Moondance's Universe of Breeding

Looking really good man i have to get rid of my plants ... my slumlord cut my power and wter off yesterday so now im on a genny have to go to DCF and police today get this shit taken care of... he wants us out of this condemd house now that we paid his 3k in taxes this year for this property and he doesnt want anyone to know we are living here xD gona be a fun few weeks.
Fuck thats bullshit Dopaw13 sorry to hear that shit. I hope it all works out well, stick it to his ass, damn slumlords. MD
oh yeah man i had a guy that wants my plants but cant get them till the weekend i have to move them today in the next 7 hours or chop :*(
Good Morning Everyone how is everyone on this fine rainy day. I am doing okay I guess, I finally got some meds in the jar. Made up a good amount of MedAbles Oil, I made them in a few batches for different tolerances. Been having a blast reconnecting with family, never enough time in the day though lol. Watch who you try and help, I still havent learned that lesson. O yeah the intern tried fucking me over! Anyway new strains are popping up and the batch of moms is doing well, one of the Skunk Wrecked Widows reveg girls isnt happy might loose that cut. We have to get cleaning today the chamber needs a good scrubbing down before I expand the flower room. I am finally going to split the rooms completely by floor, It will make things easier I hope and more productive. Been busting ass and trying to keep up with everything but I cant do everything so I am going to bring in a partner this week to lighten the load on myself and get everything to the next level. I hope everyone is high and happy. Thank for Growing. Peace, Be Safe. Moondance


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Did you save them or did they get the chop? MD
had to chop so saddening but eh gota do what i gota do but they cant turn power on at the house until an inspector checks the place so i can move my stuff or go stay thier wth no power lucky my boss has a 26 ft tow behind rv he is letting me and montana stay in for now gota lawyer up sucks this hillbilly meth head of a landlord fucking me whenever he can. one of those people that you just want to punch in the face even if he hasn't said anything to you xD
fuck moondance im so sorry to hear the intern didnt work out man, fucking people just irritate the hell outta me sometimes. I hope you can find someone who you are able to trust, who isnt a lazy freeloader :) I really hate seeing good people always get screwed over, but you cant let it ruin your mentality when its meant to be it will be; and it will be so great!

@Dopaw13 sorry to hear about your whole situation but glad you made the right choice, you can always grow some more!
fuck moondance im so sorry to hear the intern didnt work out man, fucking people just irritate the hell outta me sometimes. I hope you can find someone who you are able to trust, who isnt a lazy freeloader :) I really hate seeing good people always get screwed over, but you cant let it ruin your mentality when its meant to be it will be; and it will be so great!

@Dopaw13 sorry to hear about your whole situation but glad you made the right choice, you can always grow some more!
Thank you dynospec, I am trying not to let it all get to me. I am slowly getting back on everything, I may phase a few things out for now till I get help in I can count on. MD
had to chop so saddening but eh gota do what i gota do but they cant turn power on at the house until an inspector checks the place so i can move my stuff or go stay thier wth no power lucky my boss has a 26 ft tow behind rv he is letting me and montana stay in for now gota lawyer up sucks this hillbilly meth head of a landlord fucking me whenever he can. one of those people that you just want to punch in the face even if he hasn't said anything to you xD

Damn Dopaw13 that is saddening news. I hear ya there I know a few people they dont even have to speak and you want to shove your fist through there head. Hopefully everything gets infinity better for you soon!
Good Damn Morning Crew! It took me 10 hours on Sunday but I got both rooms cleaned and reset, girls up potted, babies planted up, everything switched around. I had to wash and bleach everything before putting it back in but Its done for now lol. I have been so busy I cant see straight again which is not good. I put pics up after the computer and phone get together so have a great day all. Thanks for Growing, Peace, Be Safe! MD
Good Morning everyone how the hell are you? Trying to get everything done is a chore in itself some days, I am sorry I havent posted much in a while. The plants are doing fabulous finally lol, I mean the last run of Skunk Wrecked Widows is off the hook. We had to knock out the thrip issue, luckily they didn't do to much damage but getting rid of them was a bit of a pain in the ass. The Psycho Killer male is a fucking tree now lol, I cant wait to do the seed run. The female I ran died on me during re veg, so I will have to pop the rest of the seed pack and hope for 2 more males and a couple females. The medables oil is doing great for pain, most people are reporting that it melts the pain without getting them to stoned. So very workable that rocks. The OG Kush x Casey Jones x Qrazy Quake testers are looking really good, all have nice structure to them & thick stems. The Deep Blue x Sour Cherry are getting big too, I can't wait to flower this run. I also have Satellite Cindy in there too, plus I stepped the pots up to 5 gallon for this round to maximize production. I hope everyone is doing great. Peace, be safe! MD
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Hello all, I hope your doing good this fine morning at 420 am. I have been better I can tell you that, I will be alright soon enough. I am happy to report that the cist in my chest is now just a memory. I did two seperate rounds of RSO treatments, the first was a 60 gram over 60 days, and then halfway through the second round I got it to mostly expel from my body luckily under the nipple lol.
I flipped the chamber today woo hoo, all kinds of cool strain in there this round. Satellite Cindy look great, so do the Neon Creep #3 & 6, the Deep Blue X Sour Cherry has a great structure to it, should yeild a ton. So I went through and pulled out the Neon Creep #5 cause it is a monster of a bush, didn't want to cooperate with me. Looks like we have a few girls expressing themselves in veg with the Blue Snow Dog, that's helpful cause the chambers full lol. I cant wait to test out these OG Kush x Casey Jones x Qrazy Quake crosses, they looks amazing, tight node spacing, thick stems and very nice root growth too. The Plemon and Fireballs are re veged and growing well again, I am going to have to cut the bottom 1/3 off both their root balls soon so they can keep going and going and going lol, I love those cuts though. I need some more grow space I think I will make that move next. For now I guess I am moving a tent to the living room and flower away fuck it!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright all I hope your high and happy, Peace, be Safe! Moondance.
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Good morning all, damn I have been so busy lately with all the plants, cars and upcoming shop I havent had any time for posting. The 5 gallon girls in the vertical chamber are doing great, I pulled out the Smelly Cherry to give it more veg time. The Neon Creeps are doing very well, lots of different phenos came out and I have a choices to make hehe. I had to cull out 8 males from the OG Kush x Casey Jones x Qrazy Quakes that hurt lol, but I got a few really nice females so that will work. I trimmed up the male Psycho Killer and took some more cuts from the Plemon and Fireballs to get them going for the next round and a seed run coming up. Blue Snow Dog is also doing very well, nice structure and budding. Lots to do and not enough time to do it all myself. I am hoping to get a building going very soon too for all the girls and get some more stuff out the door. I hope everyone is doing great. Peace, be safe. Moondance.
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Good afternoon everyone its been a while since I had a chance to relax and catch up on some things, hopefully all is well with everyone. I finally got rid of the cist on my chest with my RSO, so happy not to have surgery lol. We have been busy as hell on all fronts, trying to do it all ourselves for now to save money. The seed run of Psycho Killer crosses is almost complete, I cut the top of the Plemon this morning and it looks amazing. As for the Home Growers Invitational I guess we will try it again at the first of the year, we will be placing another ad on Rollitup then so it fits well.
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