Moisture stress or heat stress?


Active Member
well the leafs are doing a bit of curling at the seam. almost looks like over watering but i hadnt watered them since friday, just watered them today, so i dont think its that.
any ideas?



Well-Known Member
fist there stretch to the breaking point of there lives. if you bud them they may not support the weight of the buds as for heat or moister stress i don't see any its just not a health plant all around dude sorry


Active Member
as sickstoner sed there streched . means not enough light . the stems are really weak .. what kind of light u using . how far away isit ? get a oscillating fan on them and give them nitrogen to help strengthen the stems.
otherwise when u flower them the weight of the buds will pull the branches down not only that but the stems will produce fuck all buds because there too small to transplant any nutrients to the bud sites .. hope that helps ?


Well-Known Member
thought i would show you a pic of a healthy un-stretched plant.

Granted the bottoms are a little yellow but that was a N difficiency early on in its life.

Day 48 from seed.




Active Member
the light is like MAYBE 6 inches from the tops, its a 400w mh,
gonna throw in another 400w in this week think that will help or what?