Mohican's Roaring 20's 2022 Season

Okay, the latest drama.

My Mom passed on April 29th. She has been in hospice for a year. I talked to her in March and she sounded like she always does/did. Called her for Easter and Dad said she had been unconscious for four days. She lasted ten more days. It is surreal. I don't know this world.

Sooooo, two weeks later and I am super dehydrated. Drinking three glasses of water at night and still waking up with a completely dry mouth! Try drinking out of a straw with a dry mouth - you can't create any suction! I hate the Santa Ana winds.

So, I am drinking tons of water and I still get constipated. It gets so bad I go to the Dr. and he prescribes a super (explosive) laxative. A lactose-based sugar compound. It works great! Almost didn't make it to the bathroom.

Next day I am doubled over and begging Mrs. Mo to take me to the ER.

Eight hours later and so many interesting occurrences - I get a bed. They insert an IV and I don't feel a thing. She was amazing! They put me on a synthetic opioid drip. Nice headrush but no pain relief (well, not immediately).

Doctor checks me out and says it isn't my appendix - yay! Says it could be diverticulitis. What!

They send me to get a CT (cat) scan. David zips me down there, and even though I am drugged up, every bump is like a knife in the belly.
I am able to get on the scan bed and they proceed. Weee. "Hold your breath." Breath held.

Zoom - back to the room. Now we wait. More trippy stuff occurs. ERs are fascinating places.

Dr. arrives with a puzzled look and begins with - "you have a humongous"...
Then he fumbles around trying to find the mouse for the computer. He repeats "a humongous..."
Now I am thinking tumor, or poop, or I don't know what!

And I ask "on my kidney"?
He says "yes, how did you know"?

I was diagnosed with simple kidney cysts the size of golf balls on my kidneys about 11 years ago.

He says one of them is 20 cm (7.8 inches) and calls it a baby's head. The other is over 10 cm.

I was actually relieved to hear the news. They can just aspirate (drain) them and I can lose over ten pounds of weight and lose this bloated belly pain. Blood pressure problems might be gone and bladder issues too!

I had two choices - get admitted and pay $50k to have them do it there, or make an appointment to have my Urologist do it. He had offered to drain them back when they were small (never saying that they could get so big mind you).

They send me home with a three-day supply of pain meds on a Thursday. The next morning, I was up calling my Urologist. “We can get you in on Wednesday.” Um, did you not hear that I was in the ER last night?

Luckily my pain subsided after a few more doses of explosive laxative.

Much medical red tape and research later, and I am seeing a specialist tomorrow to have them laparoscopically removed. Apparently draining does not guarantee that they don’t come back.

Wish me luck!
Okay, the latest drama.

My Mom passed on April 29th. She has been in hospice for a year. I talked to her in March and she sounded like she always does/did. Called her for Easter and Dad said she had been unconscious for four days. She lasted ten more days. It is surreal. I don't know this world.

Sooooo, two weeks later and I am super dehydrated. Drinking three glasses of water at night and still waking up with a completely dry mouth! Try drinking out of a straw with a dry mouth - you can't create any suction! I hate the Santa Ana winds.

So, I am drinking tons of water and I still get constipated. It gets so bad I go to the Dr. and he prescribes a super (explosive) laxative. A lactose-based sugar compound. It works great! Almost didn't make it to the bathroom.

Next day I am doubled over and begging Mrs. Mo to take me to the ER.

Eight hours later and so many interesting occurrences - I get a bed. They insert an IV and I don't feel a thing. She was amazing! They put me on a synthetic opioid drip. Nice headrush but no pain relief (well, not immediately).

Doctor checks me out and says it isn't my appendix - yay! Says it could be diverticulitis. What!

They send me to get a CT (cat) scan. David zips me down there, and even though I am drugged up, every bump is like a knife in the belly.
I am able to get on the scan bed and they proceed. Weee. "Hold your breath." Breath held.

Zoom - back to the room. Now we wait. More trippy stuff occurs. ERs are fascinating places.

Dr. arrives with a puzzled look and begins with - "you have a humongous"...
Then he fumbles around trying to find the mouse for the computer. He repeats "a humongous..."
Now I am thinking tumor, or poop, or I don't know what!

And I ask "on my kidney"?
He says "yes, how did you know"?

I was diagnosed with simple kidney cysts the size of golf balls on my kidneys about 11 years ago.

He says one of them is 20 cm (7.8 inches) and calls it a baby's head. The other is over 10 cm.

I was actually relieved to hear the news. They can just aspirate (drain) them and I can lose over ten pounds of weight and lose this bloated belly pain. Blood pressure problems might be gone and bladder issues too!

I had two choices - get admitted and pay $50k to have them do it there, or make an appointment to have my Urologist do it. He had offered to drain them back when they were small (never saying that they could get so big mind you).

They send me home with a three-day supply of pain meds on a Thursday. The next morning, I was up calling my Urologist. “We can get you in on Wednesday.” Um, did you not hear that I was in the ER last night?

Luckily my pain subsided after a few more doses of explosive laxative.

Much medical red tape and research later, and I am seeing a specialist tomorrow to have them laparoscopically removed. Apparently draining does not guarantee that they don’t come back.

Wish me luck!

Good luck on all that. I hate medical issues. Hopefully this will take care of some things you've been going through.

Shit happens! I guess, hehe I guess we deal with what we get :blsmoke:
Okay, the latest drama.

My Mom passed on April 29th. She has been in hospice for a year. I talked to her in March and she sounded like she always does/did. Called her for Easter and Dad said she had been unconscious for four days. She lasted ten more days. It is surreal. I don't know this world.

Sooooo, two weeks later and I am super dehydrated. Drinking three glasses of water at night and still waking up with a completely dry mouth! Try drinking out of a straw with a dry mouth - you can't create any suction! I hate the Santa Ana winds.

So, I am drinking tons of water and I still get constipated. It gets so bad I go to the Dr. and he prescribes a super (explosive) laxative. A lactose-based sugar compound. It works great! Almost didn't make it to the bathroom.

Next day I am doubled over and begging Mrs. Mo to take me to the ER.

Eight hours later and so many interesting occurrences - I get a bed. They insert an IV and I don't feel a thing. She was amazing! They put me on a synthetic opioid drip. Nice headrush but no pain relief (well, not immediately).

Doctor checks me out and says it isn't my appendix - yay! Says it could be diverticulitis. What!

They send me to get a CT (cat) scan. David zips me down there, and even though I am drugged up, every bump is like a knife in the belly.
I am able to get on the scan bed and they proceed. Weee. "Hold your breath." Breath held.

Zoom - back to the room. Now we wait. More trippy stuff occurs. ERs are fascinating places.

Dr. arrives with a puzzled look and begins with - "you have a humongous"...
Then he fumbles around trying to find the mouse for the computer. He repeats "a humongous..."
Now I am thinking tumor, or poop, or I don't know what!

And I ask "on my kidney"?
He says "yes, how did you know"?

I was diagnosed with simple kidney cysts the size of golf balls on my kidneys about 11 years ago.

He says one of them is 20 cm (7.8 inches) and calls it a baby's head. The other is over 10 cm.

I was actually relieved to hear the news. They can just aspirate (drain) them and I can lose over ten pounds of weight and lose this bloated belly pain. Blood pressure problems might be gone and bladder issues too!

I had two choices - get admitted and pay $50k to have them do it there, or make an appointment to have my Urologist do it. He had offered to drain them back when they were small (never saying that they could get so big mind you).

They send me home with a three-day supply of pain meds on a Thursday. The next morning, I was up calling my Urologist. “We can get you in on Wednesday.” Um, did you not hear that I was in the ER last night?

Luckily my pain subsided after a few more doses of explosive laxative.

Much medical red tape and research later, and I am seeing a specialist tomorrow to have them laparoscopically removed. Apparently draining does not guarantee that they don’t come back.

Wish me luck!
That’s intense. I am so sorry for your loss. :hug: I hope you feel better soon.
Still trying to catch my breath from the news of my Mom when I had to go to the ER.

She was always smoking and drinking and living life hard. Her laugh could be heard over the din of any party. She was special and she is especially missed.

I am soooooo off balance right now. It's weird because the muscle memory gets me through the day but it's like I am somewhere else in my head/universe.

The garden and the gardeners are helping me.
Still trying to catch my breath from the news of my Mom when I had to go to the ER.

She was always smoking and drinking and living life hard. Her laugh could be heard over the din of any party. She was special and she is especially missed.

I am soooooo off balance right now. It's weird because the muscle memory gets me through the day but it's like I am somewhere else in my head/universe.

The garden and the gardeners are helping me.

Dang bro, rough start for the year. Condolences to you and your family. Stay hydrated lots of water with a splash of pedialyte every so often. Hope you feel better.
Thanks for the love!
I had my pre-op test for COVID and then the procedure happens Monday morning!
Opted for the simple imaging-guided needle option over the laparoscopy.
What can it feel like to have a gallon of fluid drained from a cyst sitting on your left kidney?
I imagine innards are going to be shifting.

Procedure was a success! 2.5 liters of fluid removed from the left cyst. Such a weird feeling as it shrank. I could see it in real time on the Ultrasound screen.
That’s great news. I share my Dept at the hospital with the nurses that do Thoracentesis procedures . I see all the huge glass jars filled with the fluid collected. A lot of the male patients come in looking like they are pregnant and so swollen , it’s sad. It looks so uncomfortable. I see it must be a huge relief to get it drained.