mold in organic soil okay?


Well-Known Member
I store my soil in a storage tote. I inadvertently left some stems and leaves in one with some soil and didn't vent it properly. It appears to be growing tons of Aspergillus on the stems (tall white looking structures, almost look like giant trichomes).

Should I completely toss this soil and sanitize the tote, or should I be alright just removing the bulk of the moldy stems/leaves?

Btw, the soil has been recycled quite a bit, and it mostly has the Jobe's Tomato granules in it for feed. I just bought a brand new 3 cu-ft bag of peat moss, some vermiculite, and blood and bone meal (Jobe's) for my next grow, and I'm not sure whether or not I should mix it into this stuff. It's only about 1-2 cu-ft worth of soil, so It's not too big of a deal if I toss it.


Well-Known Member
Alright, I just wasn't sure...I know that there's lots of bacteria and fungi in soil, but I wasn't sure if because it may have gone a bit anaerobic that it may have allowed some baddies to take over or something....especially with Aspergillus, there's so much negative info out there about it despite the fact that it's said to basically be everywhere.