Molasses with Propionic Acid in it. safe for tea?


Well-Known Member
The only type of molasses i can get around my house is a feed grade molasses with propriotic acid in it as a preservative. I was just wondering if this would harm my AACT mixture.

I have done some research into the matter and the results are mixed. Some say it should be harmless while some say there are anti-bacterial properties to the acid.

I just dont wanna pour this molasses into my tea and smoke all the bacteria and fungi in it. I use ancient forest, zho, voodoo juice, and a little FF big bloom.

I take the ancient forest and propogate the fungi in it by moistening it and adding oats to it and letting it sit for 3-5 days before i brew my tea.

Tea works well but im just looking for a more economical approach to the sugar and the molasses would last me MUCH longer.

Maine Brookies

Active Member
Well, what's a preservative do? It prevents food from spoiling. What causes food spoilage? Bacteria. How does a preservative prevent food from spoiling? By preventing bacteria from multiplying. If you don't mind the possibility of inhibiting bacterial, i'd say go for it.

On the other hand, it couldn't hurt to try and make a tea from it. The worst that could happen is you don't use it. If you get a nice thick foam on the AACT then you have a strong microherd. You might need to brew longer than usual to allow the bacteria time to deplete the preservative's effects.


Well-Known Member
I use the same stuff. Of course it was being sold as an attractant to deer hunters. LOL, for $8/gallon I didn't care. Plus, it is Hi Brix to boot. The ingredient list is what I look at anyway.

So far, even with the propionic acid, it seems to be working just fine for teas and normal molasses usage.

However, for 'sensitive' stuff, like expanding EM-1, or the MycoGrow soluble, I keep a bottle of regular unsulfured blackstrap molasses. Just to be on the safe side.



Well-Known Member
Well i added it this mornin and my compost tea is still foamy and smelling good. Dont think it hurt the bacteria in there. Plants are going apeshit over this tea though. Started using pro mix bx and using the compost tea, theyre goin nuts.

Maine Brookies

Active Member
Wikipedia says it's effective controlling mold at a rate of up to 1% by weight so you might have problems at rates around 3TBS/Gal.