Momaholics anonymous


Well-Known Member
Hi my name is headband and im a momaholic.....

I think i have a mom collecting problem.

Does anyone else suffer from this? How do you deal with it?

If your a momaholic please post your mother setup

I have a 5 x 5 growtent and need to be able to take 2oo cuts
And still want my variety in there....damn ladies:weed:


Well-Known Member
Thats what I need - A whorehouse
My 4 moms are taking up the skyline in my little veg room....
Where build a new room - thats gonna be the tough one, at least I won't need a lot of space, just enough to keep them alive


Well-Known Member
Im using 2 x 4oo hps over 12 mothers or maybe 1 on a light mover
The ladies will be in 2gal buckets 6 per light you think that would work?
Whats better many med size moms or a few large ones? hmmmm.
I would like to be abe to take 15o at a time


Well-Known Member
Damn i just bought 5 gals today....
15 holyshit,do you keep them indoors?!
How many of those moms could you fit in a 5x5 tent?
Or could you explain your motherroom in detail setup lights,size etc
I can get the 15gal tomorow....
Thanks a mill Hbr