Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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so sodium fluoride scraped from the stacks of a fertilizer plant really is a health potion? and the hazard warnings marking it as "Highly Toxic" and the prohibitions of transporting it by air freight, and the fact that if i fluoridated lake tahoe with the same dose they put in our water i would be arrested as a terrorist are all just part of a John Birch Society plot to defame this important "Nutracuetical" dietary supplement which we are all forced to accept whether we want it or not?

the shoe is on the other foot bucky. defend your pro-fluoride stance, and explain why we should all enjoy the benefits of sodium fluoride.

i can offer you plenty of reasons why its poison, most importantly, it's MSDS which says clearly on top...


lethal dose for a human is estimated between 5 and 10 grams.

aww yeah.

drinking a little bit of chlorine will also kill you, but when you dilute it to parts per million it works wonders for our water supply.

do you birchers also get your panties in a wad about chlorine?
So what? ...............
He said he wanted evidence that monsanto is destroying responsible agriculture, and here it is.....theyre sueingdeny, deny, deny....its allllllll lies....head in the sand....i love monsanto and monsanto hitler...

if the evidence is so obvious why cant you provide any of it?

why do you instead create strawman arguments, more ridiculous allegations, and more ad hominem attacks?

im arguing against mindless fear, idiocy disguised as logic, and the self serving OP and his feigned cleverness which is a gossamer veil that fails utterly in concealing his self-interest in pushing an agenda based entirely on lies.

at least he has a reason for his stupidity cupidity and decetion, youre pushing his agenda because youre dumb enough to believe his tall tales, and too lazy to read his purported evidence, ALL OF WHICH IS WORTHLESS

half his citations oppose his position, but he counts on dimwits accepting his word for it rather than taking the effort to read what he posts.

copy/past of links off a porn link dump would support his claims better than his "evidence".
are you going to hide from this evidence too?
which pesticide?
when was this supposed to be?
whats your source?

re-launching a previously banned pesticide is hard as fuck. youre gonna have to show your work there bro.

The EPA's huge backlog on reviewing pesticides and recent court cases that threatened to force some common chemicals off the market, spurred Congress into final action. Aides to House Commerce Committee Chairman Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R-VA), and Democrat Henry Waxman D-CA), a leading environmentalist, wrote a bill in mid-July behind closed doors.
The greatest bone of contention came over the Delaney Clause - Republicans wanted to impose more relaxed standards than did the Democrats. But since GOP lawmakers were anxious for an election year environmental bill, and lobbyists were just plain tired of fighting, the House, on July 23, unanimously passed the bill by an expedited procedure known as suspension of the rules.
The Senate passed the identical measure a day later without debate nor a dissenting vote.
drinking a little bit of chlorine will also kill you, but when you dilute it to parts per million it works wonders for our water supply.

do you birchers also get your panties in a wad about chlorine?

chlorine is used to kill pathogens, not to treat diagnose or prevent any particular disease.
chlorine evaporates out of water in a few hours, dissipates rapidly if you boil it, and can be removed with a charcoal filter. fluoride requires reverse osmosis or distillation to remove it, it stays in your body for extended periods, is slow to excrete, and is used as a medication without regards to dosage, consent or need.

but a peanut butter sammich is considered a deadly weapon on a schoolbus, and my guns are a menace to society.

why are you so keen on banning everything under the sun except sodium fluoride in our water, and your dope patch?
From your link:

Additionally, according to the article, "Monsanto has filed 145 lawsuits since 1997 against farmers who saved seeds." And they have the funds to do it when you consider that according to the New York Times, 94 percent of soybeans and 72 percent of corn are being grown with GMO seeds.

Farmer are cornered. With a monopoly on the industry the company can increase prices and farmers have to pay for it. In the end, this cycle will hurt farmers who depend on the seeds because farmers can't risk the litigation that would ensue should they replant them. So year after year, no matter the cost, farmers buy the seeds that can and often does create a dead zone on their property."

If Monsanto seeds are used in 94% of soy bean fields then Monsanto must be doing something right. They don't give those seeds away for free.
If you call doing somthing right paying off politicians, and do you even read what you write? Your making the arguement for my side. Thats why your just the leader of the SS and not the leader of the GMO party. Hitler would have you excecuted for siding with the opposition :):):)
chlorine is used to kill pathogens, not to treat diagnose or prevent any particular disease.
chlorine evaporates out of water in a few hours, dissipates rapidly if you boil it, and can be removed with a charcoal filter. fluoride requires reverse osmosis or distillation to remove it, it stays in your body for extended periods, is slow to excrete, and is used as a medication without regards to dosage, consent or need.

but a peanut butter sammich is considered a deadly weapon on a schoolbus, and my guns are a menace to society.

why are you so keen on banning everything under the sun except sodium fluoride in our water, and your dope patch?

tell me about how bad fluoride in the water is when diluted to parts per million.
The EPA's huge backlog on reviewing pesticides and recent court cases that threatened to force some common chemicals off the market, spurred Congress into final action. Aides to House Commerce Committee Chairman Thomas J. Bliley, Jr. (R-VA), and Democrat Henry Waxman D-CA), a leading environmentalist, wrote a bill in mid-July behind closed doors.
The greatest bone of contention came over the Delaney Clause - Republicans wanted to impose more relaxed standards than did the Democrats. But since GOP lawmakers were anxious for an election year environmental bill, and lobbyists were just plain tired of fighting, the House, on July 23, unanimously passed the bill by an expedited procedure known as suspension of the rules.
The Senate passed the identical measure a day later without debate nor a dissenting vote.

relaxing epa restrictions on allowed pesticide residue levels is not re-legalizing DDT.

DDT is still banned in the USA.

this citation had nothing to do with allowing the use of any previously banned pesticide, and certainly not DDT which is used as a boogeyman in the opening paragraphs.

the previous pesticide levels were so stringent (zero residue allowed) that modern lab tests made ALL pesticide use on food crops impossible, and changes to the old (and wacky) law was essential.

further this citation deals with the EPA and it's pesticide residue regulations, not the FDA and banned pesticides being re-released.
relaxing epa restrictions on allowed pesticide residue levels is not re-legalizing DDT.

DDT is still banned in the USA.

this citation had nothing to do with allowing the use of any previously banned pesticide, and certainly not DDT which is used as a boogeyman in the opening paragraphs.

the previous pesticide levels were so stringent (zero residue allowed) that modern lab tests made ALL pesticide use on food crops impossible, and changes to the old (and wacky) law was essential.

further this citation deals with the EPA and it's pesticide residue regulations, not the FDA and banned pesticides being re-released.
Half the anti-GMO crowd have already described Roundup as a pesticide...details are clearly lost on them.
relaxing epa restrictions on allowed pesticide residue levels is not re-legalizing DDT.

DDT is still banned in the USA.

this citation had nothing to do with allowing the use of any previously banned pesticide, and certainly not DDT which is used as a boogeyman in the opening paragraphs.

the previous pesticide levels were so stringent (zero residue allowed) that modern lab tests made ALL pesticide use on food crops impossible, and changes to the old (and wacky) law was essential.

further this citation deals with the EPA and it's pesticide residue regulations, not the FDA and banned pesticides being re-released.

DDT? Don't look at the headline, look at where they suspend the rules.

In Europe, the interaction of the phenomenon of "dying bees" with imidacloprid has been discussed for quite some time now.[SUP][52][/SUP][SUP][53][/SUP][SUP][54][/SUP] It was a study from the "Comité Scientifique et Technique (CST)" which was in the center of discussion, which led to a partial ban of imidacloprid in France. The imidacloprid pesticide Gaucho was banned, in 1999 by the French Minister of Agriculture Jean Glavany, primarily due to concern over potential effects on honey bees.[SUP][55][/SUP][SUP][56][/SUP][SUP][57][/SUP] Consequently when fipronil, a phenylpyrazole insecticide and in Europe mainly labeled "Regent", was used as a replacement, it was also found to be toxic to bees, and banned partially in France in 2004.[SUP][58][/SUP]
In February 2007, about forty French deputies, led by UMP member Jacques Remiller, requested the creation of a Parliamentary Investigation Commission on Overmortality of Bees, underlining that honey production was decreasing by 1,000 tons a year for a decade. As of August 2007, no investigations were yet opened.[SUP][59][/SUP] Five other insecticides based on fipronil were also accused of killing bees. However, the scientific committees of the European Union are still of the opinion "that the available monitoring studies were mainly performed in France and EU-member-states should consider the relevance of these studies for the circumstances in their country".[SUP][60][/SUP]
Around the same time French beekeepers succeeded in banning neonicotinoids, the Clinton administration permitted pesticides which were previously banned,[SUP][61][/SUP] including imidacloprid. In 2004, the Bush Administration reduced regulations further and pesticide applications increased.[SUP][62][/SUP][SUP][63][/SUP]
DDT? Don't look at the headline, look at where they suspend the rules.

In Europe, the interaction of the phenomenon of "dying bees" with imidacloprid has been discussed for quite some time now.[SUP][52][/SUP][SUP][53][/SUP][SUP][54][/SUP] It was a study from the "Comité Scientifique et Technique (CST)" which was in the center of discussion, which led to a partial ban of imidacloprid in France. The imidacloprid pesticide Gaucho was banned, in 1999 by the French Minister of Agriculture Jean Glavany, primarily due to concern over potential effects on honey bees.[SUP][55][/SUP][SUP][56][/SUP][SUP][57][/SUP] Consequently when fipronil, a phenylpyrazole insecticide and in Europe mainly labeled "Regent", was used as a replacement, it was also found to be toxic to bees, and banned partially in France in 2004.[SUP][58][/SUP]
In February 2007, about forty French deputies, led by UMP member Jacques Remiller, requested the creation of a Parliamentary Investigation Commission on Overmortality of Bees, underlining that honey production was decreasing by 1,000 tons a year for a decade. As of August 2007, no investigations were yet opened.[SUP][59][/SUP] Five other insecticides based on fipronil were also accused of killing bees. However, the scientific committees of the European Union are still of the opinion "that the available monitoring studies were mainly performed in France and EU-member-states should consider the relevance of these studies for the circumstances in their country".[SUP][60][/SUP]
Around the same time French beekeepers succeeded in banning neonicotinoids, the Clinton administration permitted pesticides which were previously banned,[SUP][61][/SUP] including imidacloprid. In 2004, the Bush Administration reduced regulations further and pesticide applications increased.[SUP][62][/SUP][SUP][63][/SUP]
Just as an aside, France is fucking stupid anyways.

i find it hard to believe that kynes can get his panties in a bunch about water fluoridation but barely seems to flinch at the near complete and utter overhaul of our agricultural system within the last 50~ years.

food is fuel and i like mine to be high grade. the practices ushered in by GMO and their effects are not well studied. it's not something i would defend until the picture was more complete.
i find it hard to believe that kynes can get his panties in a bunch about water fluoridation but barely seems to flinch at the near complete and utter overhaul of our agricultural system within the last 50~ years.

food is fuel and i like mine to be high grade. the practices ushered in by GMO and their effects are not well studied. it's not something i would defend until the picture was more complete.
Well unless Monsanto is splicing up a vegetable capable of decapitating a man with a single blow of its razor sharp leaves...the evidence suggests that the varieties in use thus far are safe.
He said he wanted evidence that monsanto is destroying responsible agriculture, and here it is.....theyre sueingdeny, deny, deny....its allllllll lies....head in the sand....i love monsanto and monsanto hitler...

are you going to hide from this evidence too?

no. you interpreted my demand you prove your claims or shut the fuck up as a request for an opinion piece that "proves" the entirely uncontroversial and obvious statement that monsanto sues people over violating their contracts.

but youre not terribly intelligent so thats to be expected.

heres how this shit works dummy.

ASSERTION: we should not put fluoride in our drinking water.
ALLEGATION: sodium fluoride is a poison, and dosing our water with poison is a stupid thing to do.
if you go in your bathroom and look at your toothpaste tube, if it has fluoride in it it will BY LAW also have this warning: Do Not Swallow. in case of accidental ingestion contact the poison control center.
Heres a link to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for sodium fluoride (primary source of fluoride for drinking water in the US) ohh look it IS poison...
a dentist with 30 years experience (one of many) who opposes fluoridation:
nad heres a website dedicated to the fluoride issue.
and right at the top youll find this quote: "Fluoridation goes against all principles of pharmacology. It’s obsolete." -- Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine/Physiology.

see how that goes?

assertion, sets up my argument.
allegation, sets up my reasoning.
evidence, provides links to FACTUAL sources, actual facts, and websites which are related directly to my assertion and my allegation.

see? no straw men, no sidetracking with unrelated bullshit, no word salad homonym games, and if somebody has counterpoints they want to provide, like the ADA's stance on fluoride or whatever, i am highly unlikely to accuse them of being part of the Aquafresh Conspiracy.

and thats why you are Clownshoes.
no. you interpreted my demand you prove your claims or shut the fuck up as a request for an opinion piece that "proves" the entirely uncontroversial and obvious statement that monsanto sues people over violating their contracts.

but youre not terribly intelligent so thats to be expected.

heres how this shit works dummy.

ASSERTION: we should not put fluoride in our drinking water.
ALLEGATION: sodium fluoride is a poison, and dosing our water with poison is a stupid thing to do.
if you go in your bathroom and look at your toothpaste tube, if it has fluoride in it it will BY LAW also have this warning: Do Not Swallow. in case of accidental ingestion contact the poison control center.
Heres a link to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for sodium fluoride (primary source of fluoride for drinking water in the US) ohh look it IS poison...
a dentist with 30 years experience (one of many) who opposes fluoridation:
nad heres a website dedicated to the fluoride issue.
and right at the top youll find this quote: "Fluoridation goes against all principles of pharmacology. It’s obsolete." -- Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine/Physiology.

see how that goes?

assertion, sets up my argument.
allegation, sets up my reasoning.
evidence, provides links to FACTUAL sources, actual facts, and websites which are related directly to my assertion and my allegation.

see? no straw men, no sidetracking with unrelated bullshit, no word salad homonym games, and if somebody has counterpoints they want to provide, like the ADA's stance on fluoride or whatever, i am highly unlikely to accuse them of being part of the Aquafresh Conspiracy.

and thats why you are Clownshoes.

fluoride is not poisonous when diluted to parts per million. might as well argue against water chlorination, despite all of its very positive benefits.

or do you like cholera?
To all the Pro-GM crowd, please eat GMO's to your hearts content... Obamacares on the way in so at least treatment won't cost so much when cancers eating the arse out of you or you're showing signs of chronic organ disease or allergies... As far as population control goes, this is a great test to see if you're worth keeping around.

Show me ONE document from the big 3 in the GM field that PROVES GMO's are safe for human consumption without adverse or unwanted side effects...

Not some bullshit Monsanto, DuPont, Syngenta or their FDA lapdogs deem safe without any testing, review, independent auditing or oversight...
no. you interpreted my demand you prove your claims or shut the fuck up as a request for an opinion piece that "proves" the entirely uncontroversial and obvious statement that monsanto sues people over violating their contracts.

but youre not terribly intelligent so thats to be expected.

heres how this shit works dummy.

ASSERTION: we should not put fluoride in our drinking water.
ALLEGATION: sodium fluoride is a poison, and dosing our water with poison is a stupid thing to do.
if you go in your bathroom and look at your toothpaste tube, if it has fluoride in it it will BY LAW also have this warning: Do Not Swallow. in case of accidental ingestion contact the poison control center.
Heres a link to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) for sodium fluoride (primary source of fluoride for drinking water in the US) ohh look it IS poison...
a dentist with 30 years experience (one of many) who opposes fluoridation:
nad heres a website dedicated to the fluoride issue.
and right at the top youll find this quote: "Fluoridation goes against all principles of pharmacology. It’s obsolete." -- Dr. Arvid Carlsson, Nobel Laureate in Medicine/Physiology.

see how that goes?

assertion, sets up my argument.
allegation, sets up my reasoning.
evidence, provides links to FACTUAL sources, actual facts, and websites which are related directly to my assertion and my allegation.

see? no straw men, no sidetracking with unrelated bullshit, no word salad homonym games, and if somebody has counterpoints they want to provide, like the ADA's stance on fluoride or whatever, i am highly unlikely to accuse them of being part of the Aquafresh Conspiracy.

and thats why you are Clownshoes.
Your skilled in debate, good for you, that doesnt make you right :):):):wall: