Ode to the Brothers Grimm Strains...
What fantastic fucking work done in the 90's by this defuct seed company. The presence their genetic footprint left on the history of cannabis is enormous.
Cinderella 99 and
Apollo 13... next time you hear someone complaining about how a hermie plant should be culled, think about C99 and her origin, as she herself came from these hermie genetics.
These two genetic heavyweights that are found in hundreds of crosses by different breeders all across the globe. The two plants that if I could have original cuts I would indeed stop growing other strains and concentrate on growing large yields of these dense beautiful buds and fill jar after jar after jar.
Always being a history buff and a genuine cannabis hobbyist, Lineages fascinate me.
For those that do not know the history.. Heaven's Stairway was the retail company most acquired the genetics.
Apollo 13 = Genius x P75 is very popular despite only having created about 500 seeds.
Apollo 11 = Genius x Cinderella 99
Cinderella 99 = Princess x Cinderella 88
Cinderella 88 =
Princess x Princess 75
Princess 75 = Princess x Princess 50
Princess 50 = Princess x (ShivaSkunk x Princess'Brother)
Genius is a different phenotype as Princess.
"Note both have the SAME mother "Genius" which a sister of Princess, although you'd hardly see a family resemblance. Genius is lemon-scented, rather like Lemon Pledge furniture polish actually. Her high is not speedy like Princess', it's a "happy high". As a plant, Genius is a pleasure to flower, producing heavier yields than Princess with similarly resinous floral clusters shaped less like Princess' "braids" and more like a dense cone of sparkling, tightly-packed calyxes & pistils bursting out from between little leaves bristling with stalked glands. Very sticky and pungent smelling. She matures rapidly, finishing in 7 weeks and when the buds are manicured (very easy) and dried, Genius' final product is true "eye candy" to behold.
The father plant used in Apollo 13 was the same as was used to create Cinderella 88.
The father plant used to create Apollo 11 was the same as was used to make the current generation of C99, i.e., P94. This male was responsible for adding considerable yield to the current Cinderella 99, i.e., P97 generation. "- Mr. Soul (Brothers Grimm)
According to legend the original Cinderella 99 wouldn't have been possible without Mr Soul's original run of seeds that was supposed to be a Jack Herer strain that Mr. Soul bought a bud of in Amsterdam (from the "Sensi Smile" coffeeshop) that had a few hermie produced seeds in it. He then grew them out and bred the seed (Princess) with the intention of producing a Jack Herer that had the right characteristics...
"Of the 6 seeds I attempted to germinate, every one was successful and I got a 50% male/female ratio. With the pollen from one of these males (Princess) I crossed with a female shiva skunk from Sensi seedbank, then used the resulting seeds to grow a male crew worthy of crossing with princess. Blah blah blah. Lots of crossing and backcrossing C99 F1 is the result...Above-average yields of crystal covered buds reeking of tropical fruit aromas can be harvested every other month once a mother plant is selected and asexually propagated...Cinderella 99 will breed true... "- Mr Soul (Brothers Grimm)
Cinderella 99.. one of the best known "New World Strains".. her high is heavily influenced by Haze; clear, energetic & devastatingly psychoactive. Mmm. So good. Cinderella 99 is a polyhybrid created by a perfect mix of genes that originated from all over the globe. Thailand, India, Afghanistan, Colombia, Mexico, and the United States. It is a perfect example of how genetics from many different landrace plants combined with the evolved nature of the Cannabis plants survival instinct that led to the terpene development in it's current genome profile that we associate with the tropical aroma of pineapple.
These two plants Apollo 13 and Cinderella 99, are as close to perfection as this grower, myself has ever experienced with any strain, and the strains that are crossed with these same genes.. it combines too well with other polyhybrids to create new F1s that improve in taste, smell, and over all appeal. Some call it the Holy Grail, a near perfect cannabis plant.
Without C99 there would be no Space Queen. Vic High from the old also now defunct BCGA wouldn't have aquired it and Subcool wouldn't have been able to use Space Queen as a building block of TGA. Subcool TGA no doubt one of my favorite seed companies probably wouldn't exist or be so successful without the plant known as Cinderella 99.
Without C99 there surely wouldn't exist Vortex (Apollo 13 x Space Queen), just think for a minute about the genes used in this cross and how fucking fantastic this strain should surely be?
Apollo 13, Genius x P75 x Space Queen, Cinderella 99 (Princess x Cinderella 8

x Romulan... perhaps the reason Mz Jill from TGA says Vortex is her all time favorite? it's damn near 75% Grimm Genetics, lol?
Lineages from a Visual Perspective
Brother Grimm Seed Chart <-- Clickable Link
TGA Seed Chart Circa 2009 <-- Clickable Link