month into flower starting to yellow hard need some help?


Well-Known Member
i have them in 5 gal smart pots with roots soil, nothing but water so far and teas, would top dressing with supersoil be a good idea cause i'm thinking yea but just want some feed back...also got caterpillar bites here and there there a month into flower its timewreck should i spray and if so with that? i do have spinosad and azamax but just curious dont want bud worms im in the northeast


Well-Known Member
IMO on the budworms and it's only the option if you have the time...
know what their eggs look like (just found out this my 2nd year)
know what signs to look for poop webs etc..
if you have time you can prevent them from getting bad by looking for them.. and killing them as you seen them (this is not an outrageous task last year I had over 25 plants and kept mine clean by doing this) you just need the time and motivation

otherwise yeah once you start to see them and they are more then you can pluck off start spraying with what ever you prefer
I have had only one this year and I am week 27-28 into my grow... (have had some thrips tho)


Well-Known Member
hod looking bro its more of a guerrilla thing so i can't check all day everyday i just see caterpillar holes on leafs my main question was about topdressing with super soil so i can just keep adding water cause the dude takin care of them cant do all the ph up and down stuff with nutes hes a hillbilly so i wanted to make it easiest as possible


Active Member
The early yellowing of leaves can be caused by cold evenings. I have the same issues with mine. Where i'm at it got down to 38 and 40 degrees three days in a row three weeks ago. If there are some trees dropping leaves now thats why. Cold nights. Nothing you can do there in a hurry to bud now. Indica's will drop less in this situation. Yields will be lower. Sucks but it'll help em finish in time at least.


Well-Known Member
If you are in soil I'd confirm your pH and forget about it unless you see a problem. I was overboard on monitoring my pH at the start, I'm 4 weeks into flower and haven't tested in over a month and a half. As long as your water is good you should be fine. Top dress it and water, done.

Honestly, as long as your holes were prepped properly you should be good. Give them a feed and let your back-woods buddy add water.


Well-Known Member
they could be slugs..if the damage is holes then its slugs. slugdamge.jpg

if it looks like this -> then its caterpillars (some can leave just holes too tho) pillerdamage.jpg

Slugs are a lot easier to deal with...just wrap some copper wire around the base of each stock.


Well-Known Member
The early yellowing of leaves can be caused by cold evenings. I have the same issues with mine. Where i'm at it got down to 38 and 40 degrees three days in a row three weeks ago. If there are some trees dropping leaves now thats why. Cold nights. Nothing you can do there in a hurry to bud now. Indica's will drop less in this situation. Yields will be lower. Sucks but it'll help em finish in time at least.
yea there timewreck way more sativa so iI'm looking at like middle of October but yea its been getting colder just looks like a nitrogen fade though good looks on the info homie

If you are in soil I'd confirm your pH and forget about it unless you see a problem. I was overboard on monitoring my pH at the start, I'm 4 weeks into flower and haven't tested in over a month and a half. As long as your water is good you should be fine. Top dress it and water, done.

Honestly, as long as your holes were prepped properly you should be good. Give them a feed and let your back-woods buddy add water.
yea imma just top dress supersoil and let him keep adding plain water i feel if he starts to ph its gonna fucking ruin it all, and the base was just roots organic so nothing special but its def outta gas they been in that soil for over 2 months
they could be slugs..if the damage is holes then its slugs. View attachment 2314730

if it looks like this -> then its caterpillars (some can leave just holes too tho) View attachment 2314736

Slugs are a lot easier to deal with...just wrap some copper wire around the base of each stock.
woot def slugs not even close to pillers i got the copper wire wrapped in red plastic can i just strip the plastic off and use that? or do they sell just copper wire for this type of thing at a garden store for cheap?


Active Member
i would spray with BT and use a mosquito netting like this below to keep butterflies and moths from laying eggs that develop into catepillars.



Well-Known Member
Yeah just strip the wire and use that. Again leave some room for growth. Here's a pic of what mine looks like copper.jpg the hole's should stop after you fix them up with the copper (if its slugs). It's crazy how well this works, I will be using it with all my outdoor grows. Also check under leaves really carefully and remove any caterpillars that might be hiding (if you haven't already).