Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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george soros

monsanto company (nyse: mon) is a publicly traded american multinational agricultural biotechnology corporation headquartered in creve coeur, missouri.[SUP][3][/SUP][SUP][4][/SUP] it is a leading producer of genetically engineered (ge) seed and of the herbicide glyphosate, which it markets under the roundup brand.[SUP][5][/SUP] founded in 1901 by john francis queeny, ~

george soros (pron.: /ˈsɔroʊs/ or /ˈsɔrəs/;[SUP][2][/SUP] hungarian: soros györgy; hungarian: [ˈʃoroʃ]; born august 12, 1930, as schwartz györgy) is a hungarian-american business magnate, ~

george soros founded monsanto 29 years before he was born?

And aparently george soros never worked for monsanto... ~

you are misinformed.

I already admitted my mistake. The company was formed in St. Louis, creve coeur, IN THE AREAS OF despite earlier reports here by others and he is their second largest stock holder. Excuse me. Unlike you I can admit when I am wrong.
I already admitted my mistake. The company was formed in St. Louis, creve coeur, IN THE AREAS OF despite earlier reports here by others and he is their second largest stock holder. Excuse me. Unlike you I can admit when I am wrong.

i have admitted being in error many times, it happens. admitting you are in error and then sticking your snoot in the air while declaring that youre "Better Than SOME People Around Here" for the simple fact that you made a factual error indicates that you are in fact a twat, much like the OP of this hideous abortion of a thread.

your intimation that i dont admit when im wrong indicates your one of the butthurt bunch who simply BELIEVE i am wrong on some issue, however based on your assertion i can conclude that:

A: the subject to which you obliquely refer is a matter of opinion and thus there is no right or wrong answer. in such a case, you would be a fool.
B: you have failed to prove your case on the subject at question, yet still somehow expect those with opposing views to surrender. in this eventuality you would be a retard.

either way, smells a lot like sockpuppets in here.

PS. I especially love the way you got your knickers in a twist over somebody simply saying "you are misinformed"
hilariously tender butts get hurt so easily i dont even have to try.
The only thing i want from monsanto is some MONEY! Lord knows they got plenty of that fire one lawyer, that should do it monsanto! Hey, you tried to convince my neighbor that you'd be GOOD for his new england sweet corn, i laughed when he threatened to shoot tresspassers! I MAY be able to convince him for the right price! I kid i kid, i joke i joke! Monsanto should slide into organics.
i have admitted being in error many times, it happens. Admitting you are in error and then sticking your snoot in the air while declaring that youre "better than some people around here" for the simple fact that you made a factual error indicates that you are in fact a twat, much like the op of this hideous abortion of a thread.

Your intimation that i dont admit when im wrong indicates your one of the butthurt bunch who simply believe i am wrong on some issue, however based on your assertion i can conclude that:

A: The subject to which you obliquely refer is a matter of opinion and thus there is no right or wrong answer. In such a case, you would be a fool.
b: You have failed to prove your case on the subject at question, yet still somehow expect those with opposing views to surrender. In this eventuality you would be a retard.

Either way, smells a lot like sockpuppets in here.

Ps. I especially love the way you got your knickers in a twist over somebody simply saying "you are misinformed"
hilariously tender butts get hurt so easily i dont even have to try.

you have failed to prove anything here other than your being a corporate paid troll with a sick mouth. The vote reflects that and no matter how many times you divert the subject with your personal attacks and nasty name calling... Please quote me one place in this entire argument where you have admitted your wrong or have not come back with useless diversion bs???
i have admitted being in error many times, it happens. admitting you are in error and then sticking your snoot in the air while declaring that youre "Better Than SOME People Around Here" for the simple fact that you made a factual error indicates that you are in fact a twat, much like the OP of this hideous abortion of a thread.

your intimation that i dont admit when im wrong indicates your one of the butthurt bunch who simply BELIEVE i am wrong on some issue, however based on your assertion i can conclude that:

A: the subject to which you obliquely refer is a matter of opinion and thus there is no right or wrong answer. in such a case, you would be a fool.
B: you have failed to prove your case on the subject at question, yet still somehow expect those with opposing views to surrender. in this eventuality you would be a retard.

either way, smells a lot like sockpuppets in here.

PS. I especially love the way you got your knickers in a twist over somebody simply saying "you are misinformed"
hilariously tender butts get hurt so easily i dont even have to try.

We need to develop butthurt panties for him and her. that and start a thread called all nutters please post here!
1957: Monsanto moved to the suburban community of Creve Coeur, having finally outgrown its headquarters in downtown St. Louis, Missouri. ~

we get it, you hate monsanto.

the subject of this thread is whether california should pass a plebiscite to ban GMO's and genetic research within the state.

the inability of the "Yes" crowd to illuminate their position without resorting to ad hominem attacks, circular logic, unsupported claims, and repeated dumps of UNRELATED material such as your anti-monsanto link dumps is a strong indication that the ""Yes " side has no proof to support their claims.

in a free country, you cannot legislate a prohibition of something based on your feelings, you must PROVE the thing you are attempting to legislate against is undesirable.
provide actual proof that supports the OP's claim of GMO's doing harm and you may find support, without it youre just chicken little.
i have admitted being in error many times, it happens. Admitting you are in error and then sticking your snoot in the air while declaring that youre "better than some people around here" for the simple fact that you made a factual error indicates that you are in fact a twat, much like the op of this hideous abortion of a thread.

Your intimation that i dont admit when im wrong indicates your one of the butthurt bunch who simply believe i am wrong on some issue, however based on your assertion i can conclude that:

A: The subject to which you obliquely refer is a matter of opinion and thus there is no right or wrong answer. In such a case, you would be a fool.
b: You have failed to prove your case on the subject at question, yet still somehow expect those with opposing views to surrender. In this eventuality you would be a retard.

Either way, smells a lot like sockpuppets in here.

Ps. I especially love the way you got your knickers in a twist over somebody simply saying "you are misinformed"
hilariously tender butts get hurt so easily i dont even have to try.

my knickers are in a twist...??? Look how many of you it has taken to try to divert this truth. Funny they come out like tag team cock roaches... If i am a twat? A twat you gmo cocks can't ever touch with your trolling psych-ops bs!!!
you have failed to prove anything here other than your being a corporate paid troll with a sick mouth. The vote reflects that and no matter how many times you divert the subject with your personal attacks and nasty name calling... Please quote me one place in this entire argument where you have admitted your wrong or have not come back with useless diversion bs???

in this thread?

why in this thread i am RIGHT.

100% correct.

Zero Factual Errors.

if you wish to claim a factual error, then might i suggest a link to the claimed error, and a link to proof of the error.

note however that most of this thread is about OPINIONS. the facts however are all on my side.

it is groovy the way you once again leap to ad hominem attacks and claims that im on Monsanto or Ciba Geigy's payroll.
one might also note the YOU are the one dragging out non-sequitors, declaring them to be proof of ... SOMETHING (nobody seems sure what though) and then getting your bloomers in a bunch over a simple correction of a couple glaring factual errors.

i dont even have to be an expert on Monsanto, since i KNEW ALREAADY that monsanto was a pretty big chemical company in ww2, while george soros was a pretty small baby during that war.
people who work in agriculture (like myself) are well aware of monsanto's warts, and where they do a great job.
we get it, you hate monsanto.

The subject of this thread is whether california should pass a plebiscite to ban gmo's and genetic research within the state.

The inability of the "yes" crowd to illuminate their position without resorting to ad hominem attacks, circular logic, unsupported claims, and repeated dumps of unrelated material such as your anti-monsanto link dumps is a strong indication that the ""yes " side has no proof to support their claims.

In a free country, you cannot legislate a prohibition of something based on your feelings, you must prove the thing you are attempting to legislate against is undesirable.
Provide actual proof that supports the op's claim of gmo's doing harm and you may find support, without it youre just chicken little.

these 70+ pages is full of it. Learn to read all of it, not just the parts you can twist
in this thread?

Why in this thread i am right.

100% correct.

Zero factual errors.

If you wish to claim a factual error, then might i suggest a link to the claimed error, and a link to proof of the error.

Note however that most of this thread is about opinions. The facts however are all on my side.

It is groovy the way you once again leap to ad hominem attacks and claims that im on monsanto or ciba geigy's payroll.
One might also note the you are the one dragging out non-sequitors, declaring them to be proof of ... Something (nobody seems sure what though) and then getting your bloomers in a bunch over a simple correction of a couple glaring factual errors.

I dont even have to be an expert on monsanto, since i knew alreaady that monsanto was a pretty big chemical company in ww2, while george soros was a pretty small baby during that war.
People who work in agriculture (like myself) are well aware of monsanto's warts, and where they do a great job.

rolmafo!!!!!!!!!! Guess you missed the part where i said i have done commercial farming for many yrs
my knickers are in a twist...??? Look how many of you it has taken to try to divert this truth. Funny they come out like tag team cock roaches... If i am a twat? A twat you gmo cocks can't ever touch with your trolling psych-ops bs!!!


ohhh you mean Psy-Ops.

you think im trying to get inside your head and manipulate you?

im a farm hand, not a psychologist you paranoid loon.

your paranoia is pretty obvious, as well as your delusions, narcissism, and general instability.

i cant tell for sure yet whether youre Don Quixote, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Canute The Great.

keep yammering though,, ill figure it out.
these 70+ pages is full of it. Learn to read all of it, not just the parts you can twist

yes this thread really is FULL OF IT.

it was FULL OF IT days ago, before you came in and started shoveling more on top.

if this goes on too much longer this thread will be so FULL OF IT that it will have to be declared a Superfund Site and closed as a safety hazard.
in this thread?

why in this thread i am RIGHT.

100% correct.

Zero Factual Errors.

if you wish to claim a factual error, then might i suggest a link to the claimed error, and a link to proof of the error.

note however that most of this thread is about OPINIONS. the facts however are all on my side.

it is groovy the way you once again leap to ad hominem attacks and claims that im on Monsanto or Ciba Geigy's payroll.
one might also note the YOU are the one dragging out non-sequitors, declaring them to be proof of ... SOMETHING (nobody seems sure what though) and then getting your bloomers in a bunch over a simple correction of a couple glaring factual errors.

i dont even have to be an expert on Monsanto, since i KNEW ALREAADY that monsanto was a pretty big chemical company in ww2, while george soros was a pretty small baby during that war. "

rolmafo!!!!!!!!!! Guess you missed the part where i said i have done commercial farming for many yrs

well you for damned sure werent PCA, farm mananger, feild hand or propagator. anyhone who does those jobs already knows how safe glyphosate is for the user and how long the feild has to be shut down after application.

spending an afternoon in your community garden twice a month doesnt make you a farmer.
yes this thread really is FULL OF IT.

it was FULL OF IT days ago, before you came in and started shoveling more on top.

if this goes on too much longer this thread will be so FULL OF IT that it will have to be declared a Superfund Site and closed as a safety hazard.

Your Full of It!!!!!

ohhh you mean Psy-Ops.

you think im trying to get inside your head and manipulate you?

im a farm hand, not a psychologist you paranoid loon.

your paranoia is pretty obvious, as well as your delusions, narcissism, and general instability.

i cant tell for sure yet whether youre Don Quixote, Napoleon Bonaparte, or Canute The Great.

keep yammering though,, ill figure it out.

Farm hand is a long way from running a chicken & cattle ranch that houses over 8000 head of chicken and 6000 head of cattle and raising 100's of acres hay, tobacco and soybeans... ect... Some under contract of Campbell Soup,... for many yrs..... Which sorry is Not Gardening
well you for damned sure werent PCA, farm mananger, feild hand or propagator. anyhone who does those jobs already knows how safe glyphosate is for the user and how long the feild has to be shut down after application.

spending an afternoon in your community garden twice a month doesnt make you a farmer.

Yes, Manager, and Why would a field be shut down after application if it is safe........??? More BS! from the farm hand

yep, your jimmies are rustled.

perhaps a refresher course on how to quote somebody else's comment might be helpful.

and yes, gerorge soros was just a wee lad when germany fell.

how my exaggerating this fact for humorous intent proves your assertion correct escapes me.