• Here is a link to the full explanation: https://rollitup.org/t/welcome-back-did-you-try-turning-it-off-and-on-again.1104810/

Monsanto Rejects the (Zyklon-B) Bayer


Well-Known Member
That you sir, further refine your comments to prove we are much more in agreement than I had suspected, is the action of a good man.

You also seem to understand that the education of a subject in high contention is no vice, and that is rare.
Thank you for causing me to revisit elements of my informal education and perhaps spark interest of those topics in another.

Now, will you pass that joint?

Even though I have bones to pick with the popular opinion of Lincoln, I have to admit the quote he allegedly sent to Hohner in Germany, "Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica." is spot on!
I'm an informal educated man as well, school of hard knocks if you will, Agent Orange opened my eyes and ears via my father's death, Cipro (Bayer) by snapping tendons and Peripheral Neuropathy first hand.
The lack of protection from the FDA is directly proportional to the public's intellect. (hence my late start)lol
I wish I could offer facts instead of just increasing numbers of incidents and opinions.

Here, it's a fresh cut 3/4 cured gg4bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Wow. I'm going to have to chop this up as I was just informed while posting:

The following error occurred:

Please enter a message with no more than 10000 characters.

Not exactly sure how the information you quoted from me has that much to do w/ my love of my gov't (not that I have much).
That line of reasoning, unfortunately, has elements of a straw man argument.

I love my country and countrymen. What we have allowed our gov't to become not so much.

In the pledge it says unequivocally "and to the republic" which most people don't know how to define and so label it a democracy which for all intents and purposes it has become.

Now let me digress into a little history about the pledge:

You do know the pledge was written in August 1892 by a Christian socialist who also thought it should be accompanied by the Bellamy Salute, which it was until a 1942 congressional enactment of the flag code, correct?

The pledge was originally meant to bolster patriotism that had been waning since the civil war and I know of no better reason for a countryman to have so little faith in their gov't than that gov't asking him to kill his countrymen.

That war hadn't started with the high minded goal of ending slavery. It started because of power and the rise of federal gov't over states rights to "keep the union together".

In Lincoln's own words in a letter to Horace Greeley, August 22, 1862:

"My paramount object in this struggle is to save the Union, and is not either to save or to destroy slavery. If I could save the Union without freeing any slave I would do it, and if I could save it by freeing all the slaves I would do it; and if I could save it by freeing some and leaving others alone I would also do that. What I do about slavery, and the colored race, I do because I believe it helps to save the Union; and what I forbear, I forbear because I do not believe it would help to save the Union. I shall do less whenever I shall believe what I am doing hurts the cause, and I shall do more whenever I shall believe doing more will help the cause."​

...and while he DID have an opinion throughout his political carrier that slavery should be abolished, he did not think that former slaves should be considered equal to their fellow man. As proven by (again in his own words during the Lincoln-Douglas debate at Charleston on September 18, 1858):

“I will say then that I am not, nor have I ever been in the favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the white and black races . . . There must be a position of superior and inferior, and I... am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the white race ... I do not perceive that because the white man is to have the superior position that the negroe should be deprived everything.”
and (though not in his words)

Lincoln had a number of ideas on how to tackle slavery. He suggested setting up a black colony in Central America in 1863 so that blacks could seek rights and freedoms where prejudice did not exist. He also thought colonization was the best solution.
Many people, including blacks, did not believe colonization was a viable solution and believed it would never be carried out.

Also, that the "under God" inclusion didn't happen until a 1954 amendment of that code which was bolstered by Eisenhower (who was deeply religious of Mennonite upbringing) having recently become a Presbyterian being baptized while in office and the growing fear of the ungodly red menace.

While I have no beef with religion, the above flies in the face of the intent of the Constitution which while acknowledging God somewhat (in the term of “our creator”) makes no mention of God specifically for the reason explained by “Thomas Jefferson and others expressing an understanding of the intent and function of the Establishment Clause and Free Exercise Clause of the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States which reads: "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." <separation of church and state>

----------------end historical digression------------

But I didn't learn any of the above history in public school.

What I did I learn is that the civil war was because of slavery and that I should stand and salute the flag while pledging allegiance to it every school day.

So, is the (gov't sanctioned programming for) unquestioning devotion to what started as a marketing ploy to make us forget our gov't had just pitted countryman against countryman in a horrifically bloody war make me a better human because I am therefore patriotic?

Should I assume that pledging my allegiance to a symbol of gov't that that gov't still stands for the high minded principles it was founded on and not notice the tireless efforts of entities to undermine and replace those principles?

Is patriotism better than trying to educate people about the (consensual) poisoning of their land?

Most possibly to some, but if I have to make the choice between being against something that threatens what has sustained all human kind for all time as we know it, and showing fealty to a political entity that governs the land I was born in, I'll take the former. :D
Very interesting and great information I will have to verify those letters.

But first we are Most Definitely a Christian Nation. But a true Christian nation one that truly Loved All and served all. More than Half of the Declaration and Constitution Signers had Seminary degrees, and Most All except the few like Franklin, Jefferson, and Paine (who did Not sign anything) declared JESUS CHRIST daily in their lives. There are Multitudes of Official Proclamations of Prayer and Fasting and Thanksgiving that are Still around today, www.wallbuilders.com has the Biggest resource of Founding Documents. Separation of Church and State was ONLY mentioned Once in a Letter from Jefferson to the Danbury Baptists, and about 70 years ago we began running away with it.

Interesting facts about Pledge and stuff though I've always thought it strange that merely 100 years ago all that stuff was added to our "education"...

But also the war Was because of slavery. EVERY State that succeeded from the Union Declared it Was to uphold the institution of Slavery and the delegates said so when they resigned from Congress. Though it is interesting about Lincoln. I know one of his ideas was to ship back All the Africans so they could be back in their Ancestral land, he officially submitted that idea to Congress.

I do agree though the pledge was an attempt to "unite" us... But we most certainly are a Christian Nation. Both Declaration and Constitution say "In the Year of our LORD JESUS CHRIST 1776 & 1789." Why would they include that? And remember George Mason (a devote Christian Servant of JESUS CHRIST) was the Only reason we even Have the Bill of Rights he fought Hard for us to have that! Because originally the Constitution did Not include Any rights for Citizens.


Well-Known Member
As to foreign ownership of another nations land, I didn't agree to that but Multi-national corporations and gov't did.
They also were behind all the wars/military actions/peace-keeping initiatives of the last 50 yr. which is why I didn't serve in the military as 3 generations of my ancestors had.

We could survive quite nicely w/o GMO stock if farmers could save their seed from harvest for planting the next year but the supreme court in it's infinite wisdom decided that “acts of god” (wind/insects/pollination) took a backseat to intellectual property in specific Monsanto legal actions against an Indiana farmer.

What is not mentioned in that wikipedia link is that the seed, bought from an elevator was not specifically Monsanto GMO stock but was assumed to be because:

“Monopoly Claims - over 90% of soybeans in the U.S. contain Monsanto’s patented gene.
Authorities approved the commercialization of biotechnology applied to soybean seeds in 1996, and many farmers waited to purchase the technology until they saw how it performed the first few years. Farmers are businesspeople who choose seeds that will provide them with the best yield and highest profit. The Roundup Ready soybean technology delivered excellent results and proved to be extremely popular with farmers. As a result, thousands of farmers decided it was in their best financial interest to make the switch from conventional soybean seeds to Roundup Ready soybean seeds.

As farmer demand for Roundup Ready soybeans increased, Monsanto made the technology available to more than 200 other seed companies – so farmers can access the technology from a multitude of other companies. In addition, and in light of the clear popularity of the technology with farmers, many of Monsanto’s competitors have developed or are developing other biotech products for soybeans.”​

This (from the link below) doesn't refute the title claim, it defines how it is possible since even though the purchased seed could have come from any of those other 200 seed companies that licensed (since it's still Monsato's) that technology, the whole reason for doing that is in there too mentioned by “ Roundup Ready” (which coincidently is the Monsanto poison product that I am more against than their laboratory transgenic manipulation of seed genome).

It didn't hurt that the writing Justice Clarence Thomas had worked for Monsanto previously (pay VERY close attention to the URL of that link from Monsanto. Why would a page trying to distance itself from the stigmata of “revolving door politics” which it never mentions by name, specify that practice in the page title of the URL?
e.g. http://www.monsanto.com/food-inc/pages/monsanto-revolving-door.aspx

In summary, I can easily see how politics worms its way into discussions like this, but attacks on my patriotism or lack thereof from what I previously posted?

That is a stretch bud. ;)

EDIT: Oh, and I forgot to mention this from the same source about Bayer and some grammar.
And see that's where we have changed from the founding we uphold Supreme Court rulings as the Law of the Land! Isn't that what our Elected Legislators are supposed to do!?!!!? The Judicial branch is The Least of all branches according to our Founders and the Federalist papers. But today we take one ruling which is supposed to Merely be a ruling between those two parties nothing else and uses for historical reference, but instead we take it and let a Supreme Court ruling of NonElected Justices over rule Legislation that tool days, weeks, Months of Debate between Hundreds of Representatives and Senators!!!!

Parenting lifeform is evil in my opinion, it is Only to control what THE CREATOR blessed us with! The Revolving door is with EVERY Agency they're All corrupt as fuck that's why we need to Abolish all they're bull shit code! Most of them are lying stealing murderers who want nothing but power, and mind you not a fucking one pays taxes! All these conglomerates are Literally Paid Tax Subsidies from our Hard Earned WAGE which is Illegal to tax and there is literally No Code that says a Wage can be taxed but hell if you don't pay it they'll throw your ass in jail which you have to pay for yourself!

All Law boils down to doing Good to others. If you make a product or do something that Harms People or their Property then you should be taken to court and found guilty by a jury of your peers. It's that simple. If we All strived to do Good for people then we wouldn't have to worry with Code.

i believe William Penn wrote that "Good men will never want good laws nor suffer I'll ones." Why do you think all these people want these "laws" because they're Wicked! Let us pray for their souls, and pray a Revival comes upon this Nation to go back to True freedom! And No trump is NOT the answer!!! Vote for Who You want to be president Not the two bafoons they tell you have to pick... You know pick "independent"... Oh is that a party you may ask... Nope, it means the Entire 30+ different Parties and Unaffiliated Servants running for office.! And I think Trump is going to ramp back up the war on drugs. Do Not vote for either of those shit birds, Vote Constitutionist!!!!


Well-Known Member
That you sir, further refine your comments to prove we are much more in agreement than I had suspected, is the action of a good man.

You also seem to understand that the education of a subject in high contention is no vice, and that is rare.
Thank you for causing me to revisit elements of my informal education and perhaps spark interest of those topics in another.

Now, will you pass that joint?

Even though I have bones to pick with the popular opinion of Lincoln, I have to admit the quote he allegedly sent to Hohner in Germany, "Two of my favorite things are sitting on my front porch smoking a pipe of sweet hemp, and playing my Hohner harmonica." is spot on!
NUH HUH!!!!?!!! He didn't say that did he!?! Hahaha I love that!!!


Well-Known Member

Thanks for tokes!
Now I feel like contemplating the similarities and differences between "world peace" and "whirled peas".

Wait.......Uh....am I bogarting this joint?
<You've only had 2 tokes.>
Wow, feels like I did.


It was my fault for bringing both religion and politics into this.

On each of these points I will be happy to debate, but I think they'd be better represented in the Spirituality and Political sections. Start a thread and tag me in it and I'll defend my opinions.

As far as religion goes, I know plenty of moral people that aren't religious (especially since you specify Christianity only) and I know plenty of religious people that aren't moral.

As far as the present state of the state let's just say the apple seems to have fallen is a few football fields away from the tree.

As far as Lincoln's sweet hemp, the link I furnished there refutes that there was an actual letter and attributes the popularity of the misconception to a story published 2006 in the HuffPo.
It's why the link says "alledgedly...."

Now, to get this back on topic, let me share one of my favorite videos of a Monsanto lobbyist making claims and then showing exactly how false they are when confronted.

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Well-Known Member
K then.....here's another bee for your bonnet.

You know how we're constantly reminded of just how safe GMO's and glyphosate are?
Then why is there this facility in Norway to "safeguard" crop diversity being bankrolled by The United Nations, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Rockefeller Foundation, Syngenta, DuPont, and little known consortium called "Croplife International".

croll to the bottom of the page for 1st link to see a sampling of donors.

Follow that 2nd link and see exactly who croplife is made up of.

If everything is so honky-dory safe, why create such a repository started in 2006 and why are the major contributors entities like Bill (Mr. Eugenics) Gates, The Rockefeller Foundation, The United Nations, etc?

Remember, a popular saying is the world is 3/6/9 meals away from anarchy.