Moisture and cold. . .


Greetings, first post.

I have a question or two about temps and rain . . .
It looks like it's going to be raining for about the next 10 days at least. The forecast is for temps in the day to be between 50 and 60, the lows at night about 40-50.
I built a roof for it before it started raining this year. It's only seen one or two days of rain, it's never been wet because of it.
Last week it got down to about 30 degrees for a couple of nights so I enclosed it.

2 weeks ago I took a couple of branches off of it, last week I took a small one off, and yesterday I took 3 of them. I chose to take off ones that weren't getting the best light and ones on the inner part of her that would restrict air flow.

At full glory, she had 13 branches. She's a little over 6 feet tall and was almost 4 feet wide at one time.

I'll add pics, but am wondering if I should panic and cut the rest of it down before there's way too much humidity in the air. (I've notices zero condensation inside the plastic so far.)
Will my little greenhouse be enough?



Well-Known Member
Add a fan you should be ok. I had more issues in September then I do now with rain, humidity, dew and night temps in the 30's. Too, it's got at least a few weeks to full maturity.


Well-Known Member
I'd cut almost all the plastic off the sides. You'll be surprised how fast the humidity can create problems and you don't notice it til it's too late.


So far so good. Not a sign of moisture on the plant, it seems happy as hell. It's turning more purple by the day. 4 more days of rain and mild temps, then the forecast calls for 4-5 days of sun or partial sun in the 50s during the day. I'm going to try to make it until November.


Well-Known Member
I just found a mushy bud on one of my plants.....The girls got very wet during a storm 2 nights ago. Hoping it doesnt spread. I may have to chop this weekend.


This is how it looks as of this a.m. I'm not sure what to look for, are you guys ok with how things are going? I'm about to get a week of 50's sunny days and 30's-50's at night. Thoughts?




Well-Known Member
Let her go. Try and wait until most of the white pistils turn red or orange and start to recede into the swollen calyx. Must be a late bloomer, for outdoor I would highly recommend something with a quicker flower time next season.


Well-Known Member
I find that by late october, typical weather is so cool that the plants progess so slowly that it's barely worth waiting. Especially when you consider outdoor plants can be stolen and the longer you wait the more chance bud rot will be setting in on those bigger colas. Those plants have at least 3 weeks left in my opinion but you'd probably get a good head high from them now. Good save with the DIY mini-greenhouses.


in my opinion but you'd probably get a good head high from them now. Good save with the DIY mini-greenhouses.
I actually pulled off the first of it a few weeks ago and have been smoking it. It works pretty good, a nice mellow but gravity fed high. I've been sleeping like a baby at night.
Insight appreciated, thank you.