month into flowering outdoors lots of mites


Active Member
the buds are getting big now and i really dont want them to start munchin on my buds....

is there any house hold item i can use to get rid of them ??

leafs are in very bad condition they munched straight through the leafs there going all brown

please can any one help


Active Member
about 2 tablespoons of dish soap mixed with water in a spray bottle. spray all of plant especially underside of leaves. This will kil existing mites, and then reapply every two days to kill any that have yet to hatch, until they are gone. Once they are gone give your plants a good soaking with spray bottle to rinse most of residue. Plants will absorb the rest and either transpire it into the soil, or use that components they like.


Well-Known Member
Dish soap will NOT kill spider mites. If it did, why would people pay upwards of $30 for a small bottle of floramite? Why would manufacturers make miticide?

Insecticidal soaps can be used, however their effectiveness is limited. there isn't much you can do about them with household items. You can try a tobacco juice and pepper spray, but I don't consider that a household item either, especially for a non-smoker.

When they start building webs and laying eggs in your bud, go spend $6 at Lowes or Walmart for a spray bottle of Fungicide 3

Good luck