Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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My main beef with this is that you are declaring "natural" (without artifice) to be "better". And the closest you come to justifying this is an oblique mention of religion. This is not in line with it being "all about the numbers", since the numbers do not make such judgments of doctrine. cn
Exactly cn<3
The numbers or (for the sake of the discussion) the naturals numbers are indiscriminate and lacking the chains and anchors that currently our species is still struggling to evolve through which taints our judgements with judgements no matter what probably insufficient data the judgements are based on, not to mention the basic un'yet resolved traits of greed = hunt and kill for gold and the born prejudice that is usually hand in hand to help justify the means to the end.
Tw you are again quite incorrect, its the gov that contracted for the fungal pathogens, the universities and corporate interests simply were contracted to help do the work.
After that I simply posed the question about what would a corporation do with the genetic maps that resulted from such work, and my guess is that they would use them in the GMO process which results in unique patentable DNA sequencing...while you on the other hand 'think' (I used that word loosely) that calling someone a 'liar' is a sufficiently thoughtful response...

assertion 1:
the government contracted certain universities and corporate interests to create "fungal herbicides"
the government was approached by cats who had an idea for designer fungus for weed control in lawns and whatnot, which had flopped in the market, since nobody with a brain in their head wants to hose their yard with FUNGUS to eliminate dandelions since FUNGUS makes people imagine their yard covered with giant quivering mutated mushrooms instead of a few dandelions peeping up through the lawn. even those in the know didnt weant it, since the hazard is in the nature of fungus. they are independent organisms, when they flourish they flourish like a motherfucker (see previous quivering mutant mushrooms comment) and when they do not flourish they change themselves to find a way to flourish. spraying your lawn with designer fungus that feeds exclusively on dandelions MIGHT work, but if even one minor mutant strain decides Fescue is more delicious than dandelions, now youve got a whole new problem, one that cannot be handled by pulling up a few stray weeds, or even re-sodding. fungus reproduce, and when they reproduce they do it on their own schedule, unlike roundup, Weed B Gone or any of a variety of chemical weed killers which can be used once, and never again, or used regularly at the discretion of the user. once you throw out the fungi, THEY decide when they grow, when they spore and what they kill. fungal weed control is a NON STARTER. so the scientists who researched this shit went looking for other funding to continue their research. since these scientists already think this is a great idea (they are already invested financially, intellectually and emotionally) they still want to pursue it, even just as an exercise. who will they approach with their idea to target and kill specific plants with a persistent fungal infestation making a particular area uninhabitable for that target plant possibly forever? the good people at the DEA. The same guys who though spraying mexico with paraquat defoliant without mentioning this genius idea to mexico...

assertion 2:
research into fungal pathogens to kill plants necessarily results in "Genetic Maps"
the fungal herbicide programs at issue, the ones in the market already and the poroposed dope-killing fungi were NOT GMO fungi, and they did NOT use genetic mapping of plants. youi may be interested to know that Roundup doenst use genetic maps and does not target genetic material, it targets a specific enzyme which some plant do not need, by slipping the "dont need this enzyme" feature into a crop plant you make that new crop plant cultivar largely immune to roundup. the same idea is used in the fungal pathogens. breed the fungus to target a particular and unique feature of a coca plant, and you could eliminate coca production in any area you introduce this fungus. Forever. needless to say the DEA got boners over this idea. its stilll not GMO or genetic engineering. if the plan had gone forward you can bet your asss some enterprising genetecist would be working on fungus resistant coca already.

assertion 3:
"Genetic Maps" are the means by which GMO's are patented
GMO's are patented in the same way a railway coupling is patented: "this is my idea and my design, this is the existing design, and here is why mine is different..." mapping out a genome doesnt give the mapper a proprietary interest in the organism any more than taking a picture of your neighbor's Toyota lets you claim patent rights over all Corollas

previous unfounded assertion group 4: (which we have not forgotten)
UC Davis, Monsanto and the Federal Government hatched a plot to exterminate weed using GMO fungi, so Monsanto could produce the Patent Protected Last Doobie On Earth
and not a scrap of truth for any of those VERY specific and VERY wrong claims was found.
I think that, like guns, some 'common sense' regulations are needed.

Regulations are the key, 'common sense' regulations...and everyone will live forever. bongsmilie
I think that, like guns, some 'common sense' regulations are needed.

Regulations are the key, 'common sense' regulations...and everyone will live forever. bongsmilie

You don't need the intelligence of a god to assemble and shoot a gun properly.

Just ask this guy:

assertion 1:...
...and not a scrap of truth for any of those VERY specific and VERY wrong claims was found.

Doc you remind me of the wind because I can never really see ultimately where your coming from or going to...but also more like the hot air variety that one should probably plug ones nose for.
Maybe some roll playing would be fun for you and me if we must interact here.
How about you be C.F, shouldn't at all be a stretch for ya doc, just be yourself, and I'll play doc S.F...

There, that was fun, now check out these two spots and see if it helps you connect a couple more dots?

[h=3]Control of Coca with a Plant Pathogenic Fungus - Public Policy Press[/h]
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
provide enough inoculum to cover Colombia's coca growing regions. ... natural plant pathogenic fungi that are used to selectively attack and kill a target plant ...

[h=3] Colombia Agrees To Test Herbicide On Coca[/h]
If the fungus is found in Colombian varieties of coca, Colombian scientists would go on to ... What we want is a program of research--and only research--on the use of ... to Colombia to fight drug traffickers and the insurgents who protect their trade. ... working to develop Fusarium fungus, plant bacteria and other pathogens to ...
Doc you remind me of the wind because I can never really see ultimately where your coming from or going to...but also more like the hot air variety that one should probably plug ones nose for.
Maybe some roll playing would be fun for you and me if we must interact here.
How about you be C.F, shouldn't at all be a stretch for ya doc, just be yourself, and I'll play doc S.F...

There, that was fun, now check out these two spots and see if it helps you connect a couple more dots?

Control of Coca with a Plant Pathogenic Fungus - Public Policy Press
File Format: PDF/Adobe Acrobat - Quick View
provide enough inoculum to cover Colombia's coca growing regions. ... natural plant pathogenic fungi that are used to selectively attack and kill a target plant ... Colombia Agrees To Test Herbicide On Coca
If the fungus is found in Colombian varieties of coca, Colombian scientists would go on to ... What we want is a program of research--and only research--on the use of ... to Colombia to fight drug traffickers and the insurgents who protect their trade. ... working to develop Fusarium fungus, plant bacteria and other pathogens to ...

yes. i already PROVED that there was a short lived, ultimately doomed premature abortion of a plan to hose down colombia with fusarium to wipe out never got off the ground.

That Plan Did Not Include Monsanto, UC Davis, Or Cannabis.
I Am Unable To Find Any Proof That There Has Ever Been A Plan To Use Fusarium On Cannabis.
Nor Have I Found Any Program Between Monsanto And UC Davis To Destroy Cannabis, Much Less Patent It.

Your claims Are Entirely Wrong, Unsupported, Insupportable (theres a difference) And 100% False.

Posting More "Proof" Of This Single Halfassed Idiotic, Pie In The Sky, Dimwitted Brainfart Of A Plan To Eliminate Cocaine By Eradicating Coca Proves Nothing
One Jackoff In The DEA Who Thinks Spraying Deadly Pathogens On Colombia Will End Cocaine Trafficking Doesn't Mean The Idea Was Anything But a Brainfart. Nor Does It Indict Monsanto Or UC Davis Of Plotting To Make Cannabis Extinct. It Certainly Doesn't Prove That They Planned To Patent Weed.

yes. i already PROVED that there was a short lived, ultimately doomed premature abortion of a plan to hose down colombia with fusarium to wipe out never got off the ground.

That Plan Did Not Include Monsanto, UC Davis, Or Cannabis.
I Am Unable To Find Any Proof That There Has Ever Been A Plan To Use Fusarium On Cannabis.
Nor Have I Found Any Program Between Monsanto And UC Davis To Destroy Cannabis, Much Less Patent It.

Your claims Are Entirely Wrong, Unsupported, Insupportable (theres a difference) And 100% False.

Posting More "Proof" Of This Single Halfassed Idiotic, Pie In The Sky, Dimwitted Brainfart Of A Plan To Eliminate Cocaine By Eradicating Coca Proves Nothing
One Jackoff In The DEA Who Thinks Spraying Deadly Pathogens On Colombia Will End Cocaine Trafficking Doesn't Mean The Idea Was Anything But a Brainfart. Nor Does It Indict Monsanto Or UC Davis Of Plotting To Make Cannabis Extinct. It Certainly Doesn't Prove That They Planned To Patent Weed.

As much as your response is good, he's clearly a Bible bashing fuck-wit with his head in the sand.

We should just let this thread go to page 425, where the rest of the shit threads go to die.
yeah but i live in cali, so imma need to see what kind of bullshit the proponents of this waffle will offer so i can shoot em down.

damn i think im gonn ahve to get my suit out of storage. for some reason nobody takes political advice from a dude in overalls.
yeah but i live in cali, so imma need to see what kind of bullshit the proponents of this waffle will offer so i can shoot em down.

damn i think im gonn ahve to get my suit out of storage. for some reason nobody takes political advice from a dude in overalls.
People like DNAprotection, I fucking HATE misguided do-gooders trying to save the world from imaginary bullshit.

Hes genuinely stupid tho, he just posts the same irrelevant and factually false links and a bunch of ad hominim.

He didn't even blink when I said to campaign for more strict control of antibiotics, which is gonna be a SERIOUS crisis in the next 10 years...a crisis that ironically could potentially be solved by the very Genetic Engineering he's trying to have banned.
yes. i already PROVED that there was a short lived, ultimately doomed premature abortion of a plan to hose down colombia with fusarium to wipe out never got off the ground.

That Plan Did Not Include Monsanto, UC Davis, Or Cannabis.
I Am Unable To Find Any Proof That There Has Ever Been A Plan To Use Fusarium On Cannabis.
Nor Have I Found Any Program Between Monsanto And UC Davis To Destroy Cannabis, Much Less Patent It...
The only thing you've really 'proved' is your inability to use your common sense and logic and read between the lines.
These were all antibioterrorism projects done for and funded by the US gov who found early on that most had a bad response to even the notion of such projects even with regards to coca and poppy, but most especially with cannabis, since then the info well has all but dried up and it almost takes being an insider or knowing one to even learn or know anything of the projects due to national security classifications.
I happen to have reach into both categories.
Whether you believe any of this or not is none of my concern, but I do truly appreciate each and every post you and everyone here makes so don't get yourself sick thinking I don't fact tonight at the stroke of the new year I will gift every post on this thread with a 'like' as a showing of gratitude and new beginnings and better communications, thinking and understanding in this new year.
Do you think you can support that statement I am alleging CF?:peace::mrgreen:
People like DNAprotection, I fucking HATE misguided do-gooders trying to save the world from imaginary bullshit.

Hes genuinely stupid tho, he just posts the same irrelevant and factually false links and a bunch of ad hominim.

He didn't even blink when I said to campaign for more strict control of antibiotics, which is gonna be a SERIOUS crisis in the next 10 years...a crisis that ironically could potentially be solved by the very Genetic Engineering he's trying to have banned.
You should start a thread on that Frank, its a good topic.
yeah but i live in cali, so imma need to see what kind of bullshit the proponents of this waffle will offer so i can shoot em down.

damn i think im gonn ahve to get my suit out of storage. for some reason nobody takes political advice from a dude in overalls.
Oh C.F. lol if you and the other sweat hogs (i can say that cuz ima pig) are in any way representative of the opposition I simply couldn't be more pleased.
The only thing you've really 'proved' is your inability to use your common sense and logic and read between the lines.
These were all antibioterrorism projects done for and funded by the US gov who found early on that most had a bad response to even the notion of such projects even with regards to coca and poppy, but most especially with cannabis, since then the info well has all but dried up and it almost takes being an insider or knowing one to even learn or know anything of the projects due to national security classifications.
I happen to have reach into both categories.
Whether you believe any of this or not is none of my concern, but I do truly appreciate each and every post you and everyone here makes so don't get yourself sick thinking I don't fact tonight at the stroke of the new year I will gift every post on this thread with a 'like' as a showing of gratitude and new beginnings and better communications, thinking and understanding in this new year.
Do you think you can support that statement I am alleging CF?:peace::mrgreen:

Unfortunately he is Antoine, unfortunately he is...
The only thing you've really 'proved' is your inability to use your common sense and logic and read between the lines.
These were all antibioterrorism projects done for and funded by the US gov who found early on that most had a bad response to even the notion of such projects even with regards to coca and poppy, but most especially with cannabis, since then the info well has all but dried up and it almost takes being an insider or knowing one to even learn or know anything of the projects due to national security classifications.
I happen to have reach into both categories.
Whether you believe any of this or not is none of my concern, but I do truly appreciate each and every post you and everyone here makes so don't get yourself sick thinking I don't fact tonight at the stroke of the new year I will gift every post on this thread with a 'like' as a showing of gratitude and new beginnings and better communications, thinking and understanding in this new year.
Do you think you can support that statement I am alleging CF?:peace::mrgreen:

you havent proved your case vis a vis the GMO= Bad shit apocalypse mutant Attack of the Killer Tomatoes scenarios:

nor have you proved your indictments of Monsanto and UC Davis regarding a plot to use fusarium in what i am choosing to call "Doobie Doomsday"

in fact all the citations and "evidence" you have brought forth sems to prove conclusively that selective breeding is the cause of all the ills you seek to prevent,, and thus, genetic modification would be a solution not a problem. so far nobody has used genetic modification to create anti-biotic resistant flesh eating bacteria, trans-species viruses that kill 3% of the word's population (google "La Grippe" for more information) or viruses from central african monkeys that make you shoot blood from evedry orifice before you die...

maybe you should tryu banning evolution and natural selection first. i bet that gets some traction without even slandering Monsanto.

or you could command the seas retreat, and the tides stop their cyling. thats a CLASSIC crazyperson move.

Canute the Great
"King of all England and Denmark and the Norwegians and of some of the Swedes"
Do we have a sheriff on board?
Frank since your out trolling, it might be a good opportunity to try and explain the difference between a "bill" as you keep insisting and a ballot proposition or initiative as is the case with The DNA Protection Act of 2013.
A 'bill' is proposed legislation that is trying to get passed by a vote of any particular legislative body, and if passed by such, it can then be signed into law usually by a Governor or a President or can also be vetoed by the same.
A ballot proposition or initiative or Act proposal is that which is presented directly to the voters and needs no signature by a Governor etc. Of course I'm referring to specifically the cali ballot process where once a ballot measure is passed, no legislative body or executive measure of the state can amend such.
As much as your response is good, he's clearly a Bible bashing fuck-wit with his head in the sand.

We should just let this thread go to page 425, where the rest of the shit threads go to die.

Frank, that's fine do as you wish, but it seems as though you are truly retreating in defeat as the poll results reflect which are currently 13 votes in your column and 31 for no genetically engineered cannabis.
How about a fun New Years challenge?
You and your other caged minded brain washed into the notion that 'humans know best' class mates here get with all your friends here and or those who you think would poll in your column, and I will simply write a neutral or unbiased invite for others to come and vote in the poll and I will post it in a few other forums here that seem appropriate for such and lets see how democracy plays out when a more concerted effort is made for participation.

From the numbers as they stand I can understand how your column might fear 'democracy', but just in case you 'believe' in democracy and have confidence in your own views being reasonable to others, the challenge is on the table.:peace:bongsmilie