Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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too bad that was all in response to your allegation that im a member of the john birch society (which is as untrue now as it was then) and none of those statements are an admission of membership (cuz i aint one) nor an invocation of their crazy theories.

"they are not nazis" is not "i love them and believe all the shit they believe"

just like "israel has the right to defend itself" does not equate to "im a zionist piggie jew who wants to murder every palestinian and steal their land"

those statements above are still true, and your assertions that im a "bircher" are still 100% false.

sorry dumbass.

and you still havent provided the Lethal Dosage information for Starlink corn.

that little rant about your bircher buddies defending the "real america" was prompted by nothing. you love them. you may not be a member, but you're definitely a bircher.

kinda funny how you love them so much but refuse to admit it now. it's a pretty embarrassing group, i know.

and i never claimed that GMOs were lethal. if you can find the quote where i did, i will send you my billfold of worthless federal reserve notes (valued at $2,261) and all cannabis in my possession (unknown amount).

otherwise quit asking me to defend what i never asserted. that is a true strawman, not your whiny pussy protestations about how you totally don't love the birchers.
that little rant about your bircher buddies defending the "real america" was prompted by nothing. you love them. you may not be a member, but you're definitely a bircher.

kinda funny how you love them so much but refuse to admit it now. it's a pretty embarrassing group, i know.

and i never claimed that GMOs were lethal. if you can find the quote where i did, i will send you my billfold of worthless federal reserve notes (valued at $2,261) and all cannabis in my possession (unknown amount).

otherwise quit asking me to defend what i never asserted. that is a true strawman, not your whiny pussy protestations about how you totally don't love the birchers.
and yet...

you have asserted that GMO's should be banned, yet anyone who proposes removing the fluoride from our water supply is CAAARAAAZY!

you established the corollary that those opposing fluoride should also oppose GMO's so one would expect the opposite to be true.

ahh but it aint.

universally recognized poison in the water supply = good
despite no evidence of hazard, gmo food = evil.

what conclusion are we to draw other than GMO's must be MORE toxic than sodium fluoride.

also, youre half right, that particular comment above, was not a response to you calling me a "bircher" (that time) but it was in a thread about the JBS, and thus not "prompted by nothing".
i never said GMOs were lethal, dipshit.

too bad you can't erase history, either. dumbass.

Kynes must be a farmer or come from a strong farming background... His post on the Birchers is fucking hilarious...

Does he really hold those views on Kissinger, Rockerfellers and just happened to forget the Rothchilds?

Talk about being in denial...
Actually after reading through this thread, I do support GMO for those who are stupid enough to ingest it...

We need to get rid of the useless eaters and current control measures are not working fast enough...
Iv heard gays are 44x more likely to contract HIV and subsequently AIDs.

Ban "the gay" and save lives!

See the logic?
the most i have claimed is that GMOs should be labeled clearly so consumers can make informed decisions and subsidies should go to small, organic farmers more so than large scale, mechanized, production farmers.
Kynes must be a farmer or come from a strong farming background... His post on the Birchers is fucking hilarious...

Does he really hold those views on Kissinger, Rockerfellers and just happened to forget the Rothchilds?

Talk about being in denial...

it was a palinesque rant in full throated defense of "THE REAL AMERICA!" from the rest of us (non) anglo americans living high on the hog in our cities, sending our kids to school with children of other skin tones, and not solving every problem we have by making tender, delicate love to our sisters.

the south exists in california, it's called the entire central valley. there is an idaho in california, too. it's called "the mythical state of jefferson" (but seriously, they think jefferson, the very northern part of CA, is its own sovereign state. kinda LOL and cute all at once).
Kynes must be a farmer or come from a strong farming background... His post on the Birchers is fucking hilarious...

Does he really hold those views on Kissinger, Rockerfellers and just happened to forget the Rothchilds?

Talk about being in denial...

the rothchilds are europeans, they dont have their descenants in congress like the rockerfellers, and they havent been striding around the whitehouse like they own the joint for 50 years like kissinger.

if i have to list all the dickheads on the planet ill never get done, and youll once again TL,DSMB (Too Long, and a Dingo Stole My Baby) at me.

fuck, i mentioned the trilateral commission, the council on foreign relations aand the bilderbergers, that pretty much covers the rothschilds, and my hate for the fedral reserve cartel is well established.

i just dont mention the rothschilds too often, cuz im a zionist piggie jew, and i dont like to defame the chosen people in public.
it was a palinesque rant in full throated defense of "THE REAL AMERICA!" from the rest of us (non) anglo americans living high on the hog in our cities, sending our kids to school with children of other skin tones, and not solving every problem we have by making tender, delicate love to our sisters.

the south exists in california, it's called the entire central valley. there is an idaho in california, too. it's called "the mythical state of jefferson" (but seriously, they think jefferson, the very northern part of CA, is its own sovereign state. kinda LOL and cute all at once).

protip: im not at all "anglo"

the angles were germanic raiders and invaders who established dominance in what is now "england" (land of the angles) displacing the previous inahbitants the saxons (germanis raiders and invaders) who displaced the Britains who used to live there.

the angles held dominance for quite some time in the areas of eastern Britain currently labeled "________ Anglia" while the saxons retained nominal control in the western portions of southern britain.

the angles were eventually displaced by the Normans (germanic raiders and invaders).

thats why english is so grammatically close to german today, and many of our words have germanic roots.
the rothchilds are europeans, they dont have their descenants in congress like the rockerfellers, and they havent been striding around the whitehouse like they own the joint for 50 years like kissinger.

if i have to list all the dickheads on the planet ill never get done, and youll once again TL,DSMB (Too Long, and a Dingo Stole My Baby) at me.

fuck, i mentioned the trilateral commission, the council on foreign relations aand the bilderbergers, that pretty much covers the rothschilds, and my hate for the fedral reserve cartel is well established.

i just dont mention the rothschilds too often, cuz im a zionist piggie jew, and i dont like to defame the chosen people in public.

JP Morgan is the US front for the Rothchilds dumbass...

You make connections between the elitists but don't realise they're the same one's pushing GMO's - how fucking stupid are you????

The same one's behind the "green farming revolution", population control, political assasinations & regieme change - and as you should very well know that's just the tip of the iceberg....

Kissinger got some great ideas on population control & how to use food as a weapon too... He articulates the point very well when addressing bilderberg...

But you're obviously one piss poor farmer if you can't connect the dots and realise you serve them too...
fuck, i mentioned the trilateral commission, the council on foreign relations aand the bilderbergers, that pretty much covers the rothschilds, and my hate for the fedral reserve cartel is well established.
Damn... I'm tempted to rep you for this. Todah for that.

i just dont mention the rothschilds too often, cuz im a zionist piggie jew, and i dont like to defame the chosen people in public.
Oy vey! All families have black sheep. I don't think they are observant but I'll ask the Rebbe.
I know. At least now I understand why he's so passionate. Global control of food is a must for global domination and that will happen. A lot of very bad things have to happen and this is just one of them.