Monkeys or Aliens?


Well-Known Member
Yet another thread where you display your ignorance. You do realize we share a portion of our dna with every living thing on earth? This common dna is what tells us we had a common ancestor.

We didn't evolve from monkeys, we evolved from a common ancestor of monkeys. Sometimes new species emerge. That "monkey" we evolved from evolved himself from a totally different species, and if you trace back far enough, from the first living thing on earth.

What if they picked a planet suitable to us.

Are you calling aliens stupid??
You don't think they could drop us on a planet meant for us????

That's ignorance on your end, not mine :D


Well-Known Member
We didn't evolve from monkeys, we evolved from a common ancestor of monkeys. Sometimes new species emerge. That "monkey" we evolved from evolved himself from a totally different species, and if you trace back far enough, from the first living thing on earth.
And yes we did evolve from monkeys. Or apes. Whatever.
The one before homo erectus. We EVOLVED from it :dunce:


Well-Known Member
That's exactly right. No scientist ever claimed we CAME from monkeys, rather that monkey came from the same thing we did. That thing was an evolutionary dead end like neanderthals were, and they were not strong enough and thus didn't survive. We were and monkeys were strong enough.
I never claimed we came from the monkeys still on this planet either.

We came from the monkeys that were us, before we left the jungle or caves or whatever :dunce:


Well-Known Member
We don't have hair because we evolved in one of the hottest spots on earth. Who the hell wears fur in Africa!? We're from a common descendant which apes share, but we are not "From" any species existing today.

As for intelligent design, Adam gave his rib for Eve. Adam and Eve had sex and produced Cain and Able. Then they had magical booty sex and were the first homosexual couple to bear children. That sounds so intelligent.


guy incognito

Well-Known Member
What if they picked a planet suitable to us.

Are you calling aliens stupid??
You don't think they could drop us on a planet meant for us????

That's ignorance on your end, not mine :D
I'm saying aliens didn't create us because we are directly related to every living thing on earth. If aliens are responsible for us it is not direct like you are suggesting. They would have had to bring the first life form to our planet billions of years ago, then let evolution take it's course to create us along with other life forms. There are no aliens between the start of life and now, we can trace the genetics all the way back. So no, I don't think aliens could drop us on a planet meant for us. I think the evidence that we evolved from lower life forms just like every other species on earth is absolutely overwhelming and leaves no room for your alien theory.


Well-Known Member
I'm saying aliens didn't create us because we are directly related to every living thing on earth. If aliens are responsible for us it is not direct like you are suggesting. They would have had to bring the first life form to our planet billions of years ago, then let evolution take it's course to create us along with other life forms. There are no aliens between the start of life and now, we can trace the genetics all the way back. So no, I don't think aliens could drop us on a planet meant for us. I think the evidence that we evolved from lower life forms just like every other species on earth is absolutely overwhelming and leaves no room for your alien theory.
According to our extent of science, we are related to everything on this planet.

Who's to say the aliens didn't pick a planet to drop us off that was PERFECT for us.
Or that they didn't drop us off later, after getting us from here in the first place.
There is plenty of room for the theory, you are just being ignorant due to these unrelated facts you've got floating in your head, blocking the way. :D


Well-Known Member
And I never ever ever said anything about aliens creating us. :lol: :dunce:

That was Peyote religion, and the other guy :D

Samwell Seed Well

Well-Known Member
well monkey from hundreds of thousands of years ago left, became a different race had to come back and make us, for soem reason

monkey aliens from past

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
According to our extent of science, we are related to everything on this planet.

Who's to say the aliens didn't pick a planet to drop us off that was PERFECT for us.
Or that they didn't drop us off later, after getting us from here in the first place.
There is plenty of room for the theory, you are just being ignorant due to these unrelated facts you've got floating in your head, blocking the way. :D
No there is not plenty of room. Our fucking dna matches. There is absolutely 0% that humans are from a completely different lineage than the rest of life, and absolutely 100% certainty that we are in fact from common ancestors. This is not debatable. End of discussion.


Well-Known Member
you have a very loose definition of monkeys and apes. The common ancestor of all of us is no more an ape than it is a human. It was different.
No, It was a FORM of APE/Primate.
Similar to, and in the schema of what most of us would call "Monkeys"

No there is not plenty of room. Our fucking dna matches. There is absolutely 0% that humans are from a completely different lineage than the rest of life, and absolutely 100% certainty that we are in fact from common ancestors. This is not debatable. End of discussion.
If our DNA matches.

Then why can't we have been born on this planet.
Picked up.
Broke a rule.
And dropped back off??

Right there. It fits what you said just now.



Well-Known Member
I never said that you said that shaggy.:dunce: You really are losing it dude...
You may not have said it specifically.

But I didn't say it.

It was in you and that other guys discussion about life from meteors where someone said aliens may have genetically engineered us.
I never said it was you, I said it was you and that other guy.
Not specifically you saying it. Just you guys talking about it. :D


Well-Known Member
God is an extraterrestrial. so yeah highly possible.
I think god just is, what is.

God is everything.
When two or more people come together, god is there.

God is things happening.
Cause and affect. The universe in action, god is the fact that everything happens.

Each thing you do, affects the overall makeup of god.
Every death, and birth affects god.
Every time you let a thought become a word it affects god.
Every insect affects god.
Every empty space affects god.
Each planetary shift, affects god.

God is everything.


Well-Known Member
You know what though? A giant chicken could have shat us out and we're just the bacteria on his poo. Or maybe this planet is just a cell in a huge body that's on another planet that's also just a cell in an even bigger body! Maybe aliens came down and mated with lizards and that's how we got dinosaurs! And then they just got over that experiment so they destroyed all the dinosaurs and made us instead.

You could argue about this for the rest of your lives. Nobody knows if they're right or not.