As far as legality I would say that's probably more of a local/state issue. Depends on where you live, I would say the best way to get a straight answer would be to call up your states alcohol or beverage commission.


Well-Known Member
In Canada, the provinces have control over the sale of alcohol. The primary consideration is that the province gets the taxes associated with the sale of alcohol. After that, everything is fair game.


Well-Known Member
The illegal part is not paying taxes on the sale as far as I know.
I've used a vacuum still to convert 95% EtOH to 100% EtOH a few times. Not something I recommend to the home stiller. 95% works just fine for consumption.


Well-Known Member
What's the illegal part about shine?
National USA and Canadian Laws regarding moonshine:
a Registered Tax agent MUST be present during the distillation.
a Registered Tax agent MUST be present during sale of the alcohol (as long as its government stamped...its OK... LOL)

it is illegal to distill (Make) and sell.


Well-Known Member
My big question is, how can it really be sold for 30-50 a gallon when you can go to the liquor store and get whatever you want? personally i dont believe for one second the people on the moonshiners show are "real" television is all scripted.

It just doesnt seem to be worth the hassle to make it for profit, now, if your talking personal consumption, then by all means, its great to create your own stuff. and the uses for good distilled alcohol go on and on...

Dank Hands

Active Member
Im pretty sure its mainly sold in places where alcohol is illegal. There are a lot of places even in the USA where alcohol is illegal and some of those places have a higher % of alcoholics.


Well-Known Member
My main interest in making moonshine is for the purpose of using it to create extracts. You can also make absinthe from moonshine as mentioned. I wouldnt worry about the legal side... just dont sell it or if you do dont get caught selling it. Youll never get a license to sell moonshine anyways so your not going to find a legal way to do it. Where I live theres nothing on the shelf over 50% alcohol(highest Ive ever seen is Sailor Jerries Spiced Rum from hawaii, at 46%)

You don't need a 45 gallon drum, you can do make moonshine with something smaller, just depends on how much your looking to make.

I'm just starting to get into all these fun hobbies, I plan to make a still for extracting Petroleum ether from naptha gas. Also another still for moonshine. I am about to start brewing beer, got all the gear I need exept a large enough pot for the brew but will have that in a few days. Going to grow some magic mushrooms, looking into DMT extraction(My package of Mimosa got confiscated by custums!). Gunna start a nice patch of poppies on my front lawn in the spring. anything else I should have on my list? It's going to be a good winter:bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
the big shinny red button syndrom

tell as many people as you want that pressing the red button is bad

someone is still going to do it


Well-Known Member
the big shinny red button syndrom

tell as many people as you want that pressing the red button is bad

someone is still going to do it
I don't think thats why people drink alcohol lol

maybe the first few times

but its true, I have that "syndrome"

I think in Canada or at least in Ontario it is illegal to own a still, might be the same in other places. Not sure about that