Mold or Mildew need help (pics included)


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about me posting on your threads again either because your a noob that doesn't deserve the valuable info. that I have. BTW,the milk idea is weak your a noob for even using that.
Are they not the one's that need this "valuable info" the most... What would the point of this site be if there were no "noobs" (a word I despise and have never used, BTW) and the only people here were "the best" growers around?.. Then all that would be happening here is everyone just showing their bud porn and that's about it. Google would be just as good if thats what you want...

He ASKED a question in the "Marijuana plant problems" thread just looking for an answer... And some people can't go throw away $150 for some device they're gonna use once... Milk is a HELL of a lot cheaper!

I personally have never had any mold or milder or whatever, any big kinds of problems with growing... So I can't help answer the question. But if it was ME, PERSONALLY, I'd be trying that milk spray and hoping it works... Cuz I've heard of it from many many more than just the one dude that posted to do that in this particular thread. And if it works, FUCK spending $150 to get the same result.

Just throwin out my $0.02

-Hookd :mrgreen:

Sulphur Vap. Which IMO is a bad Idea, and I wouldn't smoke herb which had been in an environment with sulphur vapor in the air, that is nasty.
Also just wanted to say I agree with Shrubs on this!

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
Milk works by raising the pH on the leaf surface. Thats what basically
all mildew preventatives do. Theres nothing you can do to get rid of
what is on the plant, as soon as you see the PM on the surface, it is
within the cells of the plant itself.

For future prevention however you will want to disinfect the entire grow
space along with all of your equipment. Idk why some people don't believe
you can't control it with products besides Sulphur Vap. Which IMO is a bad
Idea, and I wouldn't smoke herb which had been in an environment with
sulphur vapor in the air, that is nasty.

I feed with a systemic called Azamax which helps prevent pests and mildews
using Neem oil. I am also on a foliar regiment which I spray once a week using
Ed Rosenthol's Herbal fungacide, and Einstein's Neem oil, along with several other
products, these are simple ways to keep PM at bay, I am in week 5 of flowering
and where I have had PM issues in the past, I am completely clean.

Also, controlling nightime temps and humidity is a must, it can be difficult, but
you do not want an over fluctuation when the lights are off, this was a big problem
which I have also had in the past. I have since figured it out.

Air movement is also key, you need a lot oscillation in order to keep stale pockets
from forming.


ok well if anyone is still reading this thread cuz it seems like your busy crying but a sulfer burner is not the only way to stop mildew and i have only heard bad things, never heard of the milk thing but if it works then do it...personally when i get some powdery mildew(cuz my a c is a piece of crap) i mix water with baking soda, mix it so it kinda looks like milk...that has a ph of 7 and mildew cannot grow in that condition so spray that all over the leaves and it should dry to a fine powder that you can just brush or wash off...always worked for me...

Shrubs First

Well-Known Member
ok well if anyone is still reading this thread cuz it seems like your busy crying but a sulfer burner is not the only way to stop mildew and i have only heard bad things, never heard of the milk thing but if it works then do it...personally when i get some powdery mildew(cuz my a c is a piece of crap) i mix water with baking soda, mix it so it kinda looks like milk...that has a ph of 7 and mildew cannot grow in that condition so spray that all over the leaves and it should dry to a fine powder that you can just brush or wash off...always worked for me...
It is really all about pH in this case. I spray with foliars as high as 9 and it doesn't
hurt the plants. No way PM grows in there.
Ty guys for the good advice. im going to try a few different things and see what works best. And yeah the best thing to prevent this was to fix the circulation. what happened was I had a fan in the veg room but when I moved a few over to the bud room I moved the fan as well and didnt have a second one. I've since then bought 2 more fans but I was just late in buying them which resulted in the mildew. I still see mildew on a few leaves here and there but it looks a ton better thanx to the guys trying to help. To Smokey927 and the other guy that were having the standoff, I dont mean to be a dick but u guys did kinda get off topic for like 2 pages. I hope what I said doesnt make you not want to help out around here, just maybe stay more on track next time.
So I have one last question to what shrubsfirst said. you said its in the cells of the plant now? does that mean its pointless to cut clones from the plants then? because these were my mother plants that got the powdery mildew


Well-Known Member
Dont worry about me posting on your threads again either because your a noob that doesn't deserve the valuable info. that I have. BTW,the milk idea is weak your a noob for even using that.

Dont believe everything you hear. even from the grow store. alot of bull shit out there. if you want to get rid of mold its simple. get a sulpher burner and burn sulfer with the lights off for a couple days. it smells bad but it works. keep your humidity lower i bet you run it at like 70% try to get it to at least 40% try to keep your temp under 80 and make sure you have gud air flow


Well-Known Member
So I have one last question to what shrubsfirst said. you said its in the cells of the plant now? does that mean its pointless to cut clones from the plants then? because these were my mother plants that got the powdery mildew

Yes it is pointless, the clones will have pm. The powdery white stuff on the leaves are just the flowers of the fungus. Each little spot of exposed mildew contains thousands of spores, and it really only takes one to infect a new plant. look into a product called greencure, it's not to expensive and saved my harvest in the past. Also before you put any new plants in you grow area all infected plants must be gone and you need to bleach everything or at least use some h202. good luck


Well-Known Member
Powdery mildew is is inside your plant...its herpes for weed ...... there are treatments

Milk, 1/4 cup to 32 oz water....h202 1/4 cup to 32 oz water... these work but you need to apply every 4-5 days..

Greencure works for 10-12 days.....these you wanna use when your in flower as they are organic treatments.... not cures.....all can be used up to the day of harvest...just spray in the morning hours of light so your buds can dry

If you are looking for a cure to PM.... Eagle 20 EW is a systemic fungicide that used on wanna use this product during veg growth or onset into flower it stays inside your plant for 30 days

Remember all clones or starts taken from an infected plant will pass the PM to usually wont see it until your in flower

Sulfur vapes cover everything your plants walls floor ..stinks like rotten eggs...require repetitive treatments also



Well thats sad news man. I have some good variety and would hate to trash the mothers. ill see waht that eagle stuff can do.