Mold problem and question about spreading


Well-Known Member
So I brought some plants that are budding to a location where I already had a plant I expected to be ready for harvest. She's ready but is showing some moldy spots. I'm going to harvest her- I have to.

1) Will the mold keep spreading while she's drying and what do I need to do to prevent that?

2) I'm wondering if I can water cure some of it or if that's a problem because of the mold?

3) I had to move some plants to this location and brought them with me. These are already about six weeks into flower. The one that's showing mold is known to be susceptible to mold it's final three weeks so it's no surprise. But since this one got mold in this location is it likely the plants I'm bringing will also? And, is it going to hurt to put the not moldy plants near the one with mold for a couple days? FWIW, the two that I hope won't start to mold are Western Winds and White Rhino.
i use hydrogen peroxide in a spray bottle to kill mold. the kind you get at the drug store.

What's the mix and how long does it take to kill it? This one that's molding is about ready to harvest and I have to harvest it before I leave to go back home in a few days- I know it doesn't make sense but it's growing up near a cabin a few hours from my house. So is killing the mold something I need to do before I harvest?

Also, just cause this one has mold does it mean the other two strains I'm leaving at this site will also get it.. will likely get it?

i use 3% hydrogen peroxide straight. it kills it on contact.
Does it harm the bud or just dry out and evaporate? I'm going to spray then need to harvest within a day or two. Unfortunately there's a lot of rain in my area and I don't believe it will actually dry out before I harvest. I hope that's ok.

If they were inside grown you could use a solfur burner to kill mold in the grow room but sounds like they must be outside plants??