Monitor The Sound Your Presents Make


Active Member
Shaking presents offers a great clue as to what' inside. If you shake your present and hear a meow, then it' probably the kitten that you asked for. If you shake your present and don't hear anything, then you shook the present too hard and your kitten is dead. Either that, or you're deaf. Or it's not a kitten. But odds are, you're holding a dead kitten.

Edit(forgot to post): I just posted this on facebook like 10 minutes age. Gotta love the instant comments haha


Ursus marijanus
Reminds me of something some college friends did to someone I knew.
This fellow was a notorious present-shaker. So a junior engineer took the present (a gag gift, essentially a large, obvious and highly motorized sex toy) and rigged it mousetrap style.
They gave him this large wrapped box in the library. He shook it, and it began to make a godawful racket ... sheet metal was involved. He struggled&struggled to open the present, which was fiendishly wrapped in multiple boxes, layers of tough wrapping, most of a roll of strapping tape, etc.,-
only to hold this monstrous motorized noisy shaking phallus with the Off switch and the battery compartment superglued to the Notice Me setting.
Ah, youth.
cheers 'neer


nice one.. reminds me of a episode of drew carrey show were the fat lady puts a half meter dildo in drews baggage that starts to vibrate and turn in circles and stuff at the airport secuiry without him knowing it :)