squash borer,i believe bro.google it.its a worm laid by moths now inside your stem eating away.prolly gonna have to amputate that.So i've stumbled over something that I think might not be good for my crops lol...
Can someone help me verify?
aint growing outdoors a bitch? always something lol.gl broFUCKKK.
Thank you!!
oh ye stem borers,late in the yr where u atFUCKKK.
Thank you!!
aint growing outdoors a bitch? always something lol.gl bro
oh ye stem borers,late in the yr where u at
Yes it is, i actually grew in the same spot last year and didn't have this problem, just went back to check up on them and i found one of the larvaes near a nug site. Also found a hole right in the stem of one of the main colas where one probably got in, i also found some eggs on leaves around it, i dont know what to do..
not sure how far you are in flower.i know bt works on worms but these guys burrow.they need to eat that bt to die.and im always real hesitant about spraying (anything)during flower. spinosad(monterys) should kill the eggs you cant see, crush the rest.like i said,depending on how far you are in flower,id use spray sparingly.Yes it is, i actually grew in the same spot last year and didn't have this problem, just went back to check up on them and i found one of the larvaes near a nug site. Also found a hole right in the stem of one of the main colas where one probably got in, i also found some eggs on leaves around it, i dont know what to do..
not sure how far you are in flower.i know bt works on worms but these guys burrow.they need to eat that bt to die.and im always real hesitant about spraying (anything)during flower. spinosad(monterys) should kill the eggs you cant see, crush the rest.like i said,depending on how far you are in flower,id use spray sparingly.
they are a real bitch.i had them for the first time as well this summer
ive read where ppl have drove a thin gauge wire(think piano,picture hanging wire) up the hole to stab those fuckers.might be worth a shot.i cut one of my branches then split it up the middle to see the worm for myself,it was not too deep.totally possible to shank them with that wire.might be worth a shotIm about a week to two into flower so theres not much buds yet just lots of hairs, i have some neem oil that im thinking about using, i found more sawdust shit on other colas so the whole plant seems to be infected, really shitty cus it was one of the better plants that had like 6 main colas. I think im just gonna wing it with the neem oil spray and pray that it does some justice, worse comes to worse i lose a plant that would have prob produced a pound(+) i checked the other 5 i have and they seem to have no trace of them. I will spray those ones as well tomorrow around noon. And as for the larvaes that have already made a hole and are burrowing, im going to try and spray some water in the holes to see if i can drown them out...lol, idk i'm high -.-
ive read where ppl have drove a thin gauge wire(think piano,picture hanging wire) up the hole to stab those fuckers.might be worth a shot.i cut one of my branches then split it up the middle to see the worm for myself,it was not too deep.totally possible to shank them with that wire.might be worth a shot
ive read where ppl have drove a thin gauge wire(think piano,picture hanging wire)
yes,great call.piano wire would be a little thick wouldnt it.Guitar string
course bro,anytime.get em!Shit that's a pretty smart idea I'm gonna try that tomorrow thank you for all the advice and info bro i appreciate it!
yes,great call.piano wire would be a little thick wouldnt it.
I was able to slice stem an digem out an tape up sliceive read where ppl have drove a thin gauge wire(think piano,picture hanging wire) up the hole to stab those fuckers.might be worth a shot.i cut one of my branches then split it up the middle to see the worm for myself,it was not too deep.totally possible to shank them with that wire.might be worth a shot