Well-Known Member
Well apparently your reading level leaves something to be desired.(thats ok me2 lol)
Who ever said anything about morals accept you?
The reason some don't understand the 'numbers' concept is usually ego...'morals' mean nothing in nature, numbers mean everything and if you can't even understand the failures of a conqueror compared to success of lets say bonobo's for example then for sure we should not be gene splicing yet if ever.
You and others want to bake a cake, yet in your rushing and even slaughtering your way to the stove you neglected to pick up some of the main ingredients and therefor your cake will flop no matter how fast you made it to the this point in our evolution (unless you are still a 'caveman' and I'm not saying your not) the competition you speak to is not a component of the equation.
Also anything seen through your eyes and then spued out your mouth or fingtips in the form of representing a knowing or a proper interpretation of the behavior of Indians before the European invasion is about as accurate as your cultures reading and understanding of the Mayan calender probably thought it was the 'end of the world' as well lol
Let me try one more time...
Nature does not care about good or evil or the means to an end. Nature is simply the reaction of physics and science and represents the most stable state of the universe at this time.
You were the one talking about *good* seeds, etc. I dont know how that comes down to numbers and I dont know how in a universe without morals and based on physics that you decide we are not *ready* for anything.
Mix that into your interpretation that man does not absorb enough of the culture of his victims and thus somehow falls short and your numbers example is bizarre.
You are either failing in your logic, perception and/or your ability to convey these ideas into a forum for easy understanding and your defense is that people who are reading it have ego issues...
I have to admit it is rather entertaining.