Molly frosted shrooms chocolates!


Active Member
Thank you for the clarification and the apology I have a belief about apologies i believe that apologies are for the giver and not the receiver When we apologize to another what we are doing is rectifying a lack of clarity. I never could figure out why someone would insist that another "owe" an apology because all an apology is, is an attempt to conform one persons perceptions with those of another. It delights me however that you are attempting to do just that and so the thanks.

I understand extremes - I believe that most on this site, a site about drugs at least have a glancing understanding of extremes that many who do not involve themselves in drugs may never encounter. Does the extreme of juicing endanger our culture of food? probably a far sight less than fast food and snack corporations do. They seem to see food in the exact opposite light as my juicing friend - they see it as immediate gratification. and immediate gratification is a liability when it comes to excess. I used that friend as an example in order to demonstrate what food really is in a culture, even ours.

My advice to the OP was and still is, "don't" but it is advice and advice from someone who generaly frowns upon the practice, especially when the drug imposed on the food is neither enhanced by the preparation nor actually, as another poster suggests, as a subterfuge. I once baked a large batch of chinese almond cookies, where I added ground, once fried pot into the dough and placed a daub of hash oil underneith the almond. Passing through an airplane security station the bag was inspected - green cookies. Had the green powder been in a baggie and the oil in a vial I am sure I'd have gotten into some level of trouble but it was christmas and green cookies were not so unordinary. When the inspector asked if he could have one however I was torn. I finally suggested that they were all spoken for.

but that is simply a story typed by a guy who is waiting for his wife to come home, smoking a wonderful Saint Luis Rey special reserve cigar (but aren't they all special reserves?) and recounting old man stories to folks who just might be interested.

I tend to add more to these posts when I can be they tiny stories, philosophy or what I love to believe is a tad bit of elder wisdom. IT doesnt' always work.

I am certain that the poster thought he had a wonderful idea and I am further certain that many readers agree that his is a wonderful idea. I simply do not. I would not, however, attack him as being stupid for his suggestion.

Nor, should you ever present an idea that is stupid in my estimation, will I accuse you of being stupid.

I have found precious few stupid people posting on this site.
I think the reason for me calling you stupid was because I felt your suggestion was out of place. I don't see the need in imposing your beliefs on someone who is clearly not interested in them. If someone seeks advice on edibles, then either give them advice on said topic or move along. Everyone is aware of the possibility to put your drugs inside of capsules as opposed to incorporating them into food. There is no need to chime in with such a suggestion when you see someone trying to make a chocolate bar.

You should always expect confrontation when you do such a thing.