Momma Plant from 12/12 from seed method


I am planning to use the 12/12 from seed method and was wondering if I would still be able to pull a mother plant from the batch of plants that start out 12/12?

Will there be a problem putting the plant back into a vegetative state after starting 12/12 without harming it?



Well-Known Member
i regenerate and have no probs, people do it all the time, pull as soon as shows and put back on 24 hour light


Active Member
You can do that, however, there are some factors that will make it seem unreasonable to start a mother from a 12/12 plant. The first thing is that you have a chance to make the plant hermie. Nobody wants to do that, it's a loss of harvest yield and quality. The second thing is that it will take a lot of extra time. Starting 12/12 from seed is a long process anyway, some strains just won't like it. To reveg a plant that started as a flower is so much stress for the plant. It would take weeks to reveg it and then what's the point? Yes you re-veged it but you made the genetics very weak and prone to malfunction. If you take clones from this revegged 12/12 mother you have a very high chance of hermies which is just not good for business. Hope this helped