Mold? (pic's)


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure, so I need opinions and recommendations for treatment, one of these should be done in a week the other in two.
These two branches came of same plant, I cut off the ones that looked this bad. been two days and havent seen it spread. I did treat it with power wash, after chopping the two infected branches. Thinking about hitting it with mighty wash, which is a tad stronger than the power wash, then rinse with power wash again in 72 hrs. should be close to harvest the one plant. The other shows no sign of mold. Thats why I'm wondering if it might be something else. Mold would spread to another plant, this problem is staying with this plant. Has another right next to it. The other pic's are an attempt to show what I think might be mold or frosty buds, opinion on that too thanks.

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Well-Known Member
Toss it, the whole plant is infected. Bummer. In the future make sure to spray with neem oil up to the third or fourth week of flowering. Neem oil suppresses Powdery mildew and mold.


Well-Known Member
appears to be powdery mildew in the first two pics. can be rinsed off, think i saw a video about that some time back. i'd await more expert opinions on how to proceed.


Well-Known Member
I trimmed off a few tiny bud leaves off the bottom 3 pics. that looked a little whiter than frost. All tricombs, nothing else. Clear but just thick enough to look frosty.


Well-Known Member
That is a terrible case of mold, get it out of the garden asap its a mold factory.I hold fears for the others to. Clean the place with bleach before next grow top to bottom, make sure you run osc fans 24/7 having all plants moving in the airflow and this disaster wont happen. Also mighty wash is for mites and will make the mold worse due to added moisture. Those colas are all riddled with mold.


Active Member
toss the plant, it may be alive but its already gone. you may be able rinse off some visible mold but there will still be some left in the nooks and crannys. ingesting mold can be deadly, show some respect for the folks this bud will end up going to a just throw away the whole plant.


Well-Known Member
I seen that video too. It showed to do that after harvest. I just put 2 or 3 oz. of peroxide in a gallon of water and soak the piss out of them. Fingers crossed.
grownbykane. I will be the only one smoking this weed. I don't grow enough for others. Killing this is last resort. I will also be soaking this in peroxie after harvest. High times has the video that I'm hoping works. 6-8 oz. of peroxide per 5 gal. of water.


Active Member
I seen that video too. It showed to do that after harvest. I just put 2 or 3 oz. of peroxide in a gallon of water and soak the piss out of them. Fingers crossed.
grownbykane. I will be the only one smoking this weed. I don't grow enough for others. Killing this is last resort. I will also be soaking this in peroxie after harvest. High times has the video that I'm hoping works. 6-8 oz. of peroxide per 5 gal. of water.
if i had to choose between moldy bud and peroxide soaked bud, i would choose no bud at all... my 2 cents i guess...


Well-Known Member
i hope i got here in time lol....a. that doesnt look all that bad but i cant see it all check inside the bud spread it open look everywhere and get a dehumidifier going immediately..harvest it all in a week tops and dry try to get a quicker cure on it and possibly save it as good smokeable bud... choice b. you realize its full of mold and if your going to ingest this one way or another maybe just make butter and cook the weed in the crock pot and that will kill all the mold and not possibly ruin your weed like peroxide might


Well-Known Member
mmm nvm i just looked at more pics thats pretty white lol...if you can discard the worst parts and alot of plant is mold free i would harvest now and separate the moldy bud and toss it and watch the rest closely...otherwise if its all that white its trash you let it get that far!!!!!


Well-Known Member
This plant has mold, but not that bad. The pic's make it look worse than is. The two single branch pics are the worst and were cut off. I looked at the bud pics w/ a jewlers eye and all I see is tricombs. the white is frosty maybe? I looked at the white spots on the single branch pic. Could clearly see what the mold looks like. I don't see it anywhere else. BTW 90% cloudy on the tric's. I'm going to pull a few more branches off tonight and inspect. The plant next to this has 4" round colas. I see crying in my future. The two branches in a pic. with viisble white on them was just a part of a branch, had several other buds on the branch and I trimmed them up and they are drying, no sign of mold. I will pull a bud apart tomorrow to see if any got inside, but looking good so far. The leaves on the stuff drying were frosty, just like the colas in pics above


Well-Known Member
Well I just cut off about half the plant. trimmed up and looks good. no sign of any mold. I also took half of what I took off and gave it a peroxide bath. Just to see if it comes out any different. The peroxide bath is about 6 oz of peroxide to 5 gal. water. After bath, use spray nozzle on sink or hose at a light spray. rinse off peroxide and dry in front of fan for about a half hour, then trim and hang.


Active Member
A peroxide bath is going to ruin your buds smoke ability. That said you can still do it and get great oils/butter very safely out of it.


Well-Known Member
I sprayed both plants last nite. I figured why wait, instructions say do it while light are on, but I was nervous about burning them by putting on in the light. shut light down for a few hrs and sprayed. waited till visible water from leaves were gone. Turned light back on. I went ahead and finished harvesting the one that still showed signs of mold. Cut off all of mold, we will wait and see. That might become butter. The other plant shows very little if any mold. Need about 7 to 10 more days for that one, got my fingers crossed.
go buy FungaFlor immediately. It is a total release fogger the active ingredient is Imazalil. Imazalil is used on pretty much all fruit when they are stored in cold storage. Put the bomb on an upside down five gallon bucket in the middle of your room. Make sure there is nothing directly above the bomb. Make sure no plants are with in three feet of the bomb. The bomb will cause some minor tissue damage, however, it is better than having mildew all over your product.


Well-Known Member
What is tissue damage? I'm Looking for a place that carries fungaflor . The plant I have left is showing frosty on colas, I seen what the white spots (mold) looks like under a 40x, would it look the same on bud leaves? This other plant was right next to the one with mold. But shows no sign of mold. Keeping fingers crossed and going to bomb with fungaflor clean grow box and room with soap and bleach water. Wish this baby would finish up quik. it's at 50 days flower now.
I will take a pic. by itself tonight. It is the plant in the back of this pic.



Well-Known Member
I just looked at the plant I have left and a little visable mold on leaves. None on bud leaves. I cut 4 frosty (white maybe mold) peices off different bud leaves. Looked under a 40x and it has all tricombs. I have 3 or 4 fans on this one plant. Read on here that mold dosen't like wind, so if any is floating around in room, they wont have a chance to sit on this plant. I'm hoping to keep it at bay useing pm wash 1 more time in about a week. I used it yest and it seems to be keeping it at bay, won't know for sure for a few days. I'm just hoping all this treatment and fans don't stunt the growth, which will delay or prolong the treatment.
I'm not going to grow during winter anymore until I do some research. My humidity was low the whole time, maybe to low,, 20 to 40. Has drop to 16% a few times. I had two decent grows and then cold weather changed everything.