Monterey Garden/spinosad OD?!? ...stupid me =(


Active Member
all right, i am about a week and a half into flower, and have been battling thrip for maybe 3 weeks now. i got some neem oil 2 weeks ago, and with every watering i've added neem (roughly every other day) and a couple times made a neem oil spray and soaked my plants--really with no effect

i bought some monterey garden insect spray with spinosad from home depot, being in flower now, i want--NEED to take care of the problem ASAP...i've got monterey garden before, and it's worked for me before, except this time, with my stoner ass, i didn't dilute the solution!! 2 days ago, i sprayed, and yesterday when i checked on my plants, they're all looking bad, leaves browning, wilting, everything's looking piss poor, there's even some leaves with a monterey film on them

obviously, the damage is already done, i doubt the browned leaves are going to spring back to a luscious green anytime soon, i just have a couple questions for anyone whose done this before, or knows more than i do about monterey garden/spinosad use:

are my plants fucked? will this affect my flowering time (yes, i believe)? do you think i stressed my plants (feminized from seed) to the point they might herm? will my plants possibly "repair" themselves by growing new growth green and eventually just dropping the brown crap?

the leaves that are brown aren't dried or crispy or anything, and they can take a little tugging on and not pull off (i'm sure everyone reading this knows how very easily a dead, or just about dead/used up leaf will pull off).

monterey garden isn't "supposed" to damage your plant, but what about my extreme over-monterey-gardening?