mold mold mold mold mold!!!!!! omegaw!!! my top cola died on a plant and it molded!

As someone who has grown a few moldy buds before, here are a few things to keep in mind for the future:

It's almost always going to start near the center of the buds. The first sign is usually a single dead leaf in the middle of a bud. When you notice that, you want to remove that whole bud immediately to reduce the chances of it spreading. Mold/bud rot is usually more subtle indoors, you probably won't get a full-on meltdown like you might have outdoors.

Most molds require high humidity or even liquid water on the leaf surface to germinate, but once they've germinated they will continue to survive even when the humidity drops.

More important than low humidity is stable humidity and temperatures. Big swings of either one can lead to condensation inside the buds, which is the perfect environment for mold to get started. I like the temp/RH meters where you can see maximum and minimum numbers, too. Sometimes when the lights go out, temperature will drop, causing the humidity to spike, which can lead to condensation (look up what "dew point" is). A meter with a min/max function can help you spot that sort of thing, which happens when you're not looking.

Airflow has two parts - exhausting/exchanging the air inside the tent or closet quickly, which will help reduce any sudden changes in temps and humidity from things like lights turning on/off or watering. And good circulation inside the tent or closet, which will prevent pockets with little to no air movement, where humidity can build up.

Phew, sorry that was a lot. Moldy buds suck! Sorry for your loss, chalk it up to experience and you'll do better next round!
thank you for your input! this last grow i grew in a 2ftx6ftx8ft closet with no air circulation im currently on my second grow in the same closet but i will not flower them in there! i will buy a grow tent with a centrifugal fan for my closet im really excited about my second grow but im also scared about more mold :( im super scurred :((( if i loose another grow due too mold i might just cut off a finger lmfao no bs :(

Don’t let your humidity get over 60
thanks man i am actually buying a small dehumidifier for the inside of my new grow tent it only costs 50 bucks on ebay! i will never let humidity cross 50% :) thank you for your tip :)

Dehu +ac +ipm + silica + 24/7 ventilation +uva and maybe small bursts of uvb , leaving baking soda fridge packs around the house, and growing resistant strains can help also thinning out the plants too
i am buying a grow tent + dehu + a centrifugal fan for 24/7 ventilation + CMH 315watt light instead of 240watt led light so i hope that uv helps fight the mold!!! i think this second grow i will do alot better! alot better! im hoping i can get 1gpw with a phillips 3100k cmh bulb! imagine 300 grams of dry nug! OMEGAWOP'GFJWEFJEAFOJAPFJAWJFWAJPFWAP[J
We all did something that wasn’t good for you.
I remember drinking a beer that some knucklehead threw his cigarette butt into - i was hammered so i was ok. I gagged on it and washed it down with another beer.

or as a kid - Mystery meat day at school cafeteria.

Only thing nowadays that makes me hurl is Jaggermeister
( hate that shit ):spew:
i cant talk smack on jaggermeister the last time i drank that stuff my brother got us a fifth and we pounded it down and danced lmfao i actually like it!
fifth of jaggermeister + a couple joint's = a great time! :D
You got bigger problems to consider.

Smoking moldy bud is terrible for you.

That bud did not turn overnight. You need to keep a closer eye on your plants.

Your airflow or humidity is fucked, at 5 weeks your plants probably haven't packed on the bulk of their weight, meaning that this is going to be a bigger problem the further on you get.

I would start over, clean everything, and consider reading a book on the subject. The grow Bible is a great start for basic concepts.
Start over no problem but thats bad

Do you have more seeds or no?
Guys i have a plant that the top of the cola completely died and molded!!! i just figured out that it was dead and i plucked it off and it was full of mold!!! i still took a fat bong hit too see if the weed would get me stoned and it got me blasted into cloud nine! and made me vomit violently all over my bathroom.....
what does it mean when the top of the main cola dies but all the rest of the buds are still alive?
i have been keeping this plant with the rest of my plants does this mean mold might have gotten into my other plant?
i am chopping both plants down on friday! and starting over! my plants are burly 37 days in flower but mold is not cool so ima killboth plants i have flowering and starting over i am so scared that ima dry everything and its gonna be infested with mold!!! OMEGAW!!! what a way too end a first grow lmfao
Heres a pic of the bud that died
View attachment 5297417
Get a spray bottle and a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. Mix the hydro with water 1:20. Soon as you see any mold start spraying twice a day until gone for 2 or 3 days. If it comes back do it again. Nothing poison about water and peroxide.
What's your relative humidity in the cab/tent?

If it's consistently 50-60 % plus that's what's causing your rot.

Get a dehumidifier, stick it in there, set it to 40% RH and never worry about this happening to you again.

You can also use an A/C if you have heat issues also, and kill two birds with one stone (heat and humidity).

Good luck.