Montreal Tokers


Active Member
Hey, all.

I've got a bit of a question for you: If you're a smoker from Montreal, what are you smoking? I'm sick and tired of the watered-down-wannabe-M39 that's being sold on the streets and I've been harassing all my contacts to get me some REAL weed, or what people seem to call "exotics" these days. All of them talked the talk, but it seems that none of them can walk the walk. Some are claiming that Montreal is pretty much dry right now, except for the usual crap. Since private growers do exist all over the place, and some of them must have some surplus they want to unload, I find that notion hard to believe.

So, fellow Montreal stoners: are any of you smoking good weed these days? What kind? Please tell me it still exists here. I'm seriously about to throw the towel and accept my fate as an ounce-per-week smoker of mediocre crap here. I need a leg of hope. I guess married life has made it harder for me to keep good contacts. It's not like I walk up to random people to ask them for weed anymore.

I miss the old days. I miss good weed. It's funny, back then, I was a broke kid and always surrounded with good weed. Now, I'm an adult with money, and surrounded with second-grade weed. Go figure.

I stumbled upon this place because I'm very seriously considering growing, but there are a few issues that need to be addressed before I can really get started, and in the meanwhile, I'm sick of waiting. I want some quality smoke.

Life can be sad. Oh, well. I'm off to go hang out with plain (mary)Jane now.


Well-Known Member
I usually visit quebec like once a year to ski and im able to score some great bud. I always find it at the ski hills though so that may be why since theres a big party scene in the villages.


Active Member
Yes, I'm sure that if I started approaching random people asking for dimebags, I'd find one. However, there are two problems with that:

1- I'm too old and too married to approach random strangers about weed.
2- I don't buy dimebags. I doubt that some dude near a ski hill could hook me up with an ounce or more of good weed.

Also, when I say "good weed", I don't mean regular good weed. I mean CRAZY fucking weed. When my friends smoke my weed, they find it very good. Having been to Amsterdam and having lived in much kinder years for weed, I think my weed is shit. Therein lies the nuance.


Well-Known Member
You kind of come off as a prick, Yes its quite easy to find ounces at a hill. And yes I know what good weed is, im talking about your "exotics". One of the few times ive smoked ak47 was in quebec and thats probably my favourite strain right now.


Active Member
I apologize if I came off as a prick. I guess it's hard to read tone into printed words, but I assure you that it was not my intention. I was just trying to be more precise, since I wasn't sure I'd been clear enough in my original post.

Again, my apologies if it came across the wrong way. I'm actually really good at being a prick when I want to be one, but I swear to you that this was not one of those times.


Active Member
Back on topic, too: ski season tends to be a time when there's better weed than right now. It might be because there's an increase of outdoor crap polluting the market this time of year. I'm not much of a ski person myself, so I never really thought of hills as a good place to look, but I assume that wherever there are snowboards, there is weed.


Well-Known Member
Back on topic, too: ski season tends to be a time when there's better weed than right now. It might be because there's an increase of outdoor crap polluting the market this time of year. I'm not much of a ski person myself, so I never really thought of hills as a good place to look, but I assume that wherever there are snowboards, there is weed.
Yeah its mostly the skiers and boarders who are always in the terrain park that have bomb bud.


Active Member
Unfortunately, it's not quite ski season yet, and I don't currently own a car and ski hills are a pretty good distance from Montreal.

I've actually been looking at Montreal Compassion Center

They have decent bud and I definitely can make a pretty good case that I suffer from sleep disorders, frequent nausea, and possibly even mild IBS. So, that's three things that would qualify me by their standards. Making any doctor I know fill a form from the Montreal Compassion Center, however, would be tricky, to put it mildly.


Active Member
All right, did more research. This Compassion Center idea is really becoming more interesting. I'm already off work for another nearly two months for anxiety issues, and after speaking to a rep from the center, we might just be able to work something out. I just need to get my doctor to see it that way too. I don't need an actual prescription from him, just a statement of diagnosis. Technically, I already have that for my work, but I would need to have him accept the fact that they would call him from the center to confirm that he gave me this diagnosis.

It still wouldn't be legal, then, but at least it would be good quality weed grown organically.


Well-Known Member
goddamn 'exos'
thats all i ever hear nowadays when i call a dealer and ask what kinda shit hes got. 'exotics' or 'exos'. some guy told me he had exo haze a while ago, it didnt taste exotic or hazey.
and many dealers try to play off some random herb they get as ak-47 or jack herer around here, because it does go around. i know a guy in the montreal area that sells ozs of real jack herrer 240$, compared to the 160$ for that m39 shit.
this guy also gets cinderella, skunk, good shit but you pay more :D

I here you loud and clear - while my reply might come years later, I am hoping you are still connected to this site. I am from Vancouver but here in Montreal for a couple of months due to work. Spoiled I am in Vancouver - the dankest, richest best available there. The prices I pay are sick. But here in Montreal where I heard all about le haze and good stuff I have been shit on each and every time.

Any suggestions that you can throw my way to make my time in Montreal better would be fabulous.


Active Member

I here you loud and clear - while my reply might come years later, I am hoping you are still connected to this site. I am from Vancouver but here in Montreal for a couple of months due to work. Spoiled I am in Vancouver - the dankest, richest best available there. The prices I pay are sick. But here in Montreal where I heard all about le haze and good stuff I have been shit on each and every time.

Any suggestions that you can throw my way to make my time in Montreal better would be fabulous.
Hi. I'm still around, yes.

My dude recently had some pretty damn good hashplant, and then got some crazy unidentified stuff that tasted like shit, but hit you like Tyson. Unfortunately, he's currently only holding M39.

I know a guy who goes to compassion clubs and I chipped in with him a couple of times to get some nice stuff, but it's a bit tricky and I think that one club in particular got closed down.


Active Member
LOL This thread is kind of iffy imo. Every person asking for the goods is a first time poster kind of suspicious...:roll:

Anywhoo for the op who posted almost 4 years ago.

Ive smoked some of the best buds in the world in and around Mtl.
some of a few ive recently tried..

Master Kush, Jack Herer, Purple Kush, La Confidential, Jack Diesel, Diesel, Melon Kush, Cherry Kush ABSOLUTELY AMAZING LOOK AND HIGH.. White Rhino, Cheese Kush, I had many connections as a younging for m39 and i still do per-say.. But imo M is no better then outdo swag... lol. I have had many other types from mtl those are just some of the few that i can think of recently...

prices vary from 120-140 for m39

and 175-195 for the Exos...

meechz 024

Active Member
Haven't tried to find bud there, but walking through downtown montreal I only found 1 bong shop full of older people who didn't understand anything I asked them.... All we needed was a downstem, and we gave up looking......The convenience store clerks never heard of blunts either, and all they had was european loose leaf cigars. it was fucking sickening, how can stoners survive there?