Mold on plants should i treat or trash it?


Well-Known Member
That will do absolutely nothing. Once again keep putting a baby size bandaid on that flesh wound.
Back off a bit guy.... you got 10 whole posts and yet you are shooting down everyone that disagrees with ya or offers a different, organic solution. There are 10 ways to skin a cat, or so they say. You do not have the one, sole, correct answer.... Maybe sit back and chill and absorb some knowledge?


Well-Known Member
ok bro your in flower you want to use a organic fix..... :)

Milk mixed with water can be used but PM will reappear in about 3-4 days..... you can also use baking soda mixed with water with the same results

Try using a 32 oz spray bottle of water mixed with greencure and 1/2 cup 3% hydrogen peroxide ...all organic fixes

Greencure can be used up til the day of harvest its bicarbonate.... Greencure kills the powder mildew you see on the leaves on contact....H202 kills the pm inside the plant by raising the ph to a level for 4-5 days where PM can not live

Dont not use Eagle20 if you are in flower... that stuff is systemic and not organic

Powdery Mildew is a air born spore

A 100% clean up of your grow area is also required walls ceiling fans.... everything...with a bleach water mix


Well-Known Member
Last time I had PM it appeared on one plant early on and I sprayed it with H2O2, 3%, and never saw it again, until I was getting ready to take dry bud and place it in jars.... ;p (that's where my water cure knowledge comes from.)


Thank you all for helping me out in my time of need i truly love this website and the people who make it great.

i decided to harvest early i will post pics of the finished product also i used Green Cure it's been 2 days and they look good i would recommend green cure over the baking soda- milk- h202- techniques.

P.S. I bought a dehumidifier for my next grow


Well-Known Member
ongrats on the de-humidifier. wath your buds arefully as they dry.... that PM WILL show up on the inside and it an get nasty. I one went to pinh a bud and pak a bowl and had white powder ome squirting out of the bud.... not a pretty thing to have happen when you have 7 ounes all doing it.


Well-Known Member
I have the same problem on three of my plants. I've sprayed with a solution containing ph up, few drops of dish washing soap, h202. Everything looks better than what it was, a few spore areas came back and I just clipped the leaves. Do you think my local hydroshop will have greencure, popular product?
so do u mix the greencure and h202 and water in one bottle? Or do u use a bottle for the greencure solution and use a seperate bottle for the h202 and water mix and treat the plant twice, once with each solution?
Can u specify how much of each to add to the water? distilled water? ph balanced? Thanks!


I have the same problem on three of my plants. I've sprayed with a solution containing ph up, few drops of dish washing soap, h202. Everything looks better than what it was, a few spore areas came back and I just clipped the leaves. Do you think my local hydroshop will have greencure, popular product?

so do u mix the greencure and h202 and water in one bottle? Or do u use a bottle for the greencure solution and use a seperate bottle for the h202 and water mix and treat the plant twice, once with each solution?
Can u specify how much of each to add to the water? distilled water? ph balanced? Thanks!