First off don't spray your buds with molasses for added weight. That guys a retard. Like resflowers said molasses will feed your beneficial bacteria to break down organic matter, it doesn't feed your plant, and your stems are not straws. They will not suck up every thing you feed them. It is broken down down first. If your not growing with organic living soil, skip the.molasses. it won't do anything for you.
First off,..don`t go the E-Foo way with me,...I`m the best there`s eva been without going to Georgia !!
Second,..It will NOT increase the potentcy, it will help the grow and thicken the sap but not the potency. I don`t do it !!
Third, the oldest trick in the books is to cloud or spray the crop just before harvest to add weight by slowing evaporation/drying !!
I did not comment on the yeild,...that would be guessing at best !!
I did not say that I spay or cloud my plant either, "get smart" all you want,...but don`t get smart with me !!