mold shmold

60 days=6lbs 60 days=6lbs 60days=6 lbs.... u get the idea???? whats 6lbs every 60 days?? 36lbs a yr 3 pounds per month is all im alloweed in my state.... probably more than you will grow in your life. I went to the outdoor thread, no shocking discoveries there, nothing that topped my pics or even came close....plz link

so why is it, hundreds of growers post all their pics but you ..."REFUSE" to post even just 1..... post just 1 pic.....dude, im only asking for 1 pic. lol... hhaahahahah

MR. a-don'ter why is this??? like I said, I have proven my knowledge, plz share yours... oh ya, you dont have any pics to share... if u do they are NOTHING like mine, make another user name and post them under her,lol . This conversation will now end.

To everyone reading , plz read the entire thread. from mold shmold, into clone generation, onto outdoor growing, you will find it all here!!lol, some may call my studies bullshit but who is posting hard evidence? ( thats what the dea calls it...hard evidence is when they have pics of you committing a crime) which I am not and im totally legal with my caregiver lic.

Im done wasting my time for the "eric" of this thread. good luck home girl and hope to see your pics......never
60 days=6lbs 60 days=6lbs 60days=6 lbs.... u get the idea???? whats 6lbs every 60 days?? 36lbs a yr 3 pounds per month is all im alloweed in my state.... probably more than you will grow in your life. I went to the outdoor thread, no shocking discoveries there, nothing that topped my pics or even came close....plz link

so why is it, hundreds of growers post all their pics but you ..."REFUSE" to post even just 1..... post just 1 pic.....dude, im only asking for 1 pic. lol... hhaahahahah

MR. a-don'ter why is this??? like I said, I have proven my knowledge, plz share yours... oh ya, you dont have any pics to share... if u do they are NOTHING like mine, make another user name and post them under her,lol . This conversation will now end.

To everyone reading , plz read the entire thread. from mold shmold, into clone generation, onto outdoor growing, you will find it all here!!lol, some may call my studies bullshit but who is posting hard evidence? ( thats what the dea calls it...hard evidence is when they have pics of you committing a crime) which I am not and im totally legal with my caregiver lic.

Im done wasting my time for the "eric" of this thread. good luck home girl and hope to see your pics......never

HAH man you must be an idiot. As I've said several times, I do not post pics of my stuff. Did you think you would find pictures there? NO. Learn to read. All you have to do is ask the people about my end product. Keep throwing up numbers man, i'm not impressed. The big talkers are always the one who arent doing anything. Have fun producing your "36" lb a year.

Where is your evidence regarding cloning? Im not talking about you and your friend not able to save his grow. Im talking about scientific evidence.

You gave bad info and got called out. Thats the truth. Now you want to compare grows to save face HAHAH. You're hopeless.
im trying to prove the fact of growing the same weed forever when you can grow it for a few grows and cross it into some thing different. Like I said you cant give any links, show any pics like I have. And I already told everyone, clone forever, breed your own strains or even just a hybrid and compare it for them self... I have already done this got my answer and wont clone past2nd gen.... I dont have to........ I have so many seeds of so many crosses I just start fresh seeds. If your at witts end and your going to lose your strain by all means clone it till turns purple.

but just to keep cloning.... oh right because you dont have any seeds, unless u get some from the internet. It really kinda suks and DOES NOT LET THE STRAIN GET BETTER AND EVOLVE WITH CANNABIS AROUND THE WORLD, YOU WILL HAVE 1987 WEED AND i WILL HAVE 2020 WEED, just saying thats my point, it loses vigor and doesnt grow as well, will it grow? yea it will grow and bud and smell like pot... but will it have an increase in cbd or cbn next generation like seeds do? no!! NO !!! AND NOOOO!!!! I have a lab test my strains, done it for the last few yrs... each yr depending on the male I cross with most all of my strains read higher cbd and cbn %. its called selection and evolution. pretty simple to understand..

link plz??? do you have a friggen link dude? where everyone is going to tell ME you product is the best around and its from a 20th gen clone, clown's will never learn ERIC
im trying to prove the fact of growing the same weed forever when you can grow it for a few grows and cross it into some thing different. Like I said you cant give any links, show any pics like I have. And I already told everyone, clone forever, breed your own strains or even just a hybrid and compare it for them self... I have already done this got my answer and wont clone past2nd gen.... I dont have to........ I have so many seeds of so many crosses I just start fresh seeds. If your at witts end and your going to lose your strain by all means clone it till turns purple.

but just to keep cloning.... oh right because you dont have any seeds, unless u get some from the internet. It really kinda suks and DOES NOT LET THE STRAIN GET BETTER AND EVOLVE WITH CANNABIS AROUND THE WORLD, YOU WILL HAVE 1987 WEED AND i WILL HAVE 2020 WEED, just saying thats my point, it loses vigor and doesnt grow as well, will it grow? yea it will grow and bud and smell like pot... but will it have an increase in cbd or cbn next generation like seeds do? no!! NO !!! AND NOOOO!!!! I have a lab test my strains, done it for the last few yrs... each yr depending on the male I cross with most all of my strains read higher cbd and cbn %. its called selection and evolution. pretty simple to understand..

link plz??? do you have a friggen link dude? where everyone is going to tell ME you product is the best around and its from a 20th gen clone, clown's will never learn ERIC

Look at you changing your story now. You initially argued that genetics past 6th generation clones are inferior. Now you want to say you can cross it into something else and make a new strain. Come on man, your logic and critical thinking skills are lacking.

I would rather have some land race strains than some "2020" weed. Land race strains have been cloned forever and I bet they will smack the shit out of your so called "2020" weed.

Why would I want to mess with seeds when I have an elite clone that I dont have to a) see if its male or female b) be on hermie watch c) find out if it yields well d) see if I like the terp profile e) see if its smokes well f) has bag appeal g) have to veg months before flower h) do I have to keep going?

Why dont you do yourself a favor and search the internet for scientific articles about cloning plants. There are plenty of studies that show they do not lose potency or vigor etc. You might learn a thing or two.

Stop changing your story and brining up different issues. You are wrong and why dont you just admit it.
So it became Ad hominem.
I must say I dont belive genes loss vigor in clones. I do think some disease and fungi get into the plant system, and henceforth will effect all its clones unless u menage get rid of it somehowe.
BTW, the fungi is eating my veg room, slow but true, and it seems nothing helps so I just leave it for now, to see how it goes. the bigger plants, 3-4 weeks, are still veging but losing leaves all the time, the young just die.
I made a hospis outside and sent all the weak to die there, maybe they will somehow make it trough the winter. i will bring them in in exream cold.
keep the argument cool!
Look at you changing your story now. You initially argued that genetics past 6th generation clones are inferior. Now you want to say you can cross it into something else and make a new strain. Come on man, your logic and critical thinking skills are lacking.

I would rather have some land race strains than some "2020" weed. Land race strains have been cloned forever and I bet they will smack the shit out of your so called "2020" weed.

Why would I want to mess with seeds when I have an elite clone that I dont have to a) see if its male or female b) be on hermie watch c) find out if it yields well d) see if I like the terp profile e) see if its smokes well f) has bag appeal g) have to veg months before flower h) do I have to keep going?

Why dont you do yourself a favor and search the internet for scientific articles about cloning plants. There are plenty of studies that show they do not lose potency or vigor etc. You might learn a thing or two.

Stop changing your story and brining up different issues. You are wrong and why dont you just admit it.

no changing any story,,, I saw 6th gen clones lose all types of vigor, as I posted... small pweny dinky bud, could smoke a quarter of and get nothing... I noticed this over 3 generations.. 4th a little fukt...5th something wrong...6th horrible, cant even get high. This was the same everything else, dirt, fert, lights water,, room,, all had c02.

He had orignal seeds of that mob. started them and it was dank as all shit, fat buds, huge kholas, got high after 2 hits.
what is the only difference in that grow u ask?? the clones. that was the only single difference, nothing else!! nothing!!!

Now, say some one who grows the same weed untill they die,,lol gives you a clone, it happens to be 10th or like u say 20th generation clone. You actually get a seed, I know its really scary, but you get a male, well mostly males in your case, so cross it with your 20th gen clone. The off spring u create will blow away the 20th gen clone..

I have read scientific study's all around breeding cannabis,,, not fruit, not veggies,,, and not pretty flowers like roses, but cannabis. Cannabis is used for the "active cannabinoids" These are tiny molecules that have an effect on the human brain, were not growing cannabis for bag appeal, well I should say im not, im growing to find higher cbc, cbd,and cbn levels. I have first hand experience with clones loosing vigor.. Some strains which are very stable will not lose as quick. But some un-stable hybrids will lose certain quality's each and every clone away from the mother.

why is this soooo hard to understand? I will find the exact studies I read 12 maybe 15 years ago that prove clones lose vigor after muilti cloning.

And as far as the land race strains, that right there proves my theory , thank you!! So you must know land race means wild, right? So what happens every year with wild weed? Yes u got it, It breeds. It crosses, it becomes evolved. It does not clone off a clone off a clone off a clone off a clone... listen to what your saying here, its really silly.

[FONT=arial, tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif]most likely cause reported is cellular / genetic degradation. If you think about this, it seems plausible. The predicted lifespan for the plant is probably less than a year, unless its an equatorial [/FONT]variety[FONT=arial, tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif]. While there may not be a genetically encoded marker to determine when to die or age, it is possible for damage to be accrued over time.[/FONT]

[FONT=arial, tahoma, helvetica, sans-serif]Consider our own aging process. Most of the 'damage' from being old, are not from an aging gene. just from cells that have lost their ability to function properly. and our lifespan is much larger than the plants, so when it starts pushing a few decades, I think it seems reasonable. [/FONT]

what can happen is 'Senescence' ~
Senescence or aging is the change in the biology of an organism as it ages after its maturity. Such changes range from those effecting its cells and their function to that of the whole organism. There's a number of theories why senescence occurs including those that it is programmed by gene expression changes and that it is the accumulative damage of biological processes.
longest i have kept a single mother, without re-cloning, was nearly 3 years but i was well fed up of it by then and needed a change of smoke.

F1 plants grown from seed have the added advantage of having “hybrid vigor” which means that this cross will grow about 25 percent bigger and stronger than cuttings. Hybrid vigor also makes plants less susceptible to pest and disease problems. Clones taken from F1 mother plants take on a part of this hybrid vigor. But, after you keep a female plant grown from seed in the vegetative stage for more than a couple of months, they tend to loose part of their “hybrid vigor.” On the other hand, if you continue to grow mothers from seed, you must be very sure that subsequent plantings are from seeds with the exact same genetic qualities so the crop remains consistent.

[FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]just a few [/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif]arguments[/FONT][FONT=verdana, arial, sans-serif].... here[/FONT]

so with that being said.... I dont think there is a true scientific answer here as you said I would find. It works for some and they will continue to grow like this, It did not work for me and I will keep breeding and selecting, guess thats the greatness of growing cannabis. Some of use will continue to make it better with more use to medical patients, and some will keep what we got and pretend like it is the best.

but that was fun!! we should come up with another topic to have a heated debate about..

but next time please post some pics of your dying to see them.....ahhhh... choke..choke lol its killing me !! hahahaaaa
so with that being said.... I dont think there is a true scientific answer here as you said I would find. It works for some and they will continue to grow like this, It did not work for me and I will keep breeding and selecting, guess thats the greatness of growing cannabis. Some of use will continue to make it better with more use to medical patients, and some will keep what we got and pretend like it is the best.

but that was fun!! we should come up with another topic to have a heated debate about..

but next time please post some pics of your dying to see them.....ahhhh... choke..choke lol its killing me !! hahahaaaa

Just like I thought. You couldn't find any scientific articles, you gave out some bunk information. You even pulled up some info from a website that sells SEEDS. HAHAHA, that is fucking hilarious. I bet you feel real justified now. You obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

Yes, old land race strains. They were once in the wild and have now been held as mothers, cloned over and over, clones of clones. Yet, they're still putting out killer bud.

You keep asking for pics, stop being ignorant. Go to the outdoor forum bbq thread and ask about my end product.
no changing any story,,, I saw 6th gen clones lose all types of vigor, as I posted... small pweny dinky bud, could smoke a quarter of and get nothing... I noticed this over 3 generations.. 4th a little fukt...5th something wrong...6th horrible, cant even get high. This was the same everything else, dirt, fert, lights water,, room,, all had c02.

He had orignal seeds of that mob. started them and it was dank as all shit, fat buds, huge kholas, got high after 2 hits.
what is the only difference in that grow u ask?? the clones. that was the only single difference, nothing else!! nothing!!!

Now, say some one who grows the same weed untill they die,,lol gives you a clone, it happens to be 10th or like u say 20th generation clone. You actually get a seed, I know its really scary, but you get a male, well mostly males in your case, so cross it with your 20th gen clone. The off spring u create will blow away the 20th gen clone..

I have read scientific study's all around breeding cannabis,,, not fruit, not veggies,,, and not pretty flowers like roses, but cannabis. Cannabis is used for the "active cannabinoids" These are tiny molecules that have an effect on the human brain, were not growing cannabis for bag appeal, well I should say im not, im growing to find higher cbc, cbd,and cbn levels. I have first hand experience with clones loosing vigor.. Some strains which are very stable will not lose as quick. But some un-stable hybrids will lose certain quality's each and every clone away from the mother.

why is this soooo hard to understand? I will find the exact studies I read 12 maybe 15 years ago that prove clones lose vigor after muilti cloning.

And as far as the land race strains, that right there proves my theory , thank you!! So you must know land race means wild, right? So what happens every year with wild weed? Yes u got it, It breeds. It crosses, it becomes evolved. It does not clone off a clone off a clone off a clone off a clone... listen to what your saying here, its really silly.

The difference is your buddy or you didnt have the skills to keep the plants healthy in order to take healthy clones. Simple as that.
ask who... your buddie? did you read the info I posted or just got pissed I keep saying It affected my grow and I will not do it again. you told me to read the net and learn something.... I didnt learn a single thing. I have known all of this for some time now.

I could get some smoke form the dispensarie and say here I grew this... tho it wouldnt be as good as mine but.... u keep saying end product....Im not talking about what your friend grew.... or what you got from a real grower...

So by telling me.. "i refuse to post pics" " stop being ignorant" this must only mean... " I dont have any pics".. or "im not growing a single plant so I cant post any pics" right?

Why is is soo hard for you to think I witnessed clone gen degrade. I told you about my experience. I posed pics of my grow, I looked around the web for other info... All you keep posting is "your an idiot" "it doesnt hurt a thing" "you post bs"... Im trying to open your eyes here. Stop being so close minded and turn off the tunnel vision. I actually agreed with you and said if it has a really strong genetic background, like white widow, northern lights, skunk, big bug, diesel, ak-47 it may not degrade over 10 gen. But M.O.B. which I have a feeling is a unstable hybrid, does lose vigor, potency, and yield.... It happened. like right in front of my eyes, over 6 months.

Its really preposterous of you to say I have no idea what im talking about. I have grown over 10,000 plants in the past 15 years. I dont know what im doing, thats why my plants are getting huge, healthy, ripping shit. I could take your 20th gen and turn it into gold.... not by flowering it and putting it into a bag mind you. I have made a living off growing, and I will continue to do so, This is what I do everyday, all day. I know what works for me and Ill stick with it. but will always be changing my grow to better the medical patient.

If I take say white russian, which has a high cbd.... and take say diesel which has cbn and cross them. I grow about 50-75 of the females from that cross. I take the best ones and have them tested. So I find one plant that has high cbd, and high cbn. Now I have a plant that has medical relief from pain, ptsd, depression, anxiety, head aches and appetite lose.... I have done what I intended, to do and will keep doing. grow for medicinal effect.

like I said, make a different user name and put pics under her name. lol
mold is still tearing shit up gom? did you get the dehumidifer as you stated? that should clear up most of you problem. I dont really know what to tell ya besides lower your humidity keep things clean, and start over from seed if it killz your plants. Lysol killz a bunch of bacteria. bleach will wipe out everything, put it in a spray bottle, soak the room down leave it wet for at least 10min. and wipe it up. got so involved with clones off clones and totally jacked the shit out cha thread forgot u were still having problems. There are some anti fungal sprays for plants, think u already covered that.

Do you have any fresh pics?
ask who... your buddie? did you read the info I posted or just got pissed I keep saying It affected my grow and I will not do it again. you told me to read the net and learn something.... I didnt learn a single thing. I have known all of this for some time now.

I could get some smoke form the dispensarie and say here I grew this... tho it wouldnt be as good as mine but.... u keep saying end product....Im not talking about what your friend grew.... or what you got from a real grower...

So by telling me.. "i refuse to post pics" " stop being ignorant" this must only mean... " I dont have any pics".. or "im not growing a single plant so I cant post any pics" right?

Why is is soo hard for you to think I witnessed clone gen degrade. I told you about my experience. I posed pics of my grow, I looked around the web for other info... All you keep posting is "your an idiot" "it doesnt hurt a thing" "you post bs"... Im trying to open your eyes here. Stop being so close minded and turn off the tunnel vision. I actually agreed with you and said if it has a really strong genetic background, like white widow, northern lights, skunk, big bug, diesel, ak-47 it may not degrade over 10 gen. But M.O.B. which I have a feeling is a unstable hybrid, does lose vigor, potency, and yield.... It happened. like right in front of my eyes, over 6 months.

Its really preposterous of you to say I have no idea what im talking about. I have grown over 10,000 plants in the past 15 years. I dont know what im doing, thats why my plants are getting huge, healthy, ripping shit. I could take your 20th gen and turn it into gold.... not by flowering it and putting it into a bag mind you. I have made a living off growing, and I will continue to do so, This is what I do everyday, all day. I know what works for me and Ill stick with it. but will always be changing my grow to better the medical patient.

If I take say white russian, which has a high cbd.... and take say diesel which has cbn and cross them. I grow about 50-75 of the females from that cross. I take the best ones and have them tested. So I find one plant that has high cbd, and high cbn. Now I have a plant that has medical relief from pain, ptsd, depression, anxiety, head aches and appetite lose.... I have done what I intended, to do and will keep doing. grow for medicinal effect.

like I said, make a different user name and put pics under her name. lol

PM me your ph# if you are that adamant about seeing pictures.
ask who... your buddie? did you read the info I posted or just got pissed I keep saying It affected my grow and I will not do it again. you told me to read the net and learn something.... I didnt learn a single thing. I have known all of this for some time now.

I could get some smoke form the dispensarie and say here I grew this... tho it wouldnt be as good as mine but.... u keep saying end product....Im not talking about what your friend grew.... or what you got from a real grower...

So by telling me.. "i refuse to post pics" " stop being ignorant" this must only mean... " I dont have any pics".. or "im not growing a single plant so I cant post any pics" right?

Why is is soo hard for you to think I witnessed clone gen degrade. I told you about my experience. I posed pics of my grow, I looked around the web for other info... All you keep posting is "your an idiot" "it doesnt hurt a thing" "you post bs"... Im trying to open your eyes here. Stop being so close minded and turn off the tunnel vision. I actually agreed with you and said if it has a really strong genetic background, like white widow, northern lights, skunk, big bug, diesel, ak-47 it may not degrade over 10 gen. But M.O.B. which I have a feeling is a unstable hybrid, does lose vigor, potency, and yield.... It happened. like right in front of my eyes, over 6 months.

Its really preposterous of you to say I have no idea what im talking about. I have grown over 10,000 plants in the past 15 years. I dont know what im doing, thats why my plants are getting huge, healthy, ripping shit. I could take your 20th gen and turn it into gold.... not by flowering it and putting it into a bag mind you. I have made a living off growing, and I will continue to do so, This is what I do everyday, all day. I know what works for me and Ill stick with it. but will always be changing my grow to better the medical patient.

If I take say white russian, which has a high cbd.... and take say diesel which has cbn and cross them. I grow about 50-75 of the females from that cross. I take the best ones and have them tested. So I find one plant that has high cbd, and high cbn. Now I have a plant that has medical relief from pain, ptsd, depression, anxiety, head aches and appetite lose.... I have done what I intended, to do and will keep doing. grow for medicinal effect.

like I said, make a different user name and put pics under her name. lol

Yeah all my "buddies" will you...go to the thread. There are multiple people there that will vouch.
ok ill get around to it, The reason Im here is because Im trying to help people grow better, faster, bigger, more medicinal plants, and help save some grows. I hate watching someone fail from stupid mistakes that I have made in the past,,,, I teach local caregivers classes on how to make there grow better and more successfull at my doctors office. im sure you have really good smoke, Im glad you can get good smoke from cloned clones, sure I could too with a few of my super stable strains like white russian, or ak-48 maybe the frisian dew??, they grow 100% uniform from seed so no need to clone to death, only use 1st and 2nd gen clones my self,.

I hate when people say im spreading bad info, just because you have a solid strain that can be cloned 10-20 gen with out losing anything, does not mean all plants are like yours, and when I have experience to back it up.. "bad info" really isnt the way it should be put... Maybe, :"Im cloning off clones and it works for this strain... not every strain around the globe is the same as mine"....

you do grow a few seeds right? If you never grow seeds how do you tell ur not losing anyway, all clones have been tested at a university? or are you just going on bag appeal, and it fuks me up.. because that isnt scientific at all, the way you suggested I learn something about growing.

if you dont start seeds, Im here to encourage people to take the next step in culitivation,, shit you could be the next jack herer if you make a few crosses and stabilize it, just saying.

really done making my point here, just be more open minded and try new things, dont keep making the same mistakes, you will never become smarter.
tnx for the wonderful advices.
once i opend the window again, the RH is 45-55% again. i took mesures to lower it down even more. i ordered this. do u think it will work?
i also ordered much stronger fan.
i did neglected the veg room, and i am paying the price.
i will also water less, much less during winter.
as for the milk, its just to rise ph. backing soda will do the same. mold dosnt like high ph. i will give i a try but i dont want to spray any more water, any water, on my plants. so for a week or so i will dry them good.
i dont have control of where the air comes from. i am kinda limited with that parameter.
i dont think it deficency, since i saw it happen over night on all the wet spots.

tnx again for the advice.

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