Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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feel free to misquote me if it makes it seem as if you are correct. Almost all corn is gmo anymore. This is a fact.

But feel free to bury your head in the sand.
lol buthurt over a perceived slight to try and cover up your lies

You know what would "make it seem as if you were correct"??

Some evidence of rot resistant GMO corn
You really are a fool. Didn't like the last link I put up? Here is one that is ALL about gmo corn and it's effects on different types of rot.
That study is all about the Bt TOXIN (PESTICIDE) and goes into how less insect damage leaves fewer vectors for fungal damage to occur
From the limitations section
Although fumonisin and aflatoxin concentrations are typically lower in Bt hybrids compared with conventional hybrids, this might not be enough when conditions are very favorable for disease. In the southeastern United states in years favorable for severe ear rot, Bt hybrids can have levels of ear rot and mycotoxins similar to those in non-Bt hybrids. Both of these diseases and their associated mycotoxins can occur in kernels in the absence of insect damage because they have other pathways for infection.

So while it's better than your "hybrid" link by the fact it's talking about "gmo" it still isn't saying what you think it says
all this splitting hairs......It is Monsanto for Christs sake. Any profit motivated benefit will be pursued aggressively and without consequence. Poor tasting food!!!
That study is all about the Bt TOXIN (PESTICIDE) and goes into how less insect damage leaves fewer vectors for fungal damage to occur
From the limitations section

So while it's better than your "hybrid" link by the fact it's talking about "gmo" it still isn't saying what you think it says[/FONT][/COLOR]

You are correct. So in essence it is preventing rot by deterring pest/pathogens.

This on the other hand is exactly what I posted about initially.

Testing performed by pioneer/dupont.
Gmo rot ressistant corn? Really?

If you did understand that why did you bring a piece about hybrids to a gmo thread and blame gmo for the hybrids problems?

If you don't get it. I'll spell it out for you.

Yes it is talking about hybrids.

Of several gmo plants.

Therefore the problems of the hybrid are derived from the contributions of both genetically modified parent plants.

The end result is a plant that is specifically engineered to resist pests, pathogens and different types of rot.
the corn is GM'ed to resist .. .not hybridized . . isnt that what hes saying . . . . .

the choices we make today can not unequivocally be said to not have negative reactions like a ripple effect . . .although the opposite is truw as well . . but when you put the human factor into it . . . .we fuck everything up when we try to engineer it . . .. . sad truth . . . .dream is always more vivid then reality . . . . .and i dont need to have GMO produce to be healthy so i see it as a unnecessary action as well as dangerous . . . . . .

Sam if the world was only about you..... We are not trying to make the world healthy, they have to not starve first. We cannot keep them from starving without losing 90% of the grains in the corrupt process.

Yield increase in the worlds arable lands is our only choice.

We can sit around and whine like we are Noah's wife with small world problems. But, that was over when the flood drained back.

Now there are big world problems and plenty of food if there was no corruption. Can't cure corruption, so grow more food.

This is a crop YIELD effort. It has big reasons in a big world and the little hand wringing what if have never stopped us.

We don't have the luxury to wait and see. We have never had that, never practiced that.

Wait and see, is what the deer does in the headlights. You are sounding like pre-road kill. :)
Ummm keep posting and make yourself sound more retard with every post. ..the articles are neutral, they talk of both sides..i entered this thread as a neutral, but it just goes to show where your agenda is at talking the way you do...

of course you think the articles were "neutral", they are written to sound like dispassionate discussion of the facts, when in fact they are carefully designed to give the implication that the crops in question were simply "released into the wild" rather than the truth, which is the "release" is a legal removal of injunction, not a terrifying abrogation of regulatory responsibility.

"adding to the discussion" by regurgitating images from a press story with no background info, and no commentary beyond "its in the local paper in hawaii, look it up" doesnt really add to shit.

i dont give a squirt of piss if you want to pretend youre just an observer, YOU entered the discussion armed with a few graphs from a poorly sourced poorly written piece of yellow journalism and smugly demanded everybody else "look it up" instead of simply posting the article in question.

ohh look, heres the last article in the series. posting that URL was so difficult i nearly broke my wrist getting it done, and if this is what you think is "neutral" then your car's transmission must be seriously fucked.
The problem is we do not have a choice. Corn for instance is such a high input crop to grow if the farmers did not plant gm corn they would loose money. Therefore they have no choice.

Furthermore, it is becoming increasingly difficult to purchase non gm corn in the first place and if you have a field of non gm corn and it gets pollinated by say your neighbors gm corn the seed companies can and have came in and sued farmers successfully for patent infringement. Even though the defendants have done no wrong.

This whole scenario is really frightening. When you have a handful of companies controlling virtually the entire worlds food supply we as average citizens are in trouble.

I believe this documentary covers this subject very well. It has been awhile since I watched it though so it may have been another.


that myth has already been dispelled on previous pages of this very thread.

the wind blown pollen lolsuits were summarily dismissed, and the only success in court monsanto has had is against a few dinks who were directly violating their contract in an attempt to produce knockoffs of their GMO cultivars for profit.
Yes, really. Can you prove that said corn is not gmo?

No you cannot as the seed companies are not compelled to disclose such information.

financial incentive encourages companies to inform growers that a crop is GMO, since hybrids cant be patented, and gmo's can.

also "resit root and stalk rot" (corn diseases) does not equate to indestructible noncoposting corn stalks.

your rubella vaccination makes you immune to whooping cough, but a whooping crane can still peck you, and it will still hurt.

pure silliness on your part.
Now there are big world problems and plenty of food if there was no corruption. Can't cure corruption, so grow more food.

True.. Corruption has been with us since we crawled out the caves-- I guess we can't change that part about us (well not at this current junction), human nature is a bitch~

I get the whole GMO crops to increase yield hence more food (even "if" it is not completely 100% healthy) to feed the ever increasing world populace --but I really doubt that is why corporations like Monsanto is in the business~

Simply put, wealth and power, their not creating GMO crops to feed the starving-- come on, lets get real, we can actually accomplish that without GMOs~

I'll put myself in their shoes-- I drive to work in a lambo, I make millions a day, my life revolves around luxury... why the fuck would I give two shits above anyone else other than me? My life is good, your life blows, deal with it~ ..starving people around the world can do me a big favor, and just die off --wasting space & resources, isn't that the law of the jungle-- survival of the fittest? :)

True.. Corruption has been with us since we crawled out the caves-- I guess we can't change that part about us (well not at this current junction), human nature is a bitch~

I get the whole GMO crops to increase yield hence more food (even "if" it is not completely 100% healthy) to feed the ever increasing world populace --but I really doubt that is why corporations like Monsanto is in the business~

Simply put, wealth and power, their not creating GMO crops to feed the starving-- come on, lets get real, we can actually accomplish that without GMOs~

I'll put myself in their shoes-- I drive to work in a lambo, I make millions a day, my life revolves around luxury... why the fuck would I give two shits above anyone else other than me? My life is good, your life blows, deal with it~ ..starving people around the world can do me a big favor, and just die off --wasting space & resources, isn't that the law of the jungle-- survival of the fittest? :)

Yeah, profit making food companies release foods that kill their consumers...

Even big tobacco makes sure to only kill you slowly so they can extract MOAR cash from you.

Monsanto might be hard liners on things like patents, etc but you would too if you invested 250+ million dollars on a self replicating product.

Jesus fucking Christ, if they are so bad, why do farmers continually get sued for using their products unlicensed?

Why don't they just use non-GM varieties?

Why do people keep ragging on Monsanto? Because they're ridiculously popular with farmers?

If farmers actually hated them they'd vote with their wallets and Monsanto would be no more.
I don't even give a shit about Monsanto, but Genetic Modification =/= just Monsanto and they're just a company, just like all the others.
No as I stated in my post it is not my farm and as far as reading about it. Google rot resistant corn.

I did. You do not know what you are talking about.

I am a fan of no till but it only contributes to the problem of post harvest byproducts going into rivers,streams and ditches.
You really do not know what you are talking about.

Oh my! REALLY? my comparison had nothing to do with gmo's there. It was only meant to demonstrate how previously accepted practices were later found to be quite harmful. :wall:
Apparently in your narrow minded focus of defending gmo's you over looked that.

It was stupid and irrelevant.
Your example was DDT. Comparing DDT to GMO crops is really dumb.

If you are happy planting gmo's by all means knock yourself out. I could care less.

If you are looking for definitive answers on how these things affect the ecosystem or humans. I doubt you will find them here.

What I find here is terrible opinions about GMO crops and farming not backed up with anything.

If you're intent is just to argue that your dick is bigger. I'm out.


Bye bye.

the corn is GM'ed to resist .. .not hybridized . . isnt that what hes saying . . . . .

the choices we make today can not unequivocally be said to not have negative reactions like a ripple effect . . .although the opposite is truw as well . . but when you put the human factor into it . . . .we fuck everything up when we try to engineer it . . .. . sad truth . . . .dream is always more vivid then reality . . . . .and i dont need to have GMO produce to be healthy so i see it as a unnecessary action as well as dangerous . . . . . .

dont fix what aint broken is not a saying cuase its catchy its a saying cause some things do not need to be improved upon in order to be effective and effcient . . .. .and money is no excuse . . .in a argument that effects not just the US but every country we ship to

You do not understand the point of GMO crops yet you know enough to think they are dangerous? lol
of course you think the articles were "neutral", they are written to sound like dispassionate discussion of the facts, when in fact they are carefully designed to give the implication that the crops in question were simply "released into the wild" rather than the truth, which is the "release" is a legal removal of injunction, not a terrifying abrogation of regulatory responsibility.

"adding to the discussion" by regurgitating images from a press story with no background info, and no commentary beyond "its in the local paper in hawaii, look it up" doesnt really add to shit.

i dont give a squirt of piss if you want to pretend youre just an observer, YOU entered the discussion armed with a few graphs from a poorly sourced poorly written piece of yellow journalism and smugly demanded everybody else "look it up" instead of simply posting the article in question.

ohh look, heres the last article in the series. posting that URL was so difficult i nearly broke my wrist getting it done, and if this is what you think is "neutral" then your car's transmission must be seriously fucked.
You're totally clueless that I'm laughing my ass off here :clap:
Another dude who is losing credibility with every post

U mad bro? Cause you sure act like it lmao
True.. Corruption has been with us since we crawled out the caves-- I guess we can't change that part about us (well not at this current junction), human nature is a bitch~

I get the whole GMO crops to increase yield hence more food (even "if" it is not completely 100% healthy) to feed the ever increasing world populace --but I really doubt that is why corporations like Monsanto is in the business~

Simply put, wealth and power, their not creating GMO crops to feed the starving-- come on, lets get real, we can actually accomplish that without GMOs~

I'll put myself in their shoes-- I drive to work in a lambo, I make millions a day, my life revolves around luxury... why the fuck would I give two shits above anyone else other than me? My life is good, your life blows, deal with it~ ..starving people around the world can do me a big favor, and just die off --wasting space & resources, isn't that the law of the jungle-- survival of the fittest? :)


No. Don't try to back door a straw dog " ...even if it is not healthy"....oh come on. It is 100% healthy and no evidence to the contrary.

No. Don't try to back door a straw dog. There is no evidence we can maintain our position against the world's insects and produce the required yield. All the evidence says that we cannot.

No. Don't try to back door a straw dog. (very dry hole) :) Survival of the fittest is all we have ever had.
You're totally clueless that I'm laughing my ass off here :clap:
Another dude who is losing credibility with every post

U mad bro? Cause you sure act like it lmao

And you sir, seem to present a content free mind only useful for supplying punk-ass scorn.

Mental age = 12.
No. Don't try to back door a straw dog " ...even if it is not healthy"....oh come on. It is 100% healthy and no evidence to the contrary.

No. Don't try to back door a straw dog. There is no evidence we can maintain our position against the world's insects and produce the required yield. All the evidence says that we cannot.

No. Don't try to back door a straw dog. (very dry hole) :) Survival of the fittest is all we have ever had.

lets at least agree to disagree.. maybe 99% --gotta give me that 1%, come on!!!

fuck insects, let's just setup massive indoor hydroponic grows (come on---we can spend 500million to 1bil on tall useless artsy buildings in the middle of deserts-- but we can't setup up simple indoor hydro systems?)
lets at least agree to disagree.. maybe 99% --gotta give me that 1%, come on!!!

fuck insects, let's just setup massive indoor hydroponic grows (come on---we can spend 500million to 1bil on tall useless artsy buildings in the middle of deserts-- but we can't setup up simple indoor hydro systems?)
And if you wanted to be a dirty socialist, you could pass a law insisting metal processing factories and the like "donate" their useful waste for the nutes.

Win win (if you're a dirty socialist).