Monsanto cannabis yes or no? The DNA Protection Act of 2013

Genetically Engineered Cannabis yes or no?

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Monsanto Weed, finally now i can get rid of those pesky spider mites with roundup :hump:

IM all for GMO, but not if it means a company can copyright DNA
The patents are what it'$ all about.
Controlling food and nature by way of owning the patents on such is part of the whole biotech business model.
Further, because the biotech industry GE varieties are protected by law (patents), and naturally occurring varieties are not, the biotech industry has been able to make case law in the direction of their GE varieties being protected from genetic pollution from non patented or naturally occurring varieties of plants etc.
This law seeks to level the field of protection for 'the commons'.
To the best of (my knowledge of!) our knowledge, I don't think it works that way. That is the basic break between Lamarckian and Darwinian evolution. The Lamarckians postulated a "practice effect" in which heavily-used traits could be inherited. But every test to which I have seen Lamarck's ideas subjected, they failed.

My aesthetic take is otherwise. It's like a toddler taking her first two unaided steps ... a source of immense "parental" pride. It's not so much cheating as deriving the correct answer by another route. Jmo. cn
OK, but would a 'proud' parent want their toddler to be attempting their first steps in a spot where there was only room to stand because there are potentially fatal cliffs or unreasonably steep stairways on all sides, or would that kind of 'pride' come before humpty dumpty falls off the wall?
Also, to your first point, I recall an experiment with two identical looking birds of the same species, one bird came from the family genetics of birds from a harsh weather region where they really had to work for a living, the other bird came from family genetics of birds from a mild easy living climate zone/region. Both birds were born and raised in separate but equal captivity environments. They then challenged each bird to a food gathering test where grubs were placed in a hole covered by a steel washer with a clear glass or plastic center so that the birds could see the grub but could not get to the grub unless they could figure out to move the washer to the side.
The bird from the more task adapted genetics scored right off and kept on eating from hole to hole.
The bird from easy street just kept banging its beak against the clear center over each whole and seemed to have no ability whatsoever to think it through and so went unfed.
Monsanto Weed, finally now i can get rid of those pesky spider mites with roundup :hump:

IM all for GMO, but not if it means a company can copyright DNA

There it is. I do not like the idea of a company creating a monopoly on a naturally occurring plant.

Greedy bastards!
they have been stealing farms and putting farmers in jail all over the world with these patent's on strains. monsanto is greed!!!
OK, but would a 'proud' parent want their toddler to be attempting their first steps in a spot where there was only room to stand because there are potentially fatal cliffs or unreasonably steep stairways on all sides, or would that kind of 'pride' come before humpty dumpty falls off the wall?
Also, to your first point, I recall an experiment with two identical looking birds of the same species, one bird came from the family genetics of birds from a harsh weather region where they really had to work for a living, the other bird came from family genetics of birds from a mild easy living climate zone/region. Both birds were born and raised in separate but equal captivity environments. They then challenged each bird to a food gathering test where grubs were placed in a hole covered by a steel washer with a clear glass or plastic center so that the birds could see the grub but could not get to the grub unless they could figure out to move the washer to the side.
The bird from the more task adapted genetics scored right off and kept on eating from hole to hole.
The bird from easy street just kept banging its beak against the clear center over each whole and seemed to have no ability whatsoever to think it through and so went unfed.

The parent would be wise to find a safer place to raise his/her child, that is if the parent cares for the child and must earn a living.
There it is. I do not like the idea of a company creating a monopoly on a naturally occurring plant.

Greedy bastards!
The corporate plans for cannabis are also a convenient inroad to a legal precedent where for the first time only the GE varieties will be deemed 'safe' by the Gmen, and thereby maintaining all naturally occurring varieties in a scheduled 1 armed and 'dangerous' controlled substance category.
Achieving the 'only legal seed' and or varieties of any species has been a corporate biotech milestone target for a long time.
Monsanto via the US gov put a model in place in the occupation of Iraq and the 100 first provisional laws set by Paul Bremer our installed provisional Governor during the beginning of the 'occupation'...

"Bremer’s Order 81
The CPA explicitly defined the legal importance of the 100 Orders to leave no doubt that they were, indeed, orders. An Order was defined as, ‘binding instructions or directives to the Iraqi people that create penal consequences or have a direct bearing on the way Iraqis are regulated, including changes to Iraqi law.’ In other words, Iraqis were told, ‘do it or die.’ The law of occupation was supreme.​
Buried deep among the Bremer laws was Order 81, ‘Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety Law’.​
At the heart of Order 81 was the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) provision. Order 81, states: ‘Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties or any variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph (C) of Article 14 of this Chapter.’​
In plain English, this gives holders of patents on certain plant varieties, i.e. large foreign multinationals, absolute rights for 20 years over use of their seeds in Iraqi agriculture. The protected plant varieties are Genetically Modified or Gene Manipulated (GM) plants, and an Iraqi farmer who chose to plant such seeds must sign an agreement with the seed company holding the patent that he would pay a ‘technology fee’ and an annual license fee for planting the patented seeds.​
Any Iraqi farmer seeking to take a portion of those patented seeds to replant in following harvest years would be subject to heavy fines from the seed supplier. Iraqi farmers would become vassals, not of Saddam Hussein, but of multinational GM seed giants." does one go about getting their avatar uploaded up in here? this is a brothel right?
When profits fall into play, shortcuts are made much to determent of society/environment. (Dow, Monsanto, Bayer, Exxon, BP, restitution yet to be paid)
I don't see how it will be a benefit to society, other then putting more farmers/independents out of work. My taxes go up.
Just to clarify your proposed law: It seeks to outlaw genetic engineering of ANY plant, animal, bacteria, yeast, any living thing in California, not just cannabis.

Dumber than dumb. Truly dangerous. Would probably destroy agriculture in California.
The corporate plans for cannabis are also a convenient inroad to a legal precedent where for the first time only the GE varieties will be deemed 'safe' by the Gmen, and thereby maintaining all naturally occurring varieties in a scheduled 1 armed and 'dangerous' controlled substance category.
Achieving the 'only legal seed' and or varieties of any species has been a corporate biotech milestone target for a long time.
Monsanto via the US gov put a model in place in the occupation of Iraq and the 100 first provisional laws set by Paul Bremer our installed provisional Governor during the beginning of the 'occupation'...

"Bremer’s Order 81
The CPA explicitly defined the legal importance of the 100 Orders to leave no doubt that they were, indeed, orders. An Order was defined as, ‘binding instructions or directives to the Iraqi people that create penal consequences or have a direct bearing on the way Iraqis are regulated, including changes to Iraqi law.’ In other words, Iraqis were told, ‘do it or die.’ The law of occupation was supreme.​
Buried deep among the Bremer laws was Order 81, ‘Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety Law’.​
At the heart of Order 81 was the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) provision. Order 81, states: ‘Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties or any variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph (C) of Article 14 of this Chapter.’​
In plain English, this gives holders of patents on certain plant varieties, i.e. large foreign multinationals, absolute rights for 20 years over use of their seeds in Iraqi agriculture. The protected plant varieties are Genetically Modified or Gene Manipulated (GM) plants, and an Iraqi farmer who chose to plant such seeds must sign an agreement with the seed company holding the patent that he would pay a ‘technology fee’ and an annual license fee for planting the patented seeds.​
Any Iraqi farmer seeking to take a portion of those patented seeds to replant in following harvest years would be subject to heavy fines from the seed supplier. Iraqi farmers would become vassals, not of Saddam Hussein, but of multinational GM seed giants." does one go about getting their avatar uploaded up in here? this is a brothel right?

Post a link to Bremer's order 81. I want to read the actual order, not some paranoid conspiracy theory interpretation. I smell putrid bullshit.
I pay extra & always buy "organic" products. Just because organic means "no GMO", not because I think it's any healthier. It's because I don't want any of my $'s going to Monsanto! Evil bastards!
Just to be clear, this is not 'spam' nor is it an 'advertizement' or anything of the sort.
This is a honest outreach for needed discussion on this urgent topic and we are counting on feedback as to how folks would amend the text of the act if they thought it should be etc.

The DNA Protection Act would ban all genetically engineered cannabis from California before it 'legally' (as in federally mandated) starts and stop whatever may have already begun.
Be it called 'creation' or 'nature' etc, are we prepared to allow it to be genetically redesigned by corporate interests?
The natural genetics or DNA of the natural world or the commons is under attack.
Corporate interests are working 24 hours a day 7 days a weeks to re-design and or re-sequence the genetic material or DNA of the natural world in effort to patent and own such modified genetic designs or 'blueprints'.
The DNA Protection Act of 2013 will protect the naturally intended genetic designs of the living natural world and or the commons within the state of California from the immanent threat of broken DNA caused by genetic engineering and or genetic modification technologies.
We need your help to make The DNA Protection Act of 2013 into a law by way of getting it on the ballot and then getting it passed into law by a majority vote of the people.
The first thing anyone can do to help is to get the word out by re-posting this message and the Act itself anywhere and everywhere you think people might read it.
All forms of volunteerism are needed in this effort from signature gathering to just about any way you can think of to help.
Find us at facebook for more info on volunteering and for progress updates.
This is exclusively a non-partisan and non-affiliated grass roots effort on behalf of all life and all the generations of life to come.
At this stage all further suggestions on changes or additions to the text of the Act are still welcome, and thank you.


This act shall be known as, and may be cited as THE DNA PROTECTION ACT OF 2013, and is hereby incorporated to amend and or be added to the California Health and Safety Code as;
and is as set forth herein as follows;

section 1. FINDINGS,
The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of THE DNA PROTECTION ACT OF 2013 are as follows:

1.(a) whereas the people of the state of California recognize the many different religions and cultures and individuals, including "secular", that all together define and or represent and or make up what is commonly known as "THE PEOPLE" of the state of California, and as such, have different names for that which is ultimately responsible for the creation and or existence of the people and all that exists, as exampled by the following sample:
1.(b) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that GOD, CREATOR, NATURE al, has endowed unto the people to equally share in dependency on, and responsibility to, what is commonly known as "the commons",
1.(c) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that private and public entities are involved in what is commonly known as "genetic engineering" and or "gene splicing" and or "genetically modifying" all forms of life in effort to redesign the natural creation and or natural world and are applying such technology to 'food crops' and 'farm animals' that then end up in the human food chain,
1.(d) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that said practices and or technologies have unknown side effects and or consequences to the natural world, and or "the commons" in general, and to humans specifically, and that said practices irreparably damage the original and or naturally intended design of life itself, and or specifically that of the commons, and thereby denying the people and the future generations of people of the commons in their naturally intended form and or naturally occurring DNA sequences that were and are naturally designed by and bestowed upon them by GOD, CREATOR, NATURE al, and to which the people have relied upon since the dawn of human kind and are inseparably dependent upon in the common struggle to live,
1.(e) whereas said genetic engineering practices result in private and or public corporations and or private individuals owning patents on the genetic design of life forms,
1.(f) whereas the naturally occurring forms of life that inhabit the commons currently have no statutory protections against the inevitable and eminent danger of 'genetic pollution' that results and or can result from genetic engineering,
1.(g) we the people of California therefor find that genetic engineering poses an eminent threat of danger to all the naturally sequenced DNA in the natural world, and by the act of direct or indirect manipulation of naturally sequenced DNA does in itself create the irreparable permanent damage to the original genetic designs of life, and so we do hereby create the urgently necessary DNA protections contained herein as described in section 3 of this ACT.

section 2. DEFINITIONS:

2.(a) For the purposes of this ACT, the term "DNA", (deoxyribonucleic acid), shall mean the complex substance that is the main carrier of genetic information for all organisms and a major component of chromosomes and can be analogized to mean the 'blueprints' that determine what form(s) life takes and is central to the natural function(s) of all life in the common struggle to live.

2.(b) For the purposes of this ACT, the term "the commons" shall mean the natural biological world and all life and ecosystems naturally existing in the natural world in its natural state of genetic design or DNA sequencing, and specifically, but not limited to, naturally occurring varieties of plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof) and insects (including the offspring thereof).

2.(c) For the purposes of this ACT, the terms "genetically engineered" and "genetically modified" shall mean the scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism, and or the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism.


3.(a) This ACT does hereby prohibit live genetically engineered and or genetically modified plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such organisms from existing within the boarders of the state of California, and that all living genetically engineered plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such genetically engineered genetically modified organisms have six months from the date of the adoption of this ACT into law to be removed from the state by those individuals or corporate or government entities that brought and or posses such within the state of California, and which shall be done in a manner that does not further the threat of genetic pollution and or genetically engineered DNA contamination exposure to the commons and or natural world.

3.(b) Failure to satisfy the requirements of this ACT, and or anyone who possesses and or sponsors in any way the possession of living genetically engineered organisms within the state of California after the initial six month clearing out period shall be subject to the punishments of fines no less than one million dollars per day for corporations and one hundred dollars per day for private individuals and or shall also be punishable by no less than six months in jail for private individuals and no less than ten years in prison for individuals working for or on behalf of corporate entities, and said penalties are to be paid to, and or, served in the county where said violation(s) has occurred. The penalties imposed by this ACT are to be adjudicated and assessed in the Superior Court jurisdiction of the county where the violation(s) have occurred and are to be determined exponentially based on estimates of damage and or potential damage to the collective DNA of the commons and or the natural world and to which consideration of possible impact of said damage is not limited to the county where the violation has occurred, and further, nothing in this ACT shall in any way be construed to mean limiting, preventing or precluding a California court of proper jurisdiction from increasing any of the stated penalties of this ACT at the courts discretion, and that such increases are to be determined based on estimates of damage(s) and or potential damage(s) to a specific and or the collective DNA of the commons and or the natural world and to, whether directly or indirectly, human beings and their naturally designed genetic inheritance of the commons and their collective dependence on, and responsibility to such.

3.(c) This ACT is not intended to preclude or limit or interfere in any way with medical personnel from applying medical technologies or medical procedures that employ genetic modification technologies in their application(s) and or the research in effort to develop such, and so does hereby exempt such conduct from the requirements of this ACT, but said medical technologies or medical procedures and or research must ensure that they are to be applied in a way that isolates the intended or unintended effects of such to the specific patient(s) and is in no way a broader genetic contamination threat and or in no way can be a possible contaminant to the naturally sequenced DNA of any other living organisms of the commons and or the natural world, further, this ACT is not intended to "exempt" any living plant (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such living genetically engineered and or genetically modified organisms intended for human consumption as "medicine" and or "nutritional medicine" that would be self applied at 'home' by ingestion or topically or any other method and is allowed only in a controlled hospital setting and is to be applied directly by or with the assistance of qualified medical personal.

3.(d) If any provision of this measure or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the measure that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.

This has the potential to ruin my business prospects and scrub two years of work for me. It is clear that this is an attempt to deal with patent issues regarding plant organisms and that is exactly the audience I am playing to with my products.
This has the potential to ruin my business prospects and scrub two years of work for me. It is clear that this is an attempt to deal with patent issues regarding plant organisms and that is exactly the audience I am playing to with my products.
Sorry to read that, I hope that isn't accurate, does your business involve specifically gene splicing?
Cloning cells would not be banned by this Act.
Most people confuse language (not that you are) with regards to 'cloning' and taking 'cuttings' in the cannabis world, but regardless neither would be effected by this Act.
Just to clarify your proposed law: It seeks to outlaw genetic engineering of ANY plant, animal, bacteria, yeast, any living thing in California, not just cannabis.

Dumber than dumb. Truly dangerous. Would probably destroy agriculture in California.
It would not stop medical research with regards to biotech in cali and would otherwise only ban 'living' GMO's, not the non living processed GMO ingredients in foods or medicine etc.
Also, I think it would actually save farming and or 'agriculture' in cali for many reasons.
Sorry to read that, I hope that isn't accurate, does your business involve specifically gene splicing?
Cloning cells would not be banned by this Act.
Most people confuse language (not that you are) with regards to 'cloning' and taking 'cuttings' in the cannabis world, but regardless neither would be effected by this Act.

My processes are enablers for genetic engineering and their uses otherwise, though significant won't bring in the contracts I had hoped for. If that is so I will be forced to cater to lower level growers - but there is hope in China where they are looking to engineer help but China has a habit of stealing other's tequniques for their own. We shall see where it all goes, beyond that, the GE prototypes will need to use artificial seeds in order to perpetuate geneticaly pure lines where conventional seeds may not.
Just to be clear, this is not 'spam' nor is it an 'advertizement' or anything of the sort.
This is a honest outreach for needed discussion on this urgent topic and we are counting on feedback as to how folks would amend the text of the act if they thought it should be etc.

The DNA Protection Act would ban all genetically engineered cannabis from California before it 'legally' (as in federally mandated) starts and stop whatever may have already begun.
Be it called 'creation' or 'nature' etc, are we prepared to allow it to be genetically redesigned by corporate interests?
The natural genetics or DNA of the natural world or the commons is under attack.
Corporate interests are working 24 hours a day 7 days a weeks to re-design and or re-sequence the genetic material or DNA of the natural world in effort to patent and own such modified genetic designs or 'blueprints'.
The DNA Protection Act of 2013 will protect the naturally intended genetic designs of the living natural world and or the commons within the state of California from the immanent threat of broken DNA caused by genetic engineering and or genetic modification technologies.
We need your help to make The DNA Protection Act of 2013 into a law by way of getting it on the ballot and then getting it passed into law by a majority vote of the people.
The first thing anyone can do to help is to get the word out by re-posting this message and the Act itself anywhere and everywhere you think people might read it.
All forms of volunteerism are needed in this effort from signature gathering to just about any way you can think of to help.
Find us at facebook for more info on volunteering and for progress updates.
This is exclusively a non-partisan and non-affiliated grass roots effort on behalf of all life and all the generations of life to come.
At this stage all further suggestions on changes or additions to the text of the Act are still welcome, and thank you.


This act shall be known as, and may be cited as THE DNA PROTECTION ACT OF 2013, and is hereby incorporated to amend and or be added to the California Health and Safety Code as;
and is as set forth herein as follows;

section 1. FINDINGS,
The people of the State of California hereby find and declare that the purposes of THE DNA PROTECTION ACT OF 2013 are as follows:

1.(a) whereas the people of the state of California recognize the many different religions and cultures and individuals, including "secular", that all together define and or represent and or make up what is commonly known as "THE PEOPLE" of the state of California, and as such, have different names for that which is ultimately responsible for the creation and or existence of the people and all that exists, as exampled by the following sample:
1.(b) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that GOD, CREATOR, NATURE al, has endowed unto the people to equally share in dependency on, and responsibility to, what is commonly known as "the commons",
1.(c) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that private and public entities are involved in what is commonly known as "genetic engineering" and or "gene splicing" and or "genetically modifying" all forms of life in effort to redesign the natural creation and or natural world and are applying such technology to 'food crops' and 'farm animals' that then end up in the human food chain,
1.(d) whereas the people of the state of California recognize that said practices and or technologies have unknown side effects and or consequences to the natural world, and or "the commons" in general, and to humans specifically, and that said practices irreparably damage the original and or naturally intended design of life itself, and or specifically that of the commons, and thereby denying the people and the future generations of people of the commons in their naturally intended form and or naturally occurring DNA sequences that were and are naturally designed by and bestowed upon them by GOD, CREATOR, NATURE al, and to which the people have relied upon since the dawn of human kind and are inseparably dependent upon in the common struggle to live,
1.(e) whereas said genetic engineering practices result in private and or public corporations and or private individuals owning patents on the genetic design of life forms,
1.(f) whereas the naturally occurring forms of life that inhabit the commons currently have no statutory protections against the inevitable and eminent danger of 'genetic pollution' that results and or can result from genetic engineering,
1.(g) we the people of California therefor find that genetic engineering poses an eminent threat of danger to all the naturally sequenced DNA in the natural world, and by the act of direct or indirect manipulation of naturally sequenced DNA does in itself create the irreparable permanent damage to the original genetic designs of life, and so we do hereby create the urgently necessary DNA protections contained herein as described in section 3 of this ACT.

section 2. DEFINITIONS:

2.(a) For the purposes of this ACT, the term "DNA", (deoxyribonucleic acid), shall mean the complex substance that is the main carrier of genetic information for all organisms and a major component of chromosomes and can be analogized to mean the 'blueprints' that determine what form(s) life takes and is central to the natural function(s) of all life in the common struggle to live.

2.(b) For the purposes of this ACT, the term "the commons" shall mean the natural biological world and all life and ecosystems naturally existing in the natural world in its natural state of genetic design or DNA sequencing, and specifically, but not limited to, naturally occurring varieties of plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof) and insects (including the offspring thereof).

2.(c) For the purposes of this ACT, the terms "genetically engineered" and "genetically modified" shall mean the scientific alteration of the structure of genetic material in a living organism, and or the technology of preparing recombinant DNA in vitro by cutting up DNA molecules and splicing together fragments from more than one organism.


3.(a) This ACT does hereby prohibit live genetically engineered and or genetically modified plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such organisms from existing within the boarders of the state of California, and that all living genetically engineered plants (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such genetically engineered genetically modified organisms have six months from the date of the adoption of this ACT into law to be removed from the state by those individuals or corporate or government entities that brought and or posses such within the state of California, and which shall be done in a manner that does not further the threat of genetic pollution and or genetically engineered DNA contamination exposure to the commons and or natural world.

3.(b) Failure to satisfy the requirements of this ACT, and or anyone who possesses and or sponsors in any way the possession of living genetically engineered organisms within the state of California after the initial six month clearing out period shall be subject to the punishments of fines no less than one million dollars per day for corporations and one hundred dollars per day for private individuals and or shall also be punishable by no less than six months in jail for private individuals and no less than ten years in prison for individuals working for or on behalf of corporate entities, and said penalties are to be paid to, and or, served in the county where said violation(s) has occurred. The penalties imposed by this ACT are to be adjudicated and assessed in the Superior Court jurisdiction of the county where the violation(s) have occurred and are to be determined exponentially based on estimates of damage and or potential damage to the collective DNA of the commons and or the natural world and to which consideration of possible impact of said damage is not limited to the county where the violation has occurred, and further, nothing in this ACT shall in any way be construed to mean limiting, preventing or precluding a California court of proper jurisdiction from increasing any of the stated penalties of this ACT at the courts discretion, and that such increases are to be determined based on estimates of damage(s) and or potential damage(s) to a specific and or the collective DNA of the commons and or the natural world and to, whether directly or indirectly, human beings and their naturally designed genetic inheritance of the commons and their collective dependence on, and responsibility to such.

3.(c) This ACT is not intended to preclude or limit or interfere in any way with medical personnel from applying medical technologies or medical procedures that employ genetic modification technologies in their application(s) and or the research in effort to develop such, and so does hereby exempt such conduct from the requirements of this ACT, but said medical technologies or medical procedures and or research must ensure that they are to be applied in a way that isolates the intended or unintended effects of such to the specific patient(s) and is in no way a broader genetic contamination threat and or in no way can be a possible contaminant to the naturally sequenced DNA of any other living organisms of the commons and or the natural world, further, this ACT is not intended to "exempt" any living plant (including the seeds and pollen thereof), animals (including the offspring thereof), insects (including the offspring thereof), and or any such living genetically engineered and or genetically modified organisms intended for human consumption as "medicine" and or "nutritional medicine" that would be self applied at 'home' by ingestion or topically or any other method and is allowed only in a controlled hospital setting and is to be applied directly by or with the assistance of qualified medical personal.

3.(d) If any provision of this measure or the application thereof to any person or circumstance is held invalid, that invalidity shall not affect other provisions or applications of the measure that can be given effect without the invalid provision or application, and to this end the provisions of this measure are severable.

"naturally intended genetic designs" sounds a lot like "intelligent design" mummery.

the genetic material of various non-native plants aready subject to a HUGE array of selective breeding programs is not in danger.

describing genetic material of a domesticated crop as "The Commons" is a massive overreach.

since weed is "controlled" on a federal level the feds have already established their claim to regulatory power on this one. do we need another bureaucracy getting their noses up in our beeswax?

whoever wrote this blibbering appeal to emotion and ignorance should be held up to the scorn of the whole of the people

invoking dieties, gods, gaia, any of the other titans, nature itself as an anthropomorphized entity, Dagoth, The Dreaming God or even Gozur the Gozarian in any proposed legislation is clearly not gonna fly.
The corporate plans for cannabis are also a convenient inroad to a legal precedent where for the first time only the GE varieties will be deemed 'safe' by the Gmen, and thereby maintaining all naturally occurring varieties in a scheduled 1 armed and 'dangerous' controlled substance category.
Achieving the 'only legal seed' and or varieties of any species has been a corporate biotech milestone target for a long time.
Monsanto via the US gov put a model in place in the occupation of Iraq and the 100 first provisional laws set by Paul Bremer our installed provisional Governor during the beginning of the 'occupation'...

"Bremer’s Order 81
The CPA explicitly defined the legal importance of the 100 Orders to leave no doubt that they were, indeed, orders. An Order was defined as, ‘binding instructions or directives to the Iraqi people that create penal consequences or have a direct bearing on the way Iraqis are regulated, including changes to Iraqi law.’ In other words, Iraqis were told, ‘do it or die.’ The law of occupation was supreme.​
Buried deep among the Bremer laws was Order 81, ‘Patent, Industrial Design, Undisclosed Information, Integrated Circuits and Plant Variety Law’.​
At the heart of Order 81 was the Plant Variety Protection (PVP) provision. Order 81, states: ‘Farmers shall be prohibited from re-using seeds of protected varieties or any variety mentioned in items 1 and 2 of paragraph (C) of Article 14 of this Chapter.’​
In plain English, this gives holders of patents on certain plant varieties, i.e. large foreign multinationals, absolute rights for 20 years over use of their seeds in Iraqi agriculture. The protected plant varieties are Genetically Modified or Gene Manipulated (GM) plants, and an Iraqi farmer who chose to plant such seeds must sign an agreement with the seed company holding the patent that he would pay a ‘technology fee’ and an annual license fee for planting the patented seeds.​
Any Iraqi farmer seeking to take a portion of those patented seeds to replant in following harvest years would be subject to heavy fines from the seed supplier. Iraqi farmers would become vassals, not of Saddam Hussein, but of multinational GM seed giants." does one go about getting their avatar uploaded up in here? this is a brothel right?

nobody is REQUIRED to plant any particular cultivar of any crop. if you dont want to buy seeds from monsanto/adm/iga/genetech/etc then you can plant the old fashioned crops which have been working pretty damned well for ohh... a couple years now.

GM crops are selected for a VERY FEW commercial farmers who want to herbicide their problems away, and for certain crops which are extremely vulnerable to a pest. the only large scale use of any patent crop by small farmers is Boll Weevil Resistant BT Cotton and thats only an issue in india, where smallholders and co-operatives make up a sizeable share of the cotton crop. in india, the indianj courts under INDIAN LAW gave the Monsanto Corp an unambiguous message, "You're Not The Boss Of Us!" and indian smallholders may save seeds to their heart's content. conversely Monsanto may refuse to sell their seeds to india, and may sue any american grower who orders their patented seeds from india. much like Microsoft's attempts to keep windows xp from becoming the idiot's version of Free BSD, the courts decide what constitutes a patent/copyright violation, but that only holds ture in the US and nations which are bound by treaty to respect our patents.

if you REALLY want to prevent patenting plant cultivars, then BAN PATENTS FOR PLANTS! this bullshit proposition simultaneously appeals the the ignorance and foolishness of religious fundamentalist intelligent design weirdos, nutty hippie morons who think genetic manipulation causes disease, and the anarcho-didnt-think-it-throughists who are always ready to hurl their bodies at the barricades if they even catch a whiff of "sticking it to the man".

theres not a scintilla of logic reason or science behind this proposal. you might as well promulgate legislation to ban "Meanies", and give all "Mean People Who Suck" 30 days to vacate the state as well.

i get it, you think "corporations are bad", "GM foods will turn the children into frankensteins", "god doesnt want his creations altered" and "Fight the Powah!" is an adequate justifications for a retarded law.
i get it, you think "corporations are bad", "GM foods will turn the children into frankensteins", "god doesnt want his creations altered" and "Fight the Powah!" is an adequate justifications for a retarded law.
Howdy and thanks for responding.
Actually as I read your seemingly educated yet somewhat misleading posts here I realized once again why we need "retarded" laws like this one.
It would not stop medical research with regards to biotech in cali and would otherwise only ban 'living' GMO's, not the non living processed GMO ingredients in foods or medicine etc.
Also, I think it would actually save farming and or 'agriculture' in cali for many reasons.

The biotech revolution has ensured that we are able to continue to feed the growing multitudes. Why do you want poor people to starve?