Mold? Just dug up my killa it smells like shet!


Well-Known Member
not if it really had mold, he did the right thing sucks but if you have questions dealing will mold you shouldn't chance any of that shit... well how did you get mold in your lungs or whatever opens a can of worms...... better luck next time


Well-Known Member
dude i just found some mold on 2 of my outdoor plants colas!!!
It was brown and when i touched it that part of the bud cumbled..suks I had to chop early and cut away all that shit... they were only a week or so away from peakness.. I was wondering if anyone knows what would happen if i happen to miss cutting out some of the mold, will it cantaminate other buds in the curing process? etc..


Well-Known Member
YEAH that is prob true... i guess i just always play it safe than sorry even if it could take out the mold. Anyway lol i reread what I posted and I musta been token to much lol!
Damn is everyone having mold problems now, i mean if your humidity is low i dont think anyone should be having those issues or maybe i am still too stoned to be saying this... anyway....... sorry bout that shit man


Active Member
Dirthawker- it can. Cut it all away and make sure that you remove all contaminated clippings from the area completely. As with all plants, fungus/mold is pretty contagious from plant to plant. You're better off cutting more to be safe than risking a larger infection on the plant (or having it infect your other plants).


New Member
dude i should slap u in the face why the fuck would u hid weed in the ground y dont u just hid it in ur house like narmal ppl would do shit if it real northern light like it look like it real i would smoke it


Well-Known Member
Honey oil made easy

If you do the honey oil extract,you can remove the thc from moldy buds.All the plant material is left behind including the mold and the resin is filtered through the screen,then toss the crappy shit and keep the oil.The link i found does talk about mold but it will work,plus mold cant live in freezing temperatures :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
Mate, picture a jay that you suck on, realize that only the very end is lid, so 95% is untouched by the flame when you suck. Mold spores become airborne very easily, that's how they spread, especially when you suck it through a funnel.
Mold needs 3 things to thrive: Darkness, Humidity & a food source.
Now picture the inside of your lungs, dark, humid and plenty of organic matter. Not a winning combo!
I would try to make some hash ;)


Well-Known Member
Bullshit... Bullshit... Bullshit... Nobody who has an ounce of common sense would throw away a quarter pound of N.L because it smelled like shit....please get a dog or cat for attention and quit posting bullshit like this on here....and guys quit buying into this shit he's probably a 15 year old thinking he's tricking a bunch of stupid burnt out stoners...uhhh


Well-Known Member
seems to me from a bio standpoint that if you did a alcaol extraction that the mold would never be able to survive a bath in it, plus thatd be some killer oil!! litterally deadly!


Well-Known Member
yeah that shit is trashed today. Not worth it at all. i almost listened to a couple of people here and was going to dry and smoke it. Thanks for the heads up, your answer sounds more reasonable.
yeah bro you're welcome. you can end up with nasty infections from smoking wet moldy weed.
unfortunate but all you can do really is chuck it.

Well-Known Member
ohyeah the reason its wet : buds sweat and you have to open the jar every like other day

Well-Known Member
seems to me from a bio standpoint that if you did a alcaol extraction that the mold would never be able to survive a bath in it, plus thatd be some killer oil!! litterally deadly!

well you cook it and it makes hash:wall: